36 degrees and it gets even hotter ....
Samstag... 38 Grad im Schatten, eben frisch gemessen. Ich schmelze langsam aber sicher vor mich hin, fungiere nur noch als Umwandlungsgerät für gekühlte Flüssigkeiten: Eiswasser rein, Schweiß raus. Vorteil: im Baggersee ist sicher kein Pipi - wer kann bei der Hitze schon noch Getränke in Urin umwandeln, so weit kommt das eh nicht.
Ich habe einen nice place to get hold of a dense Bsuch, an umbrella stretched and just thinking if I the lobster-red older gentleman who bruzzelt for hours in the sun does not should invite under my umbrella. When he has actually moved the last time? hmmmm ... I take a closer look - ah, at least he's still breathing, seems to sleep ...
few minutes have passed when he turns around grunting. My question, if he does not want to in the shadows, he answered with a shocked "What I will not even brown" - Okay ... Furthermore, I think probably not to continue and watschle instead carefully over the sharp stones on the water.
Aaaahhh ... cool ... doing well until about Belly huaaaaah * * But what has to be that way. I hold my breath and walrus-like throw myself into the waves. Probably the first time that this has small tidal lake ;-) The fact that I'm not fat is probably still not got quite to my mind, because I am still looking for permanent, if no one sees me and yes, up until I have gone to his neck in the water ...
my circulation seems to have weathered the unexpected cold shower - my heart rate shoots up short, I happily paddle in the lake. Something touches me on the foot .... hmmm ... certainly a small fish - emphasis on small ...
times I look at my things - wants home afterwards without clothes have to - and see how can two guys on my towel down. Is about time that I walk out of the water ...
I paddle back to shore so and try to be as elegant as possible to get up, which in view of the sloshing water, my sensitive feet and the smooth stones is not so simple. More or less gracefully, I trudge out of the water on my clothes and look grumpy about the boys. "Hey - that's probably my towel on which your rumhockt because" I go Motz. Fortunately, the two in an age where they are from "older ladies" can say what. They whisper briefly look pretty blatantly on the breasts, then down along the chassis, giggle and warp, with a strong red in the face.
If I already have become so attractive that pimply youths giggle shyly and blushing?
A bit proud sloshes up in me. I sit back on my bath towels - of course not without first wrap a towel around my waist ... better safe than sorry ;-) ;-) ;-)
Saturday, July 10, 2010
Saturday, July 3, 2010
Mysore Kand Watch Online
hot and grease (pure)
It's warm. Everyone's has already noticed, all sweating and groaning. Is not like we have now feels like 30 months until winter successfully put behind us and then suddenly this scorcher. * Phew *
I sit here in the office and dream of balmy 23 degrees, a gentle Breeze and tumbling sea water soft around my ankles. The reality? Even now, just after 9:30 am, 30 degrees in the office, or even sea breeze no trace. Therapy has not grad mal ne discount action again? Mist is true. Percentages for all that has NO plug. But air conditioners have one. Whether I get the discount, if I simply plug a pair of pliers and after cutting off again towards craft? ;-) Probably not ... I also tolerate air-conditioning air is so bad, the nasal mucosa is so dry.
Well, I suffer under the temperatures significantly less than Moppel times, but today I feel kind of swollen. My ankles are somehow rund und auch der Rest - nix mit Bikini... Ich sollte wieder mehr Sport machen - und gestern abend die Pizza? Ich darf gar nicht dran denken *mistmistmist*
Dennoch überlege ich, ob ich die Arbeit heute nicht nach draussen verlege. Der gestrige Versuch mit meinem neuen Internet-Stick nebst Flatrate für's überall-Internetten war ein Erfolg. Kann ja nicht sein, dass jemand auch nur 10 Minuten im Freien verbringt und dabei weder bloggt noch twittert noch seine eMails abrufen kann - und ich mach auch noch mit. Schöne neue Welt ;-) Ich könnte also einfach irgendwo unter einen Baum hocken und die liegen gebliebenen Mappen fertig gestalten, die der Kunde am Montag haben will.
Verlockend... Noch viel verlockender: Eiscafé, bissel Passanten beobachten, Seele baumeln lassen. Nur dass mir besagter Kunde dann am Montag den Kopf abreissen wird.
