Thursday, July 1, 2010


Striped makes slim win and film typing

Hallo, liebe Leserinnen und Leser!

Lang lang ists her, dass ich mich hier zu Wort gemeldet habe. Offensichtlich bin ich nicht dazu gemacht, brav täglich in ein Blog zu schreiben. Immer wieder nehme ich mir vor, regelmäßig zu bloggen und dann kommt der Himmel weiss was dazwischen.

Aber besser selten als gar nicht und besser rarely more or less useful than waste a day. ;-)

now there is actually something new:
can win something - certainly always worth a story:
As part of the film "Gordo - the obese" the English star director Daniel Sánchez Arévalo (known for his breakthrough with the movie "dark blue almost black ") giving away the movie rental only 10 hand-signed copies of Striped makes lean.

I have even seen the movie yet, but the trailer seems in any case ever of very interesting and I am going to move in any case, even to the cinema to enjoy the masterpiece. More about the film, the competition and cinemas showing the film and a Trailer can be found on the official movie site:
Gordo - the obese

Many greetings and do not let you get on!

your Alex


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