Tuesday, November 16, 2010
Free Software For 8110 Bb Unlock
Actually, that should have been a normal Tuesday - was so clear that it did not work. As soon as I woke up this morning was what funny to me - but there was really like weird white stuff from heaven and trickled past my cozy window.
snow? After we had last week still a hefty 25 degrees? Ufff ... Well, it's November, as snow can sometimes, but the change was a little extreme. Fortunately, the ground is still so warm that lie, the snow did not. So off to shovel snow ... Not yet. Although I somehow have the feeling that this winter is to come a lot in terms of snow. But that is what we should have had better not think.
* Palms - beach - summer - sun *
Well, these thoughts are not the rising winter glitters sell all, but a trial's was worth.
So I peel out of my warm bed and slip into jeans and sweater. Not particularly advantageous for the office but more than enough.
the office already a shaking-do man in a suit stood at the door and waited to be admitted. Did I forget an appointment?
"I'm here to demonstrate them to a special product ..." prating go merrily.
Oh My goodness - a representative? So early?
I put my grumpy look on his face and watch him with my "leave me alone, I did not have coffee" in the face. Apparently he is immune because he rants more gardening: "It's very cold, can I come clean" Meanwhile, it elbows, make for the door.
"NO!" is on my tongue, but somehow it I'm sorry. He seems to have sold out massively in the clothing and has already frozen all blue. If he was there on foot? Probably not, since in the parking lot is a typical representative of Audi A6 with the smallest "belongs to the truck is parked, which must not cost anything" equipment. Only one gave Navi's - clear, otherwise he can not account for its victims, der Gute...
Ich bitte ihn herein und biete ihm einen Kaffee an. Mal schauen, was er so anbieten will.
Er öffnet seinen Musterkoffer und präsentiert mit großer Geste... Streichhölzer. Oder besser gesagt Streichholzschachteln. "Haben Sie schon mal Streichholzschachteln weg geschmissen...?" plappert er siegessicher
"Klar hab ich...", denke ich bei mir, sage aber nichts sondern schaue ihn einfach nur möglichst nichtssagend an.
"... eeeeben - niemand wirft Streichholzschachteln weg! Deshalb sind sie als Werbeträger geradezu ideal!" Er strahlt mir ins Gesicht als hätte er eben ein Mittel gegen Krebs erfunden und ist von meiner nicht wirklich enthusiastischen Reaktion wohl tatsächlich überrascht. "Streichholzschachteln - mit Ihrem Firmenlogo drauf!" verdeutlicht er mir, diesmal etwas lauter. Scheinbar denkt er, ich sei taub - oder doof - oder beides.
"Ja, ich habs schon verstanden...", lasse ich ihn wissen "aber ich bin was Werbung angeht bestens ausgestattet. Ich habe erst gestern 10.000 Partyschirmchen mit meinem Firmenlogo drauf bestellt."
Der Sarkasmus an dieser Behauptung scheint ihm verborgen zu bleiben, denn er ereifert sich weiter "Aber Partyschirmchen schaut man nur mal an und selbst wenn man sie mit heim nimmt, irgendwann schmeisst man sie doch weg, weil sie verstauben... Streichholzschachteln hingegen..."
"Lassen Sie mir doch Ihre Informationsbroschüre there and if I even want to advertise with matchboxes I sign! "I try to end the call. But I get up and look stressed in his coffee cup, which is already empty. Significant you can not say that the conversation is now finished is.
seem Unfortunately, indications, and the like not to fit into the representative program, because he is already back to "We put your logo to fit well, that's all in the price of it ..."
I interrupt him again so , this time more directly, "I currently have no use for this type of advertising, and unfortunately an appointment in 20 minutes ..." I look stressed at the clock and see there, this time he's understood. He pulls his colorful matchbooks together and prepared to go.
"I will leave you some samples," he says and puts about 10 really great looking matchboxes on the table. One even has the shape of a pineapple and praises delicious fruits of a company called "Fruit cutter" to another looks more like a little gift pack. Really attractive and nicely done, no question.
"One last request ..." I think of him. "Let me please as a matchbook from your company, then I have your contact information always at hand."
He looks at me completely horrified. "We have no matchbook from our own company." he admits sheepishly.
"Why that not ", I ask, genuinely surprised. After all, he promoted the match box as the only real advertising opportunity for his own company, he has none? Unbelievable ...
He thinks. He further considered.
My heart, that what now is not so 100% ig in accordance with the truth, for the time to find an answer is too long.
"They are all outstanding," says he stiff.
"Aha." Lasse, I announced . Sure you look at me that I'm not quite believe, as the representative ears light up again in various shades of red.