Ich verschiebe das Raus-Gehen auf Mittags (NOCH ist es hier so weit erträglich, aber spätestens ab 14h fängt mein Gehirn an zu kochen und ich muss eh raus) und werde mich jetzt, ob brav, oh brav, meiner Arbeit zuwenden.
It's warm. Everyone's has already noticed, all sweating and groaning. Is not like we have now feels like 30 months until winter successfully put behind us and then suddenly this scorcher. * Phew *
I sit here in the office and dream of balmy 23 degrees, a gentle Breeze and tumbling sea water soft around my ankles. The reality? Even now, just after 9:30 am, 30 degrees in the office, or even sea breeze no trace. Therapy has not grad mal ne discount action again? Mist is true. Percentages for all that has NO plug. But air conditioners have one. Whether I get the discount, if I simply plug a pair of pliers and after cutting off again towards craft? ;-) Probably not ... I also tolerate air-conditioning air is so bad, the nasal mucosa is so dry.
Well, I suffer under the temperatures significantly less than Moppel times, but today I feel kind of swollen. My ankles are somehow rund und auch der Rest - nix mit Bikini... Ich sollte wieder mehr Sport machen - und gestern abend die Pizza? Ich darf gar nicht dran denken *mistmistmist*
Dennoch überlege ich, ob ich die Arbeit heute nicht nach draussen verlege. Der gestrige Versuch mit meinem neuen Internet-Stick nebst Flatrate für's überall-Internetten war ein Erfolg. Kann ja nicht sein, dass jemand auch nur 10 Minuten im Freien verbringt und dabei weder bloggt noch twittert noch seine eMails abrufen kann - und ich mach auch noch mit. Schöne neue Welt ;-) Ich könnte also einfach irgendwo unter einen Baum hocken und die liegen gebliebenen Mappen fertig gestalten, die der Kunde am Montag haben will.
Verlockend... Noch viel verlockender: Eiscafé, bissel Passanten beobachten, Seele baumeln lassen. Nur dass mir besagter Kunde dann am Montag den Kopf abreissen wird.
Ich verschiebe das Raus-Gehen auf Mittags (NOCH ist es hier so weit erträglich, aber spätestens ab 14h fängt mein Gehirn an zu kochen und ich muss eh raus) und werde mich jetzt, ob brav, oh brav, meiner Arbeit zuwenden.
Friday, July 2, 2010
Female Hemorrhoid Symptoms
July newsletter of the Professional Association for Online Education bvob
love bvob'ler,
since our inception, Much has happened board of directors and advisory boards have created the necessary formal and fiscal conditions for our common association's activities (statutes and other regulations), the office set up and planned the rest of the program for this year and organized. The members have already discussed in our network area, participated in events together and even to a workgroup. is
Overall we can say from many conversations that the bvob in the industry was well received and has attracted diverse interest. This is suggested the new members and gained the attention of industry-specific media. Now it is important to any professional body together specifically to develop further.
With this newsletter we also want to bring reason to the latest state of play and announce a series of bvob events, which will be held until the end of the year. In future, this newsletter is published regularly once a month.
With the successful end as soon as registration in the register and the relaunch of our website and through our extensive training and program of events, we want to "take off really" in the second half with all of you. We look forward to meeting you soon online or offline.
For the Board
Manuel Jans
The state of the foundation
Germany's bureaucracy makes it not easy for us! For months, we will provide the appropriate entry in the register of associations with the active support of our legal Beirätin Petra Geisinger (Thanks!) And authenticated by one hurdle after another out of his way. These barriers are especially due to the fact that agencies are dealing almost never with professional associations and accordingly here first need to build skills and expertise. But we are quite willing to help here as a learning companion ... ;-)
is now but the end of the bureaucratic gauntlet in sight the formal act of registration in the relevant register of associations is imminent. We will inform you about the joyous event.
the way: The bvob than so-called "Vorverein" ever since the establishment of fully legal and able to act. Theoretically. Sorry, we're all practically without opening the entry in the register an account, so we have also, for example, no membership fees for 2010 can move. So far, here are the board members went in advance to the ongoing costs, such as for registration in the register of associations (the payment of fees was contrary to everything else, very quickly!), The web space, etc. to pay. But that should hopefully yes soon change.
