Brief an die Dozenten
Dear teacher, dear teacher,
the occupation of the lecture hall M 149's at our institution now in its second week.
First we want to thank for the patience have shown them and hopefully show
become one. It is not in our interest to interfere with your teaching. We will be happy to help
example, in space and procurement of materials, should this become necessary due to our action
We think that our demands are also in your interest. In the interest of promoting democratic and educational
university life, we turn our focus on fundamental reform and redemption
successful reforms that ran from our
in the wrong direction. Since we currently do not have an elected representative of the student body have
, we see no other way to articulate our
securities, as uns durch die Besetzung des Hörsaals T 149 Gehör zu verschaffen.
Im Einzelnen sind unsere Ziele:
– Abschaffung der Studienbeiträge! Diese Form der Hochschulfinanzierung ist
unsozial und leistet dem Rückzug des Landes aus seinen Pflichten Vorschub.
– Offenlegung der Verwendung der Studienbeiträge!
– Volle Finanzierung der Hochschulbildung aus Landesmitteln! Die allseits
angeführten Sparzwänge dürfen nicht dazu führen, dass hochschulexterne Stellen
die Möglichkeit bekommen, in den Hochschulalltag einzugreifen und die Lehrinhalte
zu bestimmen. Die Freiheit von Forschung und Lehre muss gewahrt bleiben!
– In diesem Context, the establishment of university councils to consider critically
! Basic internal university decisions democratically
must come about and are taken from those that concern: students, lecturers and staff
- The increase of work pressure by the introduction of credit point system
must be withdrawn! The increase of work pressure on the
students is unacceptable in its present form does not. To study
is in addition to specialized education, the participation in democratic processes
. In a system of control by increasing attendance and
the debt by rigid timetables this democratic right
- constitution of the new students before the current Parliament in the Electoral Regulations
fixed date (March 1, 2010)!
We hope for your support and active assistance! Thematically appropriate
events we like to integrate into our schedule and are also
interdisciplinary events open.
Write down your concerns to improve conditions for teaching at the University
and your own high school life. Discuss with each other and discuss with us
Visit us on the space T 149 or send us an e-mail to Our goal is for all lecturers Divisions in a
match discussion to hear your opinions and suggestions and integrate them into our
are many Sincerely
The squatters plenum
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