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Görlizter Mayor Paulick and governor of the Polish occupation of Prussia and Silesia Görlitz Upper Town Gronitsch: No room for radicalism and so on and so forth |
Suppose a force of German-nationalist minded young men had taken in the Sturmn Alktstadtbrücke prügelnd and would then be a few hundred meters vorgerückt on Polish territory. Which software outcry went through the world? "Asked this question Andreas Neumann Nochten, a 1960-born theologian, who moved in 1999 from Northern Germany to Gorlitz, where activity as a choral conductor, writer and cartoonist is. The answer he gives himself "We can present or accept that a high government officials of Poland had started the night in Gorlitz the scene of the massacre in appearances that Chancellor were, and hastened to meet foreign ministers from the opposite direction also the place of horror and that not only the Polish press, the German mischief enjoyment on all front pages denounced in words and pictures had. "In a full-page article in the" Sächsischen newspaper sat Neumann Nochten with Prügelattacken New Year's Eve by a gang of Polish hit on the German side of the Neisse apart and also examine how the boundaries reverberate 1945 and their mental preparation to date.
What had happened in the last New Year's Eve? According to a report in the newspaper Sächsischen "gathered - as in previous years - hundreds at the Gorlitz Altstadtbrücke in order to greet the new year. Shortly after midnight Polish youth began to push German People, or steal them from rocket backpack. Quickly escalated the action. A group of about 30 Poles began to beat, and connect to prügeln. Eyewitnesses speak of knife attacks and the use of brass knuckles. The Poles, the Germans drove a few hundred yards in front of him over the Neißstraße until you come to market. At least ten German were injured and had to be hospitalized. In particular, mobile phones were stolen from the victims or bruised Hauswänden.
Man must speak of a heavy police broke down. Although geprügelt had also already in 2008 and 2009, according to newspaper report Poland, no police was there. This came out only about 40 minutes into the incident. Tater find they could not, as they emerge over the alignment of the pad on Polish territory. There is, according to the "Sächsischen newspaper" no doubt
fact that the Polish hit the New Year's Eve used very selectively, to address Gorlitz and their guests. The Journal will also be recalled that Übergriffe pile of Poland in Gorlitz, as in old town festivals or summer after 22 clock in the park. A murder of a pensioner in his home in the city in early January, suspicion, three Poles, had been the fear rise.
It Stalled since opening the border for a long time. The newspaper pointed out that, in the first half of 2010, nearly 100 cars were stolen and countless other theft and burglary were killed there. German attacks were also on Polish territory. The consciousness is still, as Gorlitz geprügelt children from a swimming pool on the Polish side and German guests at a ceremony in the Dom Kultury "were attacked.
What to do? Consider writing was discussed throughout January about public. Bürgermeister Michael Wieler, head of the German-Polish co-ordination Commission concedes, that was created at the Gorlitz residents in an anxiety scenario. The action of the Council headed by him had been so far limited. In his opinion, the political will was needed to clear out what potential there is violence on both sides. But that was a political issue, because it was admitted that there is a problem Attert.
The City Council Detlef Gorlitz Rauh questioned in a commentary of that paper that changed after the last incident something. It was further moved by the motto: ". What can not be, that must not" They see the politicians hardly any one who dares to speak once inconvenient facts public.
is also discussed, as well as a reconciliation between Germans and Poles is already advanced. The theologian Neumann Nochten looks much hypocrisy and Wahrnehmungsschwäche with those who are surprised by the process. When applying both city and right next to the Neisse River as a cultural capital of Europe in 2010 was much schöngeredet. Terms such as nurse, double or twin cities had been used, although the German-Polish together have just begun. It was also erörtern never know how the other (Polish) side stand by it. Cultural cooperation and intensive human approach to others was limited to the circle of a small intellectual elite. He recalled that the German-Polish border is a forced language border in 1945 and forced change of living space on this scale and in this way is unique. Nowhere will the artificiality of the border more visible than in the biggest city divided. The German past to assume, as is custom in other parts of Silesia will not work in Gorlitz. This out already in the place name (the Gorlitz Oststadt is only Zgorzelec).
Anyone who thinks that the recent hostilities are still fed from the wound left by 1939, decreases after Meumann Nocht perceive only a small fraction of historical development. He referred to the Polish research West after the First World War with their search for Slavic culture, which was used after 1945 to give legitimacy to the newly reclaimed areas. Inaugurated in 2004, should be considered as a unifying symbol Altstadtbrücke.
but was already at the inauguration ceremony clearly that this is only on the German side as him. Had gathered on the western bank of around 1,000 spectators, it was on the Polish side, a hundred, even a majority of German nationality. The lack of interest at the poles could be symptomatic for their overall behavior in Verständigungsprozeß. The Germans invaded and bend, Poland is hardly anything. The Silesian Museum in Gorlitz is an example. During this two Polish representatives sit on the Foundation, there are no Germans in Polish museums. In conclusion, let be held on: The German policy led German castle once again down. When it comes to Poland or the Czech Republic and Slovakia, the government takes its duty of care for German for decades is not it. No wonder that Chancellor Merkel the most popular foreign politician in Poland. Quite different, however, is Poland, which has intervened repeatedly when it comes to the concerns of residents in polnischstämmigen in Lithuania, Belarus and Germany.
Rudi Pawelka
national chairman of the country team Silesia
Source: Prussian Allgemeine Zeitung 07/11
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