AG Virtual Classroom founded
When our first working group, the AG "Virtual Classroom" has (AG-VC) formed after some preliminary work on 07.06., Certainly in the context of a VC meeting. The company is directed by Ariane Anders and Anja Roeck and is currently drafting a rating system for VC's. This should be assessed in the virtual circuit to different rooms and a market overview for members to create bvob.
We thank the members for their initiative and wish you every success for the cooperation. We look forward to the results of this promising AG.
General Assembly 2010
Please do not forget: Our first annual general meeting after the foundation, on 13.10. around the trade fair held in Cologne HRM. From 18.30 clock starts the "come together", from 19.00 clock the General Assembly. The exact program and the location to be announced. Of your appearance, we would be delighted. soon
Coming: New Website
also in terms of our website ( www.bv-online-bildung.de ) we will in future continue to professionalize. Based on the CMS Typo 3, our sustaining member learntube! für uns eine neue Webpräsenz geschaffen, die wesentlich schicker und funktionaler sein wird als unsere bisherige Lösung. Der Relaunch der Seite steht kurz bevor, wir werden Sie darüber informieren. Oberhalb dieses Newsletters sehen Sie schon einmal als Vorgeschmack einen Screenshot der Testversion.
Darüber hinaus wird unser interner Netzwerkraum (Moodle) so in unsere Webpräsenz integriert sein, dass Sie sich hier direkt in den Mitgliederbereich einloggen können. Auch unser Moodle wird dann noch an das Corporate Design des bvob angepasst und um zusätzliche Funktionalitäten erweitert. An dieser Stelle schon einmal vielen Dank an Stefan Ramaker und das Team von learntube!.
put (new) members before
Since our inception, we have gained several new members that we want to welcome this opportunity to once again cordially. We are pleased that you contribute your expertise and your commitment to the bvob.
In the future we aim to offer our members the opportunity to change as the other members (via the internal newsletter) and the general public (through our website and the external news letters) present.
I would therefore ask all members who are interested, a self-introduction of a maximum time an A4 page with key information (name, qualifications, professional experience, activity difficult points, interests, contact information, etc.) as a Word file and possibly an image by e-mail: mJane @ bv-on-line bildung.de send. This self-concepts, we will then publish Chen successively.
The bvob in Online Tutoring Journal (OTJ)
It was at this point once again pointed out that the current edition of the OTJ is disputed by members of the bvob. These articles do a lot of the presentations again, which of the members of the bvob held at Learntec 2010 as part of our workshop were:
§ Manuel Jans / Gabriela Pflüger: As for the tele-tutors network of professional association Online education was
§ Anja Roeck: Online Learning Accelerated
§ Hildegard Champion: networked alone and yet - the use of Web 2.0 - tools to support tion of interaction in online learning groups
§ Julia Hunter: buy online tutoring skills certify - an initiative from Austria rich
§ Ariane Anders: On the technical editor for the screenwriter
All articles can be found at: http://www.online-tutoring-journal.de
The bvob in the press
The bvob has already found some mention in the press, even Thanks to the work involved by th Inga Geisler and Gabriela Pflüger.
A review of the published press releases and press reports can be found on the Moodle Platform:
If get to a press report that is not listed, please send it or the reference to the office (geschaeftsstelle@bv-online-bildung.de).
bvob site: Presence event in cooperation with D-Elan and Bibb on 07.07.2010 in Bonn
In cooperation with the Dt. Network of e-learning actors e. V. (D-Elan) invites der bvob am 7.7.2010 nach Bonn in die Räume des BiBB zu einer Präsenzveranstaltung zum Thema
„Virtuelle Räume – Lernräume der Zukunft“ ein.
Über die Vorzüge und Einsatzmöglichkeiten von Live-Online-Trainings wollen wir mit der Veranstaltung am 7. Juli in Bonn informieren. Auf der Veranstaltung bekommen die Teil nehmer Impulse und hilfreiche Tipps für die erfolgreiche Gestaltung von virtuellen Seminaren und Konferenzen.
Die Veranstaltung richtet sich an:
o Unternehmen und Organisationen, die sich informieren wollen
o Unternehmen und Organisationen, die darüber nachdenken Live-Online-Trainings selbst zu nutzen
o Educational institutions that wish to expand their offerings
o presenters and trainers, with live online training have experience to welcome
o newcomers who have no experience
We look forward to as many members of the bvob in Bonn.
