Tuesday, March 1, 2011

Turquoise And Brown Wedding Flowers

The baron solitude amid the communist agit-props

Die Hetzkampagne gegen den jetzt zurückgetretenen Bundesverteidigungsminister Freiherr Theodor zu Guttenberg ist schon ein starkes Stück an sich selbst übertreffender Heuchelei eines politisch-moralisch heruntergekommenen Landes.

Der glänzende westdeutsche Politiker war eine ernste Gefahr für die Hegemonie des sowjetischen U-Bootes, das im Dienst der Agit-Prop-Praktiken des SED-Regimes alles daransetzt, nicht nur die einst konservative und erzkatholische Christlich-Demokratische Union zu demontieren, sondern überhaupt alle Macht an sich zu reißen, indem es alle kaltstellt, die das U-Boot irgendwie in den Schatten stellen könnten. So war es mit Friedrich Merz, with Hohmann and some other more or less luminous figures. Now the Baron from middle-class, nobly and sophisticated home's turn, he was the obvious alternative to the zone Chancellor.

Communist Muff
have The necessary Bolshevik rope teams worked very well. The staged by Islamist pattern Orwellian Haßsitzung before the Ministry, which was covered with curtains with old sweat boots of communist mobs, has also served its purpose. The illustrious Baron was the victim of the proletarian Mob threw in the towel, abandoned by his father Dr. Rabe and his own party. umherpatrouilliert Since the U-boat in the western territories, has given up the whole Christian and Islamic-Democratic People's Party of the new leader of world peace and the spirit of any Mutreserven.

colossal managed all the denigration of the once splendid West German Federal Minister is due to his doctorate, he has acquired allegedly with a thesis that has been described as plagiarism, even though theses can not be anything in particular in Humanities as collections of quotations, statistics, doctrine and summary and worked up comments. Strictly speaking, there is probably outside the natural sciences, but if even under these difficult themes that lead to new and latest knowledge need. The whole affair looks more like the Haßdemonstrationen that the Islamist-Iranian totalitarian regime of the Ayatollahs once let fly against Salman Rushdy, as this the Satanic Verses, published in Persia, yet so none could have read, but the entire people, it seemed It was deeply outraged by the blasphemy of the Indo-British writer. Also reminds the whole production at the Haßdemonstrantionen in Arab countries against the cartoons of a Danish and against Denmark with the flag with a Christian cross, O crime anyway, but could find almost none of the protesters Phanat these cartoons have ever seen.

doctoral unnatural father
Responsible for Ph.D. cum laude 're probably the professors who made up the audit committee, and especially the Doctor Raven's father, who is now a coward rails against the baron to Guttenberg. They are the ones that would have been the time to find that the thesis was not properly - and it was perhaps but in the opinion of the Audit Committee. You can not make the students for any alleged negligent professional assessment by the auditor responsible either, especially if you him a "summa cum laude granted. Were the Lord professors such as drunk? Or were the men have even bought? REMEMBER now, many scientists, depending on who does what "scientific" expertise and what he's doing it loose. Besides, theses are not unique, but collections of quotes, sources, statistics, etc., which the students eventually worked up just to support his thesis. All the agit-prop is still very suspicious FDJ, would I say. The zone Chancellor does not need stars, she herself is one who, when alone in a limb, the best light, even if it is a bulb.

And not for nothing that her model of Catherine the Great, admitted so many opponents out of the way that did not fit into her plans. The difference today is that such machinations occur Sutil, but are just as effective.

How far the people in the crowd is manipulated, the surveys of the digital press. Many seem to have to step down. What's behind the whole theater is interested, probably few. Ultimately, however, only relatively a minority of current background in the picture. The Big Brother sends regards.

