Friday night - time again the fridge along with an increase bissel cupboards. So I trudge bravely through the ice-cold August rain. 12 ° C we have today in an otherwise sunny Augsburg and it has rained only once this morning at just before 6 to ... Well, for now - still raining. But I will grumble's not, after all, the weather is always as good as what you have here on. I look down at me: baggy pants, just such a sweater, sneakers. Not exactly coture haute, but for Aldi should be more than adequate and, in contrast to sandals, you should wear more so in August, it rains there is not pure.
so I swing in my car and Diesl to Aldi. Good time, because the parking lot is nearly empty, the search for a nearby car park entrance is quick and painless.
In view of the weather I decided to move to larger shopping orgy on one occasion and now just a bissel to get what for today and tomorrow.
I scurry So, armed with a cotton bag, along the rain through the entrance schliddere, rowing on the wet tile floor with his arms up in front of the roll stand, think again and stop trying, just as dignified as possible to go further. I furtively look around. If neither seen ... * Phew *
Purchasing is itself happened fast: a bag of whole wheat bread, light cheese, a packet of chicken breast, a bottle of Riesling, to give the chicken while frying some taste, lean diced ham, crème fraiche, a tube of tomato paste, a can corn and a salad bowl.
Having successfully navigated all the tasty treats and habits (my cycle just tortures me with a mad japps for sweets), I went up to the cash register.
Just before I reach the box office is only open a lady from the side and pushed her car right in front of my nose to the cash register tape. Would have been no more wild, this would not have been shopping cart filled with the month of shopping for a 4-person family. Even below the actual shopping cart, the woman two banana boxes stuffed with food had left.
put something broken I am good with my half-filled cotton bags to the rear. The woman had seen my mini-shopping very much and I with a loud "HA - YOU may wait now" grin had cut off the way I do without it, by asking me whether I could probably plan to humiliate themselves. I also got it's not really in a hurry, outside is always wet and in general. Whoever loses is annoyed.
is behind me, a young man in the queue, the purchase fails even thinner than mine, he only has something in her arms.
Feels 2 hours later finally so much space that I can pack my things on tape. So I take one of these customers separator, which is used so good that not Lizzie Schmidt accidentally paid the radishes by Charles John Smith, and number of my shopping on the tape. The lady before me has made my self-control to the test, it seems chocolate addict to buy a bunch of freaks Nash: chocolate, cookies, chips, pudding, trail mix, even more chocolate, gummy bears. Aldi has a very wide range of sweets. The crown form 4 (in words: four) 500g packs Tartufo that Aldi offers just under his Italian weeks and the appearance of this offer since I always sneak around.
AUMMMM ... I am strong ... and slim ... and I need no sweets ....
I try my view of the treats to distract the purchases, the lady while screaming my stomach, my diet reptile (located in the back of the head, left rear) and of course my hormones hue and cry and insistently ask for sweets.
I turn therefore to the young man behind me to and what I see? The only beiden Artikel, die er kauft sind WAS? Genau: Zwei Packungen Tartufo.
Ich wittere Verschwöööörung!!! Das kann doch kein Zufall sein! Süßigkeiten überall... und dann auch noch Tartufoooo *WAAAAAAHHH*
Gut, das ist eventuell etwas übertrieben *zwinker* Dennoch gestehe ich, dass ich fast gesabbert hätte, als ich durch die Folie das leckere Tartufo gesehen habe.
Ich bin froh, als ich endlich dran bin, zahlen kann und mich wieder in mein Auto verkrümle. Tapfer, tapfer, denn ich habe dem Drang widerstanden, dem jungen Mann eine Packung seiner Leckerei zu entreissen und ich bin auch nicht nochmal ins Aldi rein, um Süßigkeiten zu kaufen.
Now I sit here writing this and run me again the mouth water. Fortunately, I have a bar of chocolate. So I go get a chop. A little chocolate is not much of a problem ... ne whole table or just a pack Tartufo would probably not have been such a good idea.
morning, so tomorrow I will finally go to the gym! I won! Then also the japps passes for sweets:)
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