New Issue of Online Tutoring Journal
Dear readers,
it is again an issue of the Journal Online Tutoring ( ) appeared. The subject of our current issue is: "Successful collaboration in virtual teams - similarities and differences in comparison to online learning groups" .
virtual teams and online learning groups have a lot in common. This is mainly because, both in time ( limited combined) groups make use of Internet-based communication, and that, therefore, many activities are required to distances of technical and spatial in nature and perhaps to overcome on an interpersonal level. If it's up and running, it's running - again, a parallelism. The very present striking differences to work our writers out in detail: while it is in online learning in particular to the achievement of individual learning goals and to be necessary can be beat as a single fighter is in a virtual team of the success of a common work-related project on the game . And since it alone would not only harmful, but sometimes even "deadly." The demands on the communication skills of the team members are thus still far higher than in online learning. For team leaders and online tutors are therefore very specific tasks. What exactly, you will learn while reading the article in our current issue - because you have to read for yourself! ;-)
Our article on the theme of the current issue:
Our interviewees Konrad Fassnacht is both an expert on virtual teamwork as well as an experienced online tutor and coach. His thoughts and reflections on the similarities and differences of online learning and virtual teamwork are revealing und hilfreich für künftige (Virtuelle) Teamleiter und Online-Tutoren, aber auch für die potentiellen Teilnehmer/innen beider Szenarien. Zum Experteninterview:
"Die richtige Mischung macht's - effiziente Kommunikationskonzepte für verteilte Teams": Katja Königstein stellt ein nachvollziehbares Kommunikationskonzept für die Zusammenarbeit verteilter Teams vor. Zum Einsatz kommende Kommunikationsmedien werden anhand der Media-Richness-Theorie eingeteilt und je nach Aufgabenstellung passend ausgewählt. Zum Artikel:
"Online ? Successfully work together - and then, as possible ": The concerns to Anja Roeck is often confronted by clients when it comes to online collaboration, noticeable in their article as an experienced coach and online tutor she has to. to offer readers and reader, but a lot of useful and tangible tips for successful online collaboration to the article.
The current reading tip of the editors : sprout
online consulting services such as mushrooms Anyone googling the opening times of his baker on the Internet that would also like the always-on advice. auf Mausklick - und das am besten anonym und kostenlos. Das neu erschienene Handbuch Online-Beratung , herausgegeben von Stefan Kühne und Gerhard Hintenberger , bündelt theoretische Überlegungen und Erfahrungen aus der Praxis und beschreibt neue Entwicklungen und Tendenzen. Für mich überraschend: die Parallelität der Themen zum Bereich Online-Lernen. Denn auch mobile Medien wie Handys und PDAs haben längst unter dem Stichwort "M-Beratung" ihren Siegeszug angetreten. Lesen Sie hier unsere Rezension:
Ich wünsche ich Ihnen wieder spannende und anregende Leseerlebnisse mit dieser Ausgabe! The next issue of Online Tutoring Journal is published in early February 2010 in collaboration with the newly founded professional association for online education eV "as a special issue on Learntec. More information can be found here:
Best wishes and good year-end rally!
Gabriela Pflüger, editor
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