Monday, November 23, 2009

Clipart Of Simple Machines

Tag 7 der Besetzung

is for seven days the lecture hall M 149 occupied. Our university has participated as one of 65 in the nationwide education strike 2009th
The first steps are made, but the road is still long. We must also continue to stand together in solidarity, build up pressure and show that we are not silent mass, but even some citizens who are fighting for your interests!

day program Tuesday: 11:45
clock: Lecture by Prof. Dr. Carsten Müller: Commodification of Education (T 151)

17:00 clock: Open Studio (G 026)
19:00 clock: Plenum
20:00 clock: Get-together and the show by Phil (Minimal Techno)

preview on Wednesday: Parent-child-day (from 8 clock), live stream to the University of Oldenburg (19 clock), Solidarity Party for the occupation of Einstein (20 clock)


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