You can register here: http://de.amiando.com/delan-vor-ort_bonn.html
The bvob on the big stage: Zukunft Personal, Professional Learning Conference Europe
On the Zukunft Personal in Cologne, the bvob the congress Profes sional Learning Europe (PLE) on Thursday, 14:10:10 von 09.30 - 12.30 clock the Workshop V: "E-Learning for Beginners - E-Learner support professional" contest.
receives order for our event a real workshop character, we do not lag on Frontalvor and with short introductory presentations, panel discussions as part of a "World Café" and a moderated plenary with the expected 100 participants on topics such as online tutoring, live Online training and of course also talk about the bvob. As facilitators and experts who appear to our members Katja bed, Anja Roeck, Hildegard champion, Inga Geisler and Manuel Jans.
Here we have the chance to personnel managers, Continuing education providers and trainers who want to (increased) to e-learning, to present as a professional association and to demonstrate the importance of professional tutorial support and professional (live) online training for the (learning) of success.
We would be delighted if our members would participate in large numbers. For us, the Zukunft Personal Organizer 40 free tickets available, access to the Congress will remain but probably a charge. We do our best here at the time to special conditions.
training events of 2010 bvob
In September we start our training program, which We will also want to invite non-members:
Further requested vocational training courses,
§ Sonja Högl / Anja Roeck: Introduction to a voice training for live online coach, VC
suggestions for further topics and speakers set up to: mjans@bv-online-bildung.de
All training events will be announced separately, been on you can then register for the binding event.
professional association for online education e. V.
office (i. Gr.)
Lölsberg 49
51491 Overath
fon: +49 22 06 91 02 31
fax: +49 22 06 91 02 33
mail: geschaeftsstelle@bv-online-bildung.de
Internet: www.bv-online-bildung.de
Sitz des Vereins:
Lölsberg 49, 51491 Overath
Registergericht: Amtsgericht Köln – Vereinsregister
Registernummer: N. N.
Manuel Jans
Vertretungsberechtigter Vorstand:
Dr. Manuel Jans (Vorsitzender)
Inga Geisler (Stellvertretende Vorsitzende)
Dr. Hildegard Meister (Schatzmeisterin)

love bvob'ler,
since our inception, Much has happened board of directors and advisory boards have created the necessary formal and fiscal conditions for our common association's activities (statutes and other regulations), the office set up and planned the rest of the program for this year and organized. The members have already discussed in our network area, participated in events together and even to a workgroup. is
Overall we can say from many conversations that the bvob in the industry was well received and has attracted diverse interest. This is suggested the new members and gained the attention of industry-specific media. Now it is important to any professional body together specifically to develop further.
With this newsletter we also want to bring reason to the latest state of play and announce a series of bvob events, which will be held until the end of the year. In future, this newsletter is published regularly once a month.
With the successful end as soon as registration in the register and the relaunch of our website and through our extensive training and program of events, we want to "take off really" in the second half with all of you. We look forward to meeting you soon online or offline.
For the Board
Manuel Jans
The state of the foundation
Germany's bureaucracy makes it not easy for us! For months, we will provide the appropriate entry in the register of associations with the active support of our legal Beirätin Petra Geisinger (Thanks!) And authenticated by one hurdle after another out of his way. These barriers are especially due to the fact that agencies are dealing almost never with professional associations and accordingly here first need to build skills and expertise. But we are quite willing to help here as a learning companion ... ;-)
is now but the end of the bureaucratic gauntlet in sight the formal act of registration in the relevant register of associations is imminent. We will inform you about the joyous event.
the way: The bvob than so-called "Vorverein" ever since the establishment of fully legal and able to act. Theoretically. Sorry, we're all practically without opening the entry in the register an account, so we have also, for example, no membership fees for 2010 can move. So far, here are the board members went in advance to the ongoing costs, such as for registration in the register of associations (the payment of fees was contrary to everything else, very quickly!), The web space, etc. to pay. But that should hopefully yes soon change.
AG Virtual Classroom founded
When our first working group, the AG "Virtual Classroom" has (AG-VC) formed after some preliminary work on 07.06., Certainly in the context of a VC meeting. The company is directed by Ariane Anders and Anja Roeck and is currently drafting a rating system for VC's. This should be assessed in the virtual circuit to different rooms and a market overview for members to create bvob.
