We wish you a Merry Christmas and happy holidays and thank you for your cooperation and your loyalty in 2009. http://www.bv-online-bildung.de
The company teletutoren.net was - initially as a network - in early 2006 Gabriela Pflüger , an expert on new technologies for learning (Tele-Akademie Furtwangen) and since 1998 as a freelance teletutor, speaker and lecturer in the field of new media, was established. (-> Link to this XING profile Gabriela Pflüger )
In the e-learning industry, the company has rapidly teletutoren.net a good reputation. Who is an online course in search of professional assistance for the design and care has been, and will soon find here. Overview of our future advisory services: http://www.teletutoren.net/angebot.htm
Satisfied customers are a number of educational institutions (eg VAME Academy, Study Community Darmstadt, DRC Academy, MFG Baden-Württemberg, etc.) but also those in the free economy like the Media-Saturn-Holding GmbH and TUI Leisure Travel GmbH
Annual special events during the exhibition Learntec (Karlsruhe) contributed next to the editorship of Online Tutoring Journal for establishing a solid industry teletutoren.net size. This time from the newly established "professional association for online education" - - 2010 will offer a special event at Learntec: http://www.learntec.de/cgi-bin/x-mkp/fair/section.pl?language = 1 & eve_id = 9 & Sec_ID = 284 & div_id = 118
the end of 2009 as a sole proprietorship, led by Gabriela Pflüger Network was, however, increasingly face a formidable challenge: permanent growth through new members, increasing demand for full-service provider of e-learning and parallel to the increased influence at the political level (eg in terms of training guidelines for future online tutors) were cope - and all personnel with limited options.
As the successor organization of the members was therefore at 23:09:09 in Cologne professional association for online education (eV i. Gr.) Founded der zum 1.1.2010 die komplette Mitgliederverwaltung des Teletutorennetzwerks übernimmt und dabei künftig eine europaweite Expansion und die Bildung von Regional- und Auslandsgruppen anstrebt. Dem Erfahrungsaustausch der im Berufsverband zusammengeschlossenen Mitglieder untereinander und der Möglichkeit der internen Weiterqualifizierung durch Online-Workshops wird neben der professionellen Interessenvertretung der im Verband zusammengeschlossenen Berufsgruppen auch künftig ein breiter Raum eingeräumt werden.
Zum Vorstand des Berufsverbands für Online-Bildung (e.V. i. Gr.) wurden folgende erfahrene und langjährige Mitglieder teletutors the network selected:
first Executive Board: Dr. Manuel Jans, Mönchengladbach
second Director: Inga Geisler, Overath
third Executive Board (Treasurer): Dr. Hildegard champion, Freiburg
first How are you on to the Assembly
In the Assembly the results and claims are presented. Then vote. After successfully led the General Assembly auditorium is cleared, ie, released on Thursday returned to the teaching. (Voting: 11 in favor, 2 abstentions)
After that, the resulting structures are strengthened, ie it should not in a prescribed distance, by meetings of working groups etc. The networking is to country and Germany will continue. If they say the vote is not enough students for the demands of the space is also cleared.
The first meeting after the General Assembly will take place Wednesday, instead of 9:12:09 at 19 clock in Grusewsky.
second Assembly - tasks
The email to all students, the written press group and sends it to the association.
for the following media should provide information to the general assembly and ballot are provided: - Novell pop-up at the HRZ (ASTA) à press group
are given 2000 Flyer in print à Sebastian
The voting form (A5) are designed and printed (2000 copies) à Sebastian and Timo
The location space required 274 ballots.
The team consists of the tallying of: 1x Asta, 1 each from each FSR, 1x tamper-Plenum.
For those who want to participate in the implementation of the General Assembly and the control of the strike vote is on Tuesday at the plenary compulsory attendance.
Konrad revised once the request for the student council ballot.
third week planning to Wednesday
On Tuesday and Wednesday will be held Advent actions. In addition, flyers distributed to students and Assembly mobilized. Mr Smith is asked if he wants to offer on Monday or Tuesday's lecture on communication guerrilla à Konrad
There is a limited company to organize a demonstration: Meeting Monday, 11.30. 10 Clock (Jerome, André).
TOP 1 report today
TOP 2 blank, Hildesheim, Berlin
TOP 3 Flyer
TOP 4 Cast weekend
TOP 5 lists
Item 6 Planning
TOP 7 Family Service office
TOP 8 New actions
TOP 9 Gender Lecture
TOP 10 Mensa
TOP 11 Video Cromwell
TOP 12 working groups
TOP 13 Other
TOP 1 report today
visit from the Greens :
you have gone today launched a fruit / vegetable crate. If the occupation was to go even longer, they would take us over like every week a box.
visit by IG Metall: There is no
morning coffee. So please do tomorrow at 9 clock to the IG Metall . Go
Demo Oldenburg:
drove us from 5 people to Oldenburg. One of them reported that he had seen the various groups on the Demo to be very divided. Also, their claims are couched in very unrealistic. We should learn from this that we prefer to formulate our demands so that we can relate directly to the FH.
TOP 2 blank, Hildesheim, Berlin
early morning runs to Sarah Leer. You can only depart when the posters ready are. Who else feels like to come along should contact Sarah.
Jerome and Sebastian going on leave tomorrow at 9:30 clock, there are still places available. Anyone interested, can register from 8:00 clock in Jerome.
on Saturday is a nationwide network meeting in Berlin. In Hildesheim, representatives are elected for Lower Saxony, the drive to Berlin.
TOP 3 Flyer
Because of the press group no one is there, the Flyers again we wanted to skip work on this point.
TOP 4 Cast weekend
sleep on Friday 4 people here.
sleep on Saturday 3 people here.
sleep on Sunday 6 people here.
TOP 5 lists
Sebastian must be asked about it later.
Item 6 Planning
Andre passes the task to Sirk.
TOP 7 Family Service office
Today, the President has met with the Family Service Bureau. Sirke was invited as a representative of AG students with children. She felt the president as very cooperative.
TOP 8 New actions
We resolve a growing public attention to excite. Ideas are Flash Pug Advent Calendar with protests at the university. The Working Group is founded Advent. There are participating: Basti, Sirk, Christian, Andre, Frank, Hannah, Lena, Barbara and Charlotte. It raised the questions whether the calendar should amount to a big campaign. The planning group will deal with it. The group meets on Friday at 9:00 clock.
TOP 9 Gender Lecture
We will not disturb the lecture directly. Anyone interested should listen to the lecture and the plenary report about the evening.
TOP 10 Mensa
The cafeteria today from the Student receive a decision that the General Assembly is today, and they therefore have to make lunch. After a short time, this misunderstanding has cleared up.
TOP 11 video Paul Cromwell
The video will be digitized. May not be posted on the Internet. The media technician Stefan takes over this task.
TOP 12 working groups
The House agrees that the posters will be updated in the hallway. Both further meetings are to be written on it as well as previous results.
TOP 13 Other
On Friday, an article about us in OZ.
GEW has written a declaration of solidarity. Unfortunately, none of us at the meeting of the GEW it. We should write a letter of thanks and ask for further assistance. This task must be forwarded to Sebastian.
Unfortunately we have no program for Friday.
kontainierte The food must be cleared away.
The opinion of FSR machine is on our e-mail address and not to be published.
us from a representative at the meeting FSRs, Asta and President has been brought to it.
is published on Monday at 19:20 a clock ZDF reportage on the web. We vote on it as positive that we want to see them in the plenary.