Saturday, February 19, 2011

Soundtrack Apprentice Usa

rebellion at the other end of the world

ended 100 years ago on the Caroline Island Ponape the uprising against German colonial rule in the South Seas

Until knew 100 years ago an almost German island Ponape, Pohnpei is called since 1990. Only when the root of the Sokehs 100 years ago, rose against the German colonial administration, the Caroline island moves to the attention of the German public. On 22 February 1911 ended the uprising. It touches on the biggest German Militäraktion was completed in the South Seas. to create

To be a connected German colonial territory in the Pacific, bought the German government of Spain beginning of 1899 following the American-English war in 1998 Mariana Islands and the Caroline Islands, including for 17 million marks from Ponape. Thanks to the prudent policies of the district's Albert Hahl is the usually recalcitrant Pohnpeians behaved peacefully and cooperatively. The German administration avoided in the interests of the indigenous population to intervene so that they initially had little impact on their everyday life had.

This alters in 1907, when the Colonial Office ordered that the German foreign possessions future via their budget should be largely self-generating in order to be independent of imperial grants. The feudal fief system on Pohnpei was the reason for the low productivity of the island.

was therefore arranged a land reform, which went ahead only slowly. In addition, the Pohnpeians exerted against their preoccupation in road construction, with the inhospitable island should be developed, passive resistance.

On 17 October 1910 came to the small, only by a stretch of sea from the main island separate island Dschokadsch A serious incident. After the office since the end of 1909 District Governor Gustav Böder a young Sokehs, who opposes road works at the instructions of the German overseer had, ten lashes did allow the administration, laid the Sokehs down to work. As Boeder heard of the events, he was not Bose's prescient and therefore unarmed row after Dschokadsch. He and his companions were massacred, their bodies geschändet and thrown into the sea.

ranghöchster As representatives of the kingdom of Acceptance shall the government doctor Max Girschner command and was then capital of Kolonia Pohnpei dressing for defense. It is sufficient to him long, by skillful negotiations, the four other tribal Pohnpeians to bring to his side. The Sokehs but subjected to the most hidden ridges, back in the mountains and entrenched themselves. The Colonial Office in Berlin discovered until November of the action in the South Pacific colony, after a mail steamer had run the island. By early January 1911 met five warships for carrying out a punitive expedition.

The German attack started on 13 January with a concentrated fire from the Schiffsgeschützen. Subsequently, the landing troops without loss of some uprising capture, but the majority were able to focus on the Hauptinsel abzusetzen. In den darauffolgenden Wochen verfolgten die Deutschen ihre Gegner, die immer wie- der überraschend aus dem Hinterhalt angriffen, über die ganze Insel. Durch die ständige Hatz und den Hun- ger zermürbt, legten immer mehr Rebellen die Waffen nieder und am 22. Februar ergaben sich die letzten Sokehs.

Obwohl die Gefechte auf bei- den Seiten nur geringe Verluste gefordert hatten, wurde in der deutschen Öffentlichkeit der Ruf nach Vergeltung laut. 36 Sokehs, die an der Tötung Boeders und seiner Begleiter beteiligt gewesen waren, wurden in Kolonia vor Gericht gestellt. Während der Verhandlung wurden auch entlastende Momente gewürdigt und den Angeklagten zugestanden, nicht killed from base motives to.

Nevertheless, the Court of 17 death sentences, which, however, were executed by shooting a 15. Sokehs Twelve were sentenced to imprisonment and forced labor, acquitted seven. To prevent further sat up, the 450 Sokehs were moved to the 2,000 kilometers from Palau Islands.

Banning preserved but only briefly, because in October 1914, Japanese troops occupied the German possessions in the South Seas. The Sokehs, had died in exile of starvation and disease could, in their home Ponape zurückkehren.

During the Second World War the island was frequently bombed by the U.S. Military because of his Japanese positions or fired. After the war, Ponape part of the Trust Territory of Pacific Islands was the United States. In 1986, the island gained after 100 years of foreign domination as the main island of Föderierten States of Micronesia, the independent.

Jan Heitmann
Prussian Allgemeine Zeitung 07/11