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German street Order Church |
The German road was the oldest and widest street (35 m) of our hometown. Before Tilsit in 1552 received the Stadrecht, there was already the "German Street", which ran parallel to the Memel and from the Order castle that was east of the German church on the banks of Memel, Splitter Keith Tynes was invited, where a religious attachment was. We learned in local history that Tilsit was created by the Knights in a cross shape and that the German road and the Packhofstraße made this cross.
Even into the 19th Century was the German street the undisputed main road. Here were also the first pitcher twelve, the ältesten houses, historical buildings, and finally the famous landmark of our city: the Luisenbrücke (marginally), the German Order of church and town hall. A very gentle overall impression of the German street from the church tower had been the German monastery church. Umsäumt of Gruner Baum (there were probably Linden?) swung it in a slight curve, the curve of the current to follow the West.
Compared to the elegant, busy high street, the narrow (21 m), but busier, was affected the German street quiet, behäbiger, verträumter and thermal spa, for here we saw on market days, many more farm wagons, because it was here more pitcher and gave Ausspannmöglichkeiten than in the other streets. But once a year, she awoke to vibrant life and became an attraction in town. That was in September for the carnival period. Now she was again the main road, which made their fair booths a colorful shopping street, in which we had for hours on the road to marvel at all the glories that were offered there of clothing, household items, toys to fish specialties, pastries and section candies, not to mention the "tips jakob" and the other "blow-consistently with their droll phrases.
But now you come with me on a walk through the German road as it was our time, and as we knew and loved. To my weak aufzuhelfen Memory, I had "the Häuserbuch the town of Tilsit" by Horst Kenkel, the local book-Ragnit Tilsit and explored the "inhabitants of the city of Tilsit 1939. I also have some old Tilsit asked to give a truthful description possible.
We our tour starts at the Memel side at the German monastery church, the earlier "German Church", "city church" or was "Old Church" mentioned. As early as 1538 in its place a German-Lutheran church was mentioned, the wood built yet from a Catholic time came. 1610 a new church built and planted in 1702, a massive tower, the rest with its Baroque dome helmet, eight oak balls, even a Napoleon (1807), enthusiastic and down to get our days still be if not some torn down years after the 2nd World War, the Soviets had this wonderful building with violence. Today, we find instead of this "landmark of our city," a parking lot for vehicles.
addition to the German monastery church is a courtyard covered with several old school building. Here in 1586 was a "Latin school" was founded, which later was called the "Gymnasium". After a fire (1824) were high school in 1829 was rebuilt with an auditorium, eight classrooms and other Diensträumen.
1900, the new "high school" in the later-Colonel Hoffman Street opened and the room of the old school to the church sold. Here lived the pastor of the church. In the old Klassenräumen we have confirmation classes in the community hall and had taken part in festive events.
In the house next door quietly and modestly was a small Christian bookstore and its just so humble and friendly owner, Lydia SZAG, a relative of us could have everything needed a Christian man: Bibles, Gesangbücher, "Vergißmeinnichtbüchlein" etc. have been had my little Bible, which I bought there, I today.
was on the ground floor's still the Möbelhandlung Helene Mobius and the bike shop of Otto Jonat. There must be one of the most prestigious Bürgerhäuser our city, for Tsar Alexander of Russia had it during the peace negotiations von 1807 zu seinem Quartier erkoren.
Wir überqueren die Packhofstraße und lesen an dem stattlichen Eckhaus der Deutschen Straße 4 Paul Krieger. Hier erhielt man Eisenwa- ren aller Art, Armaturen, Baumaterialien und Brennmaterial. Das Haus hatte herrliche, große Räume. Wir konnten hier ungestört mit unseren Vettern und Kusinen spielen, wenn wir bei Tante Emmchen Lauzemis zu Besuch waren; dem Eisenladen unter uns machte das nichts aus.
Auch noch andere Geschäfte und Betriebe hatten in diesem großen Hause Platz: Das Manufaktur-Geschäft von Otto Rudolph, die Möbel- handlung von Paul Mielenz, der Zigarrenladen von Anny Ruß, die Werkstätte des Schuhmachermeisters Ernst Kurras und das Steuer- beratungsbüro von Anna Scheer und auf dem Nachbargrundstück der Kurzwarenladen von Franz Simmat, sowie die Gastwirtschaft von Al- bert Barutzki.