We thank the members for their initiative and wish you every success for the cooperation. We look forward to the results of this promising AG.
General Assembly 2010
Please do not forget: Our first annual general meeting after the foundation, on 13.10. around the trade fair held in Cologne HRM. From 18.30 clock starts the "come together", from 19.00 clock the General Assembly. The exact program and the location to be announced. Of your appearance, we would be delighted. soon
Coming: New Website
also in terms of our website ( www.bv-online-bildung.de ) we will in future continue to professionalize. Based on the CMS Typo 3, our sustaining member learntube! für uns eine neue Webpräsenz geschaffen, die wesentlich schicker und funktionaler sein wird als unsere bisherige Lösung. Der Relaunch der Seite steht kurz bevor, wir werden Sie darüber informieren. Oberhalb dieses Newsletters sehen Sie schon einmal als Vorgeschmack einen Screenshot der Testversion.
Darüber hinaus wird unser interner Netzwerkraum (Moodle) so in unsere Webpräsenz integriert sein, dass Sie sich hier direkt in den Mitgliederbereich einloggen können. Auch unser Moodle wird dann noch an das Corporate Design des bvob angepasst und um zusätzliche Funktionalitäten erweitert. An dieser Stelle schon einmal vielen Dank an Stefan Ramaker und das Team von learntube!.
put (new) members before
Since our inception, we have gained several new members that we want to welcome this opportunity to once again cordially. We are pleased that you contribute your expertise and your commitment to the bvob.
In the future we aim to offer our members the opportunity to change as the other members (via the internal newsletter) and the general public (through our website and the external news letters) present.
I would therefore ask all members who are interested, a self-introduction of a maximum time an A4 page with key information (name, qualifications, professional experience, activity difficult points, interests, contact information, etc.) as a Word file and possibly an image by e-mail: mJane @ bv-on-line bildung.de send. This self-concepts, we will then publish Chen successively.
The bvob in Online Tutoring Journal (OTJ)
It was at this point once again pointed out that the current edition of the OTJ is disputed by members of the bvob. These articles do a lot of the presentations again, which of the members of the bvob held at Learntec 2010 as part of our workshop were:
§ Manuel Jans / Gabriela Pflüger: As for the tele-tutors network of professional association Online education was
§ Anja Roeck: Online Learning Accelerated
§ Hildegard Champion: networked alone and yet - the use of Web 2.0 - tools to support tion of interaction in online learning groups
§ Julia Hunter: buy online tutoring skills certify - an initiative from Austria rich
§ Ariane Anders: On the technical editor for the screenwriter
All articles can be found at: http://www.online-tutoring-journal.de
The bvob in the press
The bvob has already found some mention in the press, even Thanks to the work involved by th Inga Geisler and Gabriela Pflüger.
A review of the published press releases and press reports can be found on the Moodle Platform:
If get to a press report that is not listed, please send it or the reference to the office (geschaeftsstelle@bv-online-bildung.de).
bvob site: Presence event in cooperation with D-Elan and Bibb on 07.07.2010 in Bonn
In cooperation with the Dt. Network of e-learning actors e. V. (D-Elan) invites der bvob am 7.7.2010 nach Bonn in die Räume des BiBB zu einer Präsenzveranstaltung zum Thema
„Virtuelle Räume – Lernräume der Zukunft“ ein.
Über die Vorzüge und Einsatzmöglichkeiten von Live-Online-Trainings wollen wir mit der Veranstaltung am 7. Juli in Bonn informieren. Auf der Veranstaltung bekommen die Teil nehmer Impulse und hilfreiche Tipps für die erfolgreiche Gestaltung von virtuellen Seminaren und Konferenzen.
Die Veranstaltung richtet sich an:
o Unternehmen und Organisationen, die sich informieren wollen
o Unternehmen und Organisationen, die darüber nachdenken Live-Online-Trainings selbst zu nutzen
o Educational institutions that wish to expand their offerings
o presenters and trainers, with live online training have experience to welcome
o newcomers who have no experience
We look forward to as many members of the bvob in Bonn.
