Sunday, January 24, 2010

How Can I Make My Pubes Lighter

Sunday - the couch I can not let go

Sunday. I hate Sundays ... they are but the days that pass the vilest of all vile days ahead. Yes, we can also think of the bad weekend, however.

I miss even a reprimand - yes we think a thing like that? * * PATSCH

So, that's better. So ... This Sunday has been quite uneventful. A minus two degrees of cold, gray January day in Augsburg. Did I mention that I'm slow animal, the muzzle full of winter? I'm convinced anyway that I simply had bad luck to be born so early. At a time before beneficial inventions like GPS, I mean - otherwise they would have my stork certainly noticed that he has flown completely wrong.

instead to turn to warmer climes with a sea view, the cattle dung was flying at that time in the middle of the Ruhr. Mans can believe? When I do the fingers get in the Gibts Stork Sliced - scheiss auf die Kalorien...

Soviel zu meiner Begeisterung für das deutsche Winter-Siff-Wetter und seine verschiedenen Ausprägungen bzw. die Auswirkung auf meine Laune.

Aber ich schweife ab. Also der Sonntag... irgendwie scheint mich die Couch fest im Griff zu haben, denn ich war heute zwar kurz mit den Hunden Gassi, allerdings ein ziemlich faules "Stöckchen-werfen-und-wieder-heim-gehen", kein kilometerlanger, figurfreundlicher Spaziergang.

Wieder daheim angekommen habe ich mich in die Bequem-Klamotten (die gefährlichen mit dem Gummizug am Bund) geworfen und mich zu einem Mittagsschläfchen auf die Couch geringelt. Danach eine Tasse Tee, und seither sitze ich am Laptop und surfe vor mich hin. Schon the fact that I could rouse myself on this blog article is almost a miracle.

Eiiiiiigentlich I wanted to go to the gym today, for what I pay every month as contribution ... with progressing time I am, however, more and more convinced that this will now be nothing more ...

am constantly tired for days - if this is the spring fatigue yet? Or even hibernate? I hope, would be the former, then finally an end to this cold, wet drama in sight. A look at the calendar I can however be a little hopeful that will soon bloom, the daffodils ... more likely there are several generations of frost flowers on the march. But, as we ja wissen: frieren macht auch schlank.

In diesem Sinne einen schönen, gemütlichen und mit wenig schlechtem Gewissen geplagten Sonntag Abend!

Eure Alex


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