Plätzlich he has to go in a hurry. "I have a lot of other dates," nüschelt er in seinen nicht vorhandenen Bart und *schwupps* schon ist er draussen.
Eigentlich finde ich die Idee mit den Streichholzschachteln ja gar nicht so schlecht - nur der Auftritt hat mich nicht wirklich überzeugen können. Warum nur? *grins*
Ich ziehe meine Schreibtischschublade auf und lege die mir als Muster überlassenen Streichholzschachteln neben einen Stapel Visitenkarten anderer Vertreter und ertappe mich tatsächlich beim Gedanken "...viel zu schade zum wegschmeissen..." Kugelschreiber, Luftballons, Feuerzeuge, Einkaufswagenchips - selbstverständlich alles mit dem Logo meiner Firma - und jetzt eben Streichhölzer...
Ich denke, ich werde mal ein paar Schachteln davon kaufen and try out the advertising effect. After all, no one throws away matchbooks easy, right?
Saturday, October 30, 2010
Cervical Ucus While Breastgeeding
Saturday. The day after I missed my own appearance in the SWR-night cafe ... * Laughs * And also at noon today, because I was out with my Hundel, enjoy the last rays of autumn this year. Well, I confess, I was not really keen for me to inspect the TV - who knows, maybe it's true, and you can see on the screen 30% thicker than it actually is. I must have not yet seen it ...
Today I had some questions in my mailbox, because if I could show the before-image again, ideally with a After picture for comparison. Sure, here are the photos:
For my part, I will now spend the rest of Saturday evening on the couch. Enough action for today ... together
a nice Saturday evening and read again,
Your Alexandra
Friday, October 22, 2010
Mexican Brownie Recipe
few weeks ago I received a call from the SWR, if I did not about "food - enemy or the elixir of life" to participate in the program will, as I've written a book on the subject.
Since I have recently virtually nothing done advertising moderate, because I was missing with some ongoing projects, the time, I was doch etwas erstaunt von dem Anruf, aber natürlich auch erfreut, keine Frage.
Nach einigen Telefonaten, unter anderem mit dem Moderator der Sendung, Wieland Backes, wurde alles für mich organisiert und ich war Anfang Oktober zur Aufzeichnung der Sendung im Schloss Favorite.
Lange Rede, kurzer Sinn: heute in einer Woche ist es so weit: Die Sendung des SWR-Nachtcafé , bei der ich die Ehre habe, sie als Gast an der Bar mit meiner Geschichte zu eröffnen, wird am 29.10.2010 um 22 Uhr ausgestrahlt.
Wer also Lust hat, Alexandra Sperling mal live zu sehen sei herzlich eingeladen, die Sendung zu schauen...
Die Stimmung dort war toll - ich habe im Gespräch totally forgot the cameras and the time flew by so fast that I even forgot to mention my book. I have then made up yet and hope now that it did not fall victim to the editing table ...
Greetings from the beautiful Augsburg,
Thursday, August 19, 2010
Feel Cold In Left Arm After Cold Drink
Also in the autumn / winter again find six webinars instead of MFG-Academy, the members of the bvob ( professional association for online education eV, successor to the teletutoren.net) will be paid. The participation fee is € 40.00 plus VAT per webinar, duration: 90 minutes:
first The design of marketing webinars
Date: Monday, 27 September 2010, 14.00 to 15.30 clock
Speaker: Katja Königstein
information and registration www.doit-online.de/marketing
second E-Commerce - make quite sure
Date: Monday, 11 October 2010, 16.00 bis 17.30
Clock Speaker: Attorney Astrid Christofori www.doit-online.de/e_commerce ( profile on Twitter )
information and registration
third Idea Management 2.0
Date: Monday, 18 www.doit-online.de/ideenmanagement
Dr. Beate wood information and registration
4th of October 2010, 14.00 to 15.30 clock Officer MS Office 2007 - a look behind the new surface
Date: Monday, 22 November 2010, 16.00 bis 17.30
Clock Speaker: Anne Kienitz
information and registration www.doit-online.de/msoffice
5. Practical Copyright for teachers and trainers
Date: Monday, 29 November 2010, 14.00 to 15.30 clock
Speaker: Peter Geissinger www.doit-online.de/urheberrecht
information and registration
6th E-Moderation: Successful guide work and learning groups on the network and support
Date: Monday, 13 December 2010, 16.00 bis 17.30
Clock Speaker: Katja bed
information and registration www.doit-online.de/emoderation
Friday, August 6, 2010
Life Expectancy With Ovarian Cancer
Friday night - time again the fridge along with an increase bissel cupboards. So I trudge bravely through the ice-cold August rain. 12 ° C we have today in an otherwise sunny Augsburg and it has rained only once this morning at just before 6 to ... Well, for now - still raining. But I will grumble's not, after all, the weather is always as good as what you have here on. I look down at me: baggy pants, just such a sweater, sneakers. Not exactly coture haute, but for Aldi should be more than adequate and, in contrast to sandals, you should wear more so in August, it rains there is not pure.
so I swing in my car and Diesl to Aldi. Good time, because the parking lot is nearly empty, the search for a nearby car park entrance is quick and painless.