Ja, wenn wir an Gaststätten oder Bier- und Weinstuben denken, so werden Sie staunen, daß es 1939 in Tilsit 85 und allein in der Deutschen Straße 12 solcher Lokale gab, abgesehen von Vergnügungslokalen und Ausschank in Kolonialwarenläden. An Markttagen und auch abends genossen die Tilsiter gern in geselliger Runde einen guten Tropfen. Das war so bei Sommer, einer bekannten Weinhandlung, Deutsche Str. 6, deren Inhaber, Martin Sommer vielen bekannt sein wird als Mitarbeiter in der Bundesgeschäftsstelle der Landsmannschaft Ostpreußen (30 years in Hamburg). Equally popular was the wine bar next to Adolph Sanio.
On the other side of the Bäckergasse rises würdig our town hall. Here in 1565 the first town hall, a building was built with exposed bricks that you tore off in 1752 because of Baufälligkeit.
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German street with city hall. Law's house wine restaurants Adolph Sanio. Photo: W. Hubatsch |
The new building was completed in 1755 by Karl Ludwig Bergius. In its simple form with the artfully curved roof and the small bell tower, it was the third landmark of our city, which was unfortunately destroyed also.
We take a look into the fish alley. What prevailed here on market days for a shops and bustle of life. There were the fishermen of Tilsit and Memel lowland their Verkaufsstände up and offered to fish in the so familiar native dialect, "Oh madam, Schene eels, and pike gold fresh!" Never again have I seen such beautiful pike and burbot, as there, to. a shame that we have of this idyll no talkie!
We walk past the now Gaststätte Oskar Mehlmann, rejoicing in the watches and jewelry Jewellers Emil Damm taste or einen flotten Hut bei Berta Gettner. Auch eine Kartoffelhandlung von Gertrud Profrok ist im Haus und vor allem das bekannte Fremdenheim: Auguste Rohloff. Früher war hier die berühmte Konditorei von Decomin, die Sundermann in seinen Jugenderinnerungen so begeistert schildert. Doch nun zur Buchdruckerei Otto Fülleborn, die mit ihrem Papiergroßhandel zu einem wichtigen Gewerbebetrieb unserer Stadt gehörte. Im Nachbarhaus, Nr. 12, wurde sogar 1816 die erste Tilsiter Zeitung von Johann Heinrich Post gedruckt. Sonst gab es in diesem Hause die verschiedensten handwerklichen Betriebe: die Wäscherei und Plätterei von Ella Krebs, den Schuhmacher Ernst Grigoleit, den Herrenschneider Eduard Länder, den Dekorateur Max Ruhnau, die Lederhandlung Waldemar Knocks, the Altmöbelhandlung Thea Lemke, waste and August with Arnold Launert and the potato plot of Ewald Gutzeit.
And now we stay at one of our most beautiful hotels, the "emperor" (No. 13), the owner Ernst Pohl knew how to offer its guests comfort and a good East Prussian East Prussian cuisine. - Who for his daughter for dowry beds needed, they could find a large selection at Fritz Broßeit, in the same house, No. 14, was also the Fahrradgeschäft Ella Lorenscheit and the wine shop with tobacco and jam by Fritz Matschuck.
But now do We überqueren the waterway, because there was a special attraction, that led mainly housewives to insert after a hard day of shopping a little break, and also young girls simply do tempted, after a little stroll in pairs to make this a delightful side trip. You will have noticed that I mean the pastry winter! Everyone knew and loved them, and some nice memories will Knupfer at this popular cafe.
The house next door (No. 17) was called with thé site Memelstr. 16, the Pauperhaus (poorhouse), which was so named because in 1698 the couple had donated six George Falk, needed for the study school for gifted children, there was nothing in retirement. In Pauperhaus the Eagle Pharmacy (since 1824) and the practice of Dr. Reinhold Pachur was (a specialist physician for skin and Harnleiden), the spirits wholesaler Mendthal A., Heinz Stanzick the dyeing and the hairdresser Paul Wiedemann.
