summer over?
So, yes the great heat seems finally to be over - no more reason that I express myself in front of the Sport * mist *: (
It was so convenient with shorts and Flipflopps hanging around, eating ice cream, sipping cold drinks and on "movement? in this weather?" I do not want drop dead "to make ...
should I slowly rid the face of the continuing 20 ° C McFit out my member's card from dust and snatch me up. Easier said than done ... I seem to be the gravitational field of my couch to be held.
A look in the mirror still comforts me right now, for as radical as I thought at first, not even isses with the sport - at least not as far as my character. Although I must confess that I found my breasts deeper than a few weeks ago, when I almost "in training" was. Or, more bluntly, the breast-age indicator is "crisp, mid-20 could be" on "well, with viel gutem Willen so Anfang 30" runter geschlafft. Wird also echt Zeit, was zu machen, bevor der erste Bodenfrost kommt und es ernsthafte Probleme gibt ;-)
In diesem Sinne: bewegt Euch, solang es die Temperaturen noch zulassen - wer weiß, wann der nächste Sommer-Hitze-Schwall kommt, denn wir haben ja erst August...
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