Actually, that should have been a normal Tuesday - was so clear that it did not work. As soon as I woke up this morning was what funny to me - but there was really like weird white stuff from heaven and trickled past my cozy window.
snow? After we had last week still a hefty 25 degrees? Ufff ... Well, it's November, as snow can sometimes, but the change was a little extreme. Fortunately, the ground is still so warm that lie, the snow did not. So off to shovel snow ... Not yet. Although I somehow have the feeling that this winter is to come a lot in terms of snow. But that is what we should have had better not think.
* Palms - beach - summer - sun *
Well, these thoughts are not the rising winter glitters sell all, but a trial's was worth.
So I peel out of my warm bed and slip into jeans and sweater. Not particularly advantageous for the office but more than enough.
the office already a shaking-do man in a suit stood at the door and waited to be admitted. Did I forget an appointment?
"I'm here to demonstrate them to a special product ..." prating go merrily.
Oh My goodness - a representative? So early?
I put my grumpy look on his face and watch him with my "leave me alone, I did not have coffee" in the face. Apparently he is immune because he rants more gardening: "It's very cold, can I come clean" Meanwhile, it elbows, make for the door.
"NO!" is on my tongue, but somehow it I'm sorry. He seems to have sold out massively in the clothing and has already frozen all blue. If he was there on foot? Probably not, since in the parking lot is a typical representative of Audi A6 with the smallest "belongs to the truck is parked, which must not cost anything" equipment. Only one gave Navi's - clear, otherwise he can not account for its victims, der Gute...
Ich bitte ihn herein und biete ihm einen Kaffee an. Mal schauen, was er so anbieten will.
Er öffnet seinen Musterkoffer und präsentiert mit großer Geste... Streichhölzer. Oder besser gesagt Streichholzschachteln. "Haben Sie schon mal Streichholzschachteln weg geschmissen...?" plappert er siegessicher
"Klar hab ich...", denke ich bei mir, sage aber nichts sondern schaue ihn einfach nur möglichst nichtssagend an.
"... eeeeben - niemand wirft Streichholzschachteln weg! Deshalb sind sie als Werbeträger geradezu ideal!" Er strahlt mir ins Gesicht als hätte er eben ein Mittel gegen Krebs erfunden und ist von meiner nicht wirklich enthusiastischen Reaktion wohl tatsächlich überrascht. "Streichholzschachteln - mit Ihrem Firmenlogo drauf!" verdeutlicht er mir, diesmal etwas lauter. Scheinbar denkt er, ich sei taub - oder doof - oder beides.
"Ja, ich habs schon verstanden...", lasse ich ihn wissen "aber ich bin was Werbung angeht bestens ausgestattet. Ich habe erst gestern 10.000 Partyschirmchen mit meinem Firmenlogo drauf bestellt."
Der Sarkasmus an dieser Behauptung scheint ihm verborgen zu bleiben, denn er ereifert sich weiter "Aber Partyschirmchen schaut man nur mal an und selbst wenn man sie mit heim nimmt, irgendwann schmeisst man sie doch weg, weil sie verstauben... Streichholzschachteln hingegen..."
"Lassen Sie mir doch Ihre Informationsbroschüre there and if I even want to advertise with matchboxes I sign! "I try to end the call. But I get up and look stressed in his coffee cup, which is already empty. Significant you can not say that the conversation is now finished is.
seem Unfortunately, indications, and the like not to fit into the representative program, because he is already back to "We put your logo to fit well, that's all in the price of it ..."
I interrupt him again so , this time more directly, "I currently have no use for this type of advertising, and unfortunately an appointment in 20 minutes ..." I look stressed at the clock and see there, this time he's understood. He pulls his colorful matchbooks together and prepared to go.
"I will leave you some samples," he says and puts about 10 really great looking matchboxes on the table. One even has the shape of a pineapple and praises delicious fruits of a company called "Fruit cutter" to another looks more like a little gift pack. Really attractive and nicely done, no question.
"One last request ..." I think of him. "Let me please as a matchbook from your company, then I have your contact information always at hand."
He looks at me completely horrified. "We have no matchbook from our own company." he admits sheepishly.
"Why that not ", I ask, genuinely surprised. After all, he promoted the match box as the only real advertising opportunity for his own company, he has none? Unbelievable ...
He thinks. He further considered.
My heart, that what now is not so 100% ig in accordance with the truth, for the time to find an answer is too long.
"They are all outstanding," says he stiff.
"Aha." Lasse, I announced . Sure you look at me that I'm not quite believe, as the representative ears light up again in various shades of red.
Plätzlich he has to go in a hurry. "I have a lot of other dates," nüschelt er in seinen nicht vorhandenen Bart und *schwupps* schon ist er draussen.
Eigentlich finde ich die Idee mit den Streichholzschachteln ja gar nicht so schlecht - nur der Auftritt hat mich nicht wirklich überzeugen können. Warum nur? *grins*
Ich ziehe meine Schreibtischschublade auf und lege die mir als Muster überlassenen Streichholzschachteln neben einen Stapel Visitenkarten anderer Vertreter und ertappe mich tatsächlich beim Gedanken "...viel zu schade zum wegschmeissen..." Kugelschreiber, Luftballons, Feuerzeuge, Einkaufswagenchips - selbstverständlich alles mit dem Logo meiner Firma - und jetzt eben Streichhölzer...
Ich denke, ich werde mal ein paar Schachteln davon kaufen and try out the advertising effect. After all, no one throws away matchbooks easy, right?