In No. 18 lived many professionals. At the bakery Ziplies remembers well some. But the fact that there was still the Motorradreparaturwerkstätte Martin Meißis, the office machinery by Bruno Gritzko, Oran lamps from Charles Mangelsdorf, a sugar wholesaler of Gertrud and Romeika Möbeltischler Kablau Gustav, will know only a few.
was No. 19 in the funeral home of Franz Brock ins Auge und die Autovermietung von Johann Grün. Dann gab's da den Kolonialwarenladen von Betty Petereit und das Hutgeschäft: Berta Schäfer für die elegante Dame und den Schneider Erich Oberpichler für den eleganten Herrn.
In Nr. 20 finden wir schon wieder einen Kolonialwarenladen von Fritz Buchholz und den Schneider Otto Rosenfeld, die Buchführungsstelle: Willy Pempeit, den Maler: Felix Horlitz, die Farberei: Emil Jodzuweit und das Radiogeschäft: Hans Lengies.
Nun bleiben wir vor einem Hause stehen, das keiner von uns vergessen haben wird, die Möbelfabrik von August Schmidt & Söhne, Inhaber: Franz Perlebach mit ihren großen Schaufenstern Möbelangeboten and, above all, with its imposing entrance, which was two stone, huge lion, sitting there upright, as it were guarded. There was something in Tilsit only once, and excited particular admiration of the children.
We überschreiten the Sprindgasse, take pleasure in the flower shop window of Ida Jotzat, the expenses of the Jewellers William Riel and the latest washing powder at the drugstore Broschell. The men now prefer a return to the guesthouse and George Braxein. In No. 23 is the small Möbelhandlung: Max Kassat.
And now we look at the famous Napoleon House with the urns on the roof, a highly visible indicator (No. 24). This classical building was one of our Schonhauser and inside generous to create a beautiful staircase and huge space that had opened by Flügeltüren still great. I knew this house because a classmate, Ilse Grunwald, daughter of the later director of the school building in Ragnit, lived there.
lived in this historically significant house of 4 - 04/06/1807 Königspaar the Prussian, from 1 - 15.6. The Prussian king and from 26.6.-9.7.1807 Napoleon. Here was a joint meeting held with the Prussian Königspaar.
1939, in the House Dr. Wolfgang Lengemann his medical practice. At times was the stationery store: Beisel, owner: Kate Kruse, here and finally a flower shop, and the Office of Tilsit Rollfunr Society.
The house No. 25 was designed similar to those of his famous neighbor. There was the wine wholesaler Mernati, August Ferdinand Mertens Nachf von 1884 - 1944 their headquarters from the extensive wine tasting in the old German wine cellars can be of some friend or gritty Histörchen funny.
Since we Klemm, where the company from 1904 - belonged to 38, were related, we have spent hours in the beautiful room festive. In the home, corner of Long Street, there was something special, something us kids at heart was. In addition to his Friseurgeschäft talked Alfred Schuler a doll hospital. Whether in our fast "displacement werfgesellschaft" still exist as such a business?
On the other side of Long Street, we see from afar the coffin of Otto Kuhn. Even the Zigarrengeschäft Egbert Schulz, the saddlery of Gustav Giebler, the Möbeltischlerei Marta Zander and the hairdresser Erwin Pomplun were in this house
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German road No. 24 The house where Napoleon lived during the peace treaty in 1807 Photo:.. W. Hubatsch |
In No. 28 we will be able to look at bicycles at Paul Ehlert - then they were more in demand than cars. There were only 6 in 1939 in Tilsit Autogeschäfte ... Yet another Möbelhandlung? This time of Lotte Zoeller. That so much furniture was purchased, when there was then no "Sperrmüll!" W e move now to a meal of action, by the renowned firm of Johann Friedrich's brother, from the laundry and hot lack of Pauline Panke and the now so rare workshop by a Bottcher, the August Bierbrodt to us to rest in Mielke's pubs a little... Or shall we rather go home, in the Gaststätte von Ernst Stamm, wo auch der Gas- und W asserinstallateur E. Kreutzer seinen W ohnsitz hat? Oder trinken wir lieber im „Pilsener" ein Tulpchen Bier bei Emil Rimkus?