In view of the weather I decided to move to larger shopping orgy on one occasion and now just a bissel to get what for today and tomorrow.
I scurry So, armed with a cotton bag, along the rain through the entrance schliddere, rowing on the wet tile floor with his arms up in front of the roll stand, think again and stop trying, just as dignified as possible to go further. I furtively look around. If neither seen ... * Phew *
Purchasing is itself happened fast: a bag of whole wheat bread, light cheese, a packet of chicken breast, a bottle of Riesling, to give the chicken while frying some taste, lean diced ham, crème fraiche, a tube of tomato paste, a can corn and a salad bowl.
Having successfully navigated all the tasty treats and habits (my cycle just tortures me with a mad japps for sweets), I went up to the cash register.
Just before I reach the box office is only open a lady from the side and pushed her car right in front of my nose to the cash register tape. Would have been no more wild, this would not have been shopping cart filled with the month of shopping for a 4-person family. Even below the actual shopping cart, the woman two banana boxes stuffed with food had left.
put something broken I am good with my half-filled cotton bags to the rear. The woman had seen my mini-shopping very much and I with a loud "HA - YOU may wait now" grin had cut off the way I do without it, by asking me whether I could probably plan to humiliate themselves. I also got it's not really in a hurry, outside is always wet and in general. Whoever loses is annoyed.
is behind me, a young man in the queue, the purchase fails even thinner than mine, he only has something in her arms.
Feels 2 hours later finally so much space that I can pack my things on tape. So I take one of these customers separator, which is used so good that not Lizzie Schmidt accidentally paid the radishes by Charles John Smith, and number of my shopping on the tape. The lady before me has made my self-control to the test, it seems chocolate addict to buy a bunch of freaks Nash: chocolate, cookies, chips, pudding, trail mix, even more chocolate, gummy bears. Aldi has a very wide range of sweets. The crown form 4 (in words: four) 500g packs Tartufo that Aldi offers just under his Italian weeks and the appearance of this offer since I always sneak around.
AUMMMM ... I am strong ... and slim ... and I need no sweets ....
I try my view of the treats to distract the purchases, the lady while screaming my stomach, my diet reptile (located in the back of the head, left rear) and of course my hormones hue and cry and insistently ask for sweets.
I turn therefore to the young man behind me to and what I see? The only beiden Artikel, die er kauft sind WAS? Genau: Zwei Packungen Tartufo.
Ich wittere Verschwöööörung!!! Das kann doch kein Zufall sein! Süßigkeiten überall... und dann auch noch Tartufoooo *WAAAAAAHHH*
Gut, das ist eventuell etwas übertrieben *zwinker* Dennoch gestehe ich, dass ich fast gesabbert hätte, als ich durch die Folie das leckere Tartufo gesehen habe.
Ich bin froh, als ich endlich dran bin, zahlen kann und mich wieder in mein Auto verkrümle. Tapfer, tapfer, denn ich habe dem Drang widerstanden, dem jungen Mann eine Packung seiner Leckerei zu entreissen und ich bin auch nicht nochmal ins Aldi rein, um Süßigkeiten zu kaufen.
Now I sit here writing this and run me again the mouth water. Fortunately, I have a bar of chocolate. So I go get a chop. A little chocolate is not much of a problem ... ne whole table or just a pack Tartufo would probably not have been such a good idea.
morning, so tomorrow I will finally go to the gym! I won! Then also the japps passes for sweets:)
Wednesday, August 4, 2010
Are There More Types Of Century Bob
So, yes the great heat seems finally to be over - no more reason that I express myself in front of the Sport * mist *: (
It was so convenient with shorts and Flipflopps hanging around, eating ice cream, sipping cold drinks and on "movement? in this weather?" I do not want drop dead "to make ...
should I slowly rid the face of the continuing 20 ° C McFit out my member's card from dust and snatch me up. Easier said than done ... I seem to be the gravitational field of my couch to be held.
