My humble self in SWR night café:) Hello,
few weeks ago I received a call from the SWR, if I did not about "food - enemy or the elixir of life" to participate in the program will, as I've written a book on the subject.
Since I have recently virtually nothing done advertising moderate, because I was missing with some ongoing projects, the time, I was doch etwas erstaunt von dem Anruf, aber natürlich auch erfreut, keine Frage.
Nach einigen Telefonaten, unter anderem mit dem Moderator der Sendung, Wieland Backes, wurde alles für mich organisiert und ich war Anfang Oktober zur Aufzeichnung der Sendung im Schloss Favorite.
Lange Rede, kurzer Sinn: heute in einer Woche ist es so weit: Die Sendung des
SWR-Nachtcafé , bei der ich die Ehre habe, sie als Gast an der Bar mit meiner Geschichte zu eröffnen, wird am
29.10.2010 um 22 Uhr ausgestrahlt.
Wer also Lust hat, Alexandra Sperling mal live zu sehen sei herzlich eingeladen, die Sendung zu schauen...
Die Stimmung dort war toll - ich habe im Gespräch totally forgot the cameras and the time flew by so fast that I even forgot to mention my book. I have then made up yet and hope now that it did not fall victim to the editing table ...
After the show we were still all charged together into a final dinner at the hotel. Unfortunately, the fish was not my case, but that the dessert was more delicious ;-) The tables were very very confused, was also a colorful mix of people, which has since taken so suddenly. It was a very interesting collection of discussions, which would go to the TV audience was certainly interesting, but there it was all gone. Well you might end so one or the other links do exist, because as I said, it was really interesting people among the guests.
Greetings from the beautiful Augsburg,