Diese vielen Gaststätten so dicht nebeneinander verwundern uns immer wieder. Aber wenn man an die langen Herbst- und Winterabende denkt, kann man es wohl verstehen, daß unsere Tilsiter sich nach Geselligkeit und Abwechslung sehnten.
Wir betrachten nun die hübschen Bilder des bekannten Photoateliers Otto Florian, der so nette Familien- und Landschaftsaufnahmen machte, kaufen etwas Obst bei Georg Kaliweit, ein paar Blumen bei Erich Reinhold und möchten uns am liebsten ein Auto für eine Fahrt zum Schloßberg rent for August Kochanowski. Buying a car, most of Tilsit software then not have dreamed of.
contrast, began the electricians, who had also Lampengeschäfte, since often become, of Eugene Griggs, next door even radio systems in A. Valentini.
But before we go, the men should not versäumen, to pay the master tailor Edward Bansch a visit and have a look on this occasion his curious parrot! After this little detour, we turn to the butcher shop of Ernst Schoeppe, has the excellent deals, go to the upholstery shop vorüber Walter Vormeyer stay front and bakery by Paul Nadzeika with its tempting pastries. We part, to marvel at W. Tenner next to the bike, the latest-motorcycle the company NSU, BMW and Triumph. Then it's on the coffin magazine: Hermann by Schmerling. When Marie Zuttmann we buy a few tomatoes, drop off our shoes at the shoemaker Edward Zuttmann and are glad we do not need us register with dentists Gustav Wilma.
The grocery Arno Ehlers also has good deals. Especially worth seeing, however, the economic articles and basketry by Emma White under the stairs of the large spare house next door. There was a dairy until 1930 by Otto Braun. With the cute Chris Brown as a child I often played there. What has become of her?
Here again a funeral parlor of Gebrüder Glietz. In the German road this guild was well represented very often. Even a third car rental that is by Franz Kruger, suggest we should probably be final for a trip into the blue. We are now at the German T reached or that was within a protective wall built during the Swedish period (1679), but later (1864) demolished, überqueren this wide road and walk on the left back again.
In the first house (39) on the left side was the company George Kenklies. Related to this is: a restaurant with Stabling, a coal merchant, a coffee roasting and a petrol station. From 1924-44 the firm was in this family. In neighboring
admire the beautiful home we Möbelausstellungen the Möbelfirma Otto Paulin, founded in 1904 and 1924-44 in the possession of this family. Last Liesbeth Zadeck was the owner, daughter of Paulin. I am thinking of the tragic fate of this family. Mr. Zadeck, owner of a piano company in the fairway, in which my father loaned to his concerts often a wing, was a Jew. His daughter Suse succeeded in time to settle with her Jewish husband to Australia. Where the remaining family may be left, Peter and Hilde Hanne, that we played as children.
In the same house there were also the clothing and Hutgeschäft Albert Waitschies and the white and dry goods from Kate Kruse. In No. 41, the main branch was I to the heartbeat of the Savings Bank and Kolonialwarengeschäft of Henry Wischnat. In No. 42 was until 1909 the club had been brewing and 1924-44, the restaurant Heinrich Budwill. Also, several workshops had settled there, the picture framing and Bauglaserei E. Bohnke, the basket maker Gustav Doebler shop, a craft that has become rare, and the decorator Otto Schattner.
At the Konfektionsgeschäft Fritz Mikat, which kindly provided us the che wife for so nice, I remember exactly, and the fish market by Kurt Pippi with the fat Räucheraalen is many are still known, and the wallpaper shop by Erich image data, the paint shop of Louis Baußus, saddlery by Paul Frank and the wheelwright August Mikat.