A look in the mirror still comforts me right now, for as radical as I thought at first, not even isses with the sport - at least not as far as my character. Although I must confess that I found my breasts deeper than a few weeks ago, when I almost "in training" was. Or, more bluntly, the breast-age indicator is "crisp, mid-20 could be" on "well, with viel gutem Willen so Anfang 30" runter geschlafft. Wird also echt Zeit, was zu machen, bevor der erste Bodenfrost kommt und es ernsthafte Probleme gibt ;-)
In diesem Sinne: bewegt Euch, solang es die Temperaturen noch zulassen - wer weiß, wann der nächste Sommer-Hitze-Schwall kommt, denn wir haben ja erst August...
Saturday, July 10, 2010
Cancer Effect Hiv Test
Samstag... 38 Grad im Schatten, eben frisch gemessen. Ich schmelze langsam aber sicher vor mich hin, fungiere nur noch als Umwandlungsgerät für gekühlte Flüssigkeiten: Eiswasser rein, Schweiß raus. Vorteil: im Baggersee ist sicher kein Pipi - wer kann bei der Hitze schon noch Getränke in Urin umwandeln, so weit kommt das eh nicht.
Ich habe einen nice place to get hold of a dense Bsuch, an umbrella stretched and just thinking if I the lobster-red older gentleman who bruzzelt for hours in the sun does not should invite under my umbrella. When he has actually moved the last time? hmmmm ... I take a closer look - ah, at least he's still breathing, seems to sleep ...
few minutes have passed when he turns around grunting. My question, if he does not want to in the shadows, he answered with a shocked "What I will not even brown" - Okay ... Furthermore, I think probably not to continue and watschle instead carefully over the sharp stones on the water.
Aaaahhh ... cool ... doing well until about Belly huaaaaah * * But what has to be that way. I hold my breath and walrus-like throw myself into the waves. Probably the first time that this has small tidal lake ;-) The fact that I'm not fat is probably still not got quite to my mind, because I am still looking for permanent, if no one sees me and yes, up until I have gone to his neck in the water ...
my circulation seems to have weathered the unexpected cold shower - my heart rate shoots up short, I happily paddle in the lake. Something touches me on the foot .... hmmm ... certainly a small fish - emphasis on small ...
times I look at my things - wants home afterwards without clothes have to - and see how can two guys on my towel down. Is about time that I walk out of the water ...
I paddle back to shore so and try to be as elegant as possible to get up, which in view of the sloshing water, my sensitive feet and the smooth stones is not so simple. More or less gracefully, I trudge out of the water on my clothes and look grumpy about the boys. "Hey - that's probably my towel on which your rumhockt because" I go Motz. Fortunately, the two in an age where they are from "older ladies" can say what. They whisper briefly look pretty blatantly on the breasts, then down along the chassis, giggle and warp, with a strong red in the face.
If I already have become so attractive that pimply youths giggle shyly and blushing?
A bit proud sloshes up in me. I sit back on my bath towels - of course not without first wrap a towel around my waist ... better safe than sorry ;-) ;-) ;-)
Saturday, July 3, 2010
Mysore Kand Watch Online
It's warm. Everyone's has already noticed, all sweating and groaning. Is not like we have now feels like 30 months until winter successfully put behind us and then suddenly this scorcher. * Phew *
I sit here in the office and dream of balmy 23 degrees, a gentle Breeze and tumbling sea water soft around my ankles. The reality? Even now, just after 9:30 am, 30 degrees in the office, or even sea breeze no trace. Therapy has not grad mal ne discount action again? Mist is true. Percentages for all that has NO plug. But air conditioners have one. Whether I get the discount, if I simply plug a pair of pliers and after cutting off again towards craft? ;-) Probably not ... I also tolerate air-conditioning air is so bad, the nasal mucosa is so dry.
Well, I suffer under the temperatures significantly less than Moppel times, but today I feel kind of swollen. My ankles are somehow rund und auch der Rest - nix mit Bikini... Ich sollte wieder mehr Sport machen - und gestern abend die Pizza? Ich darf gar nicht dran denken *mistmistmist*
Dennoch überlege ich, ob ich die Arbeit heute nicht nach draussen verlege. Der gestrige Versuch mit meinem neuen Internet-Stick nebst Flatrate für's überall-Internetten war ein Erfolg. Kann ja nicht sein, dass jemand auch nur 10 Minuten im Freien verbringt und dabei weder bloggt noch twittert noch seine eMails abrufen kann - und ich mach auch noch mit. Schöne neue Welt ;-) Ich könnte also einfach irgendwo unter einen Baum hocken und die liegen gebliebenen Mappen fertig gestalten, die der Kunde am Montag haben will.
Verlockend... Noch viel verlockender