You can register here: http://de.amiando.com/delan-vor-ort_bonn.html
The bvob on the big stage: Zukunft Personal, Professional Learning Conference Europe
On the Zukunft Personal in Cologne, the bvob the congress Profes sional Learning Europe (PLE) on Thursday, 14:10:10 von 09.30 - 12.30 clock the Workshop V: "E-Learning for Beginners - E-Learner support professional" contest.
receives order for our event a real workshop character, we do not lag on Frontalvor and with short introductory presentations, panel discussions as part of a "World Café" and a moderated plenary with the expected 100 participants on topics such as online tutoring, live Online training and of course also talk about the bvob. As facilitators and experts who appear to our members Katja bed, Anja Roeck, Hildegard champion, Inga Geisler and Manuel Jans.
Here we have the chance to personnel managers, Continuing education providers and trainers who want to (increased) to e-learning, to present as a professional association and to demonstrate the importance of professional tutorial support and professional (live) online training for the (learning) of success.
We would be delighted if our members would participate in large numbers. For us, the Zukunft Personal Organizer 40 free tickets available, access to the Congress will remain but probably a charge. We do our best here at the time to special conditions.
training events of 2010 bvob
In September we start our training program, which We will also want to invite non-members:

Further requested vocational training courses,
§ Sonja Högl / Anja Roeck: Introduction to a voice training for live online coach, VC
suggestions for further topics and speakers set up to: mjans@bv-online-bildung.de
All training events will be announced separately, been on you can then register for the binding event.
professional association for online education e. V.
office (i. Gr.)
Lölsberg 49
51491 Overath
fon: +49 22 06 91 02 31
fax: +49 22 06 91 02 33
mail: geschaeftsstelle@bv-online-bildung.de
Internet: www.bv-online-bildung.de
Sitz des Vereins:
Lölsberg 49, 51491 Overath
Registergericht: Amtsgericht Köln – Vereinsregister
Registernummer: N. N.
Manuel Jans
Vertretungsberechtigter Vorstand:
Dr. Manuel Jans (Vorsitzender)
Inga Geisler (Stellvertretende Vorsitzende)
Dr. Hildegard Meister (Schatzmeisterin)
Thursday, July 1, 2010
5190 Americaonline.aol.com
Striped makes slim win and film typing
Hallo, liebe Leserinnen und Leser!
Lang lang ists her, dass ich mich hier zu Wort gemeldet habe. Offensichtlich bin ich nicht dazu gemacht, brav täglich in ein Blog zu schreiben. Immer wieder nehme ich mir vor, regelmäßig zu bloggen und dann kommt der Himmel weiss was dazwischen.
Aber besser selten als gar nicht und besser rarely more or less useful than waste a day. ;-)
now there is actually something new:
can win something - certainly always worth a story:
As part of the film "Gordo - the obese" the English star director Daniel Sánchez Arévalo (known for his breakthrough with the movie "dark blue almost black ") giving away the movie rental only 10 hand-signed copies of Striped makes lean.
I have even seen the movie yet, but the trailer seems in any case ever of very interesting and I am going to move in any case, even to the cinema to enjoy the masterpiece. More about the film, the competition and cinemas showing the film and a Trailer can be found on the official movie site:
Gordo - the obese
Many greetings and do not let you get on!
your Alex
Hallo, liebe Leserinnen und Leser!
Lang lang ists her, dass ich mich hier zu Wort gemeldet habe. Offensichtlich bin ich nicht dazu gemacht, brav täglich in ein Blog zu schreiben. Immer wieder nehme ich mir vor, regelmäßig zu bloggen und dann kommt der Himmel weiss was dazwischen.
Aber besser selten als gar nicht und besser rarely more or less useful than waste a day. ;-)
now there is actually something new:
can win something - certainly always worth a story:
As part of the film "Gordo - the obese" the English star director Daniel Sánchez Arévalo (known for his breakthrough with the movie "dark blue almost black ") giving away the movie rental only 10 hand-signed copies of Striped makes lean.
I have even seen the movie yet, but the trailer seems in any case ever of very interesting and I am going to move in any case, even to the cinema to enjoy the masterpiece. More about the film, the competition and cinemas showing the film and a Trailer can be found on the official movie site:
Gordo - the obese
Many greetings and do not let you get on!
your Alex
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