The home was No. 51 with his already baroque facade listed. From 1856-1944 it was owned by the bakery Behrendt. The dairy and the torch of shops Emil Janz were in this house. The large Grundstück No. 52/53 was a truck stop with a car repair workshop of Art-hur Plonus and an electrical installation by Max Jack City, next to
We walk past the restaurant by Benno Becker, the dry goods store of George Petzold, of the early Ludzoweit belonged to the well-known grocer of Emil Schienther, at the big hardware store by Paul Manleitner and notice a small sign: Violin teacher Bruno Schnabel . Occurs to us the famous string quartet-billed, which was more often in the City Theatre chamber concerts. We take a look at the flower shop of Fritz Haese and see the big signboard of Paul Struwe: building materials, iron and coal. Quick to wine and beer halls of gravity we do not now make station, but rather look at the expenses of the Textilgeschäftes Franz Lingnau (1924-1944).
Auf der anderen Seite der Langgasse erwartet uns schon das Wollgeschäft: Ferdinand Richter, das den Bleyle-Alleinverkauf von Tilsit hatte. Dort kauften meine Eltern blaue Matrosenanzüge für die 3 Jungen und Strickkleider für die drei Mädchen. Die Stricksachen waren teuer, aber von so guter Qualität, daß sich die Ausgabe lohnte.
Im selben Hause lag auch das Lederwaren- und Papier-Großhandelsgeschäft von Walter Schiemann. So manches Mal habe ich im Schaufenster die schönen Handtaschen, Koffer und Schirme bewundert. Herr Schiemann, den ich neulich bei seiner Tochter Ulla Sonnenberg in Marxen besuchte, hat mir über die Deutsche Major road are described. He is now 90 years old, and we warmly greeting him as one of our ältesten Tilsit Burger.
And now for "eweco, Ewald, Ewert & Co. There is certainly no Tilsit, who did not know it. This large shops, with its diverse offerings, which was its drugstore, colors, action, food stores and Kaffeerösterei and a guest room with a large yard for the stabling of the farmers had. Many will remember the sausage-eating there when Ewert had slaughtered a pig! And do not forget, we want the most famous daughter Ulla Ewert, the five times champion in foil fencing of East -, West Prussia and Danzig was married and then the foil fencing champion Walter Fromm.
the soap Spezialgeschäft by Frieda Renkewitz, earlier already and the business places of Feuersozietät of Tilsit. In the house No. 54 / 55 we will be able in the Schuhgeschäft of Schroder & Co., earlier Wolf admiring the latest models or the latest sparkling bike at Fritz Altmann. There was even a dental laboratory of Hans Arnold here.
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German road No. 50 The company Geschäftshaus Ferdinand Richter Nachf then ter-Behrendt, the House of bakery. Photo: Private |
We vorüber to the car-glazing of Kuno Seeck take a look at his pictures and action in the Jewellers by Otto Wagner. There was also a building-cleaning Institute of Fritz Schumann in No. 56 We learn from Paul Peterson about the current fashion for hats and stay a little before the children's paradise, the Spielwarengeschäft Rudolf Gohl, which was next to clip the biggest Tilsit.
Jewellers That much was so close to co-exist? For here, and Kurt Demand Willy Schwarz introduced their Goldund silver jewelery. And now we come to a managed to get comfortable in his way unique in the German Street was: the music shop of Majowski. Not that we Tilsit the music is not loved, but instruments besides harmonicas and Blockflöten were then already expensive, and we admired the bright trumpets, flashing Schiffer pianos, guitars and violins, in addition to which the finished clothing from George faded friend of course.
The Schuhgeschäft J. Hardt (Owner Fritz Stephani) is you probably still remember. Several large companies had settled in this Grundstück No. 60, the Building plumbing and central heating by Otto Gassner, the candy and Konfitürenfabrik by Kurt Brown, the Vulkanisieranstalt: Richard Kissnat and fishing act: Franz Wildi.
Now for the furs of Albert Jotzat (Owner Kurt Borrmann)! This was a superb, these magnificent furs: Persian lamb, fox and mink! For us teenagers back then were the unreal dream that only older people or begüterte could fulfill themselves.
in the same house there were the toys and products by Schneider-Th Lamprecht (Inh Hoffmann & Boy). In Fotogeschäft Gertrud Hake next, we often have to develop our films. The cigar shop of Emma Pettokat hauptsächlich contrast, Mr. customers as well as in the shop the tailor Titschkus.
In Eckgebäude W asserstraße invited to the big T extilgeschäft by: Gebr Dehler (1938-1944), (formerly Max Braude) to purchase one. It was a modern department store, with its many departments: clothing, fabrics, linen, clothing of all types, dry goods, well let compare with today's Kaufhäusern. On the other side of the waterway Simmen Valley of the beautiful old building, "Watch Grune Apotheke" herüber whose owners Bernhard Grundmann (1901-1944) and their tenants Manfred Vollradt was in the same house had. Friedrich Mitzkat a curtain-carpet and Tapetengeschäft . In No. 64 was the white, wool and Kurzwarengeschäft by: Scholz & Hinz, belongs Hugo Brinitzer earlier.
Also known was the large clothing company by Leiner & Wenik that belongs only later William Leiner and led mainly clothing, tailoring and uniforms. Modestly increased the other hand, the hat and Putzgeschäft meta Besson and "deaconesses Station".
But now Wiemers leather goods, where there were Seiler and shipping items from 1884-1944 in the possession of this family. In the next window Can we fur goods and materials from Mr. Carl Eisenberg look and if you needed a vehicle operator, could I turn to William Kryßon, who lived here at No. 66.
And now back to imperial coffee shops! Who is not familiar with its freshly roasted coffee from our own distillery, 1944, Thames & Acceptance shall Garf? And if that Manufakturgeschäft Carl Theisen is still a concept? I still have a coat with his name, Bugel, who überstanden flight.
We have come to the village square and admire the gift famous three-storey corner house, No. 68, the so-called "Blaurocksche house" with its beautiful baroque gables to the market place. It was the second oldest private house in the city received in 1694 the pharmacy privilege that was granted in 1700 to George Falck, of the newly built house in 1705. Under his successor, Georg Heinrich the Grundstück went bankrupt in 1727 and the Pharmacy privilege was extinguished. From 1864-1885, this house was owned by the family of Blue Rock and led since that name.
The corner house on the gegenüberliegenden side of the gift village square, German Street No. 69, was the oldest house of our city, known for the "Falk Pharmacy and its owner Kurt Peters.
It had already in 1552 a pitcher justice and 1694 a pharmacy privilege obtained. 1695 was rebuilt and remained so to this day preserved. The year "1571" for the Baujahr ist falsch und kann sich nur auf einige ältere Teile des Hauses beziehen. Von 1719-1744 gehörte das Haus dem Apotheker Dr. med. H. Christian Falck. Vielleicht hat der Apotheker von Prodszinsky es deswegen 1830 „Falkenapotheke" genannt.
In Nr. 70 begegnen wir wieder einem Juweliergeschäft Erich Eckstein und dem Zigarrenladen Max Prange. Der nächste Häuser-Komplex Nr. 71 mit Packhofstr. 4-6 war das „Stadthaus", mit seinen Verwaltungsräumen.
Schon von weitem lesen wir auf der anderen Seite der Packhofstraße den Werbe-Slogan „Schau nicht rechts, schau nicht links, Kauf nur bei Raudies und Bugenings!"
Dieses große Konfektionsgeschäft was owned by the family Raudies from 1907 to 1944. The car rental Viktor Dzikus was in this Grundstück.
The "Dewitzsche house" (in No. 74) had historical significance. Here was probably the peace (or Hohestr. 93, which also belonged Dewitz) of Napoleon at Tilsit with Russia on 07.07.1807, with Prussia at 9.7. . 1807 1939 signed here were a Holzmeßamt and the restaurant. Grickschat Ewald
W e have reached the Fletcherplatz and end our walk into the past To 18/01/1945 Tilsit was occupied by the Russians it was destroyed to 80%.. . On the right side of German Street was almost no house anymore. Today we know from eye witnesses that the House of German road have been rebuilt in a novel style.
But are the landmarks of the city, Luisa bridge, the German Order of church and town hall is gone, and all the beautiful houses, shops and commercial establishments in which we vorübergingen, live only in our memories.
Ursula Meyer-Semlies
Source: Tilsit newsletter 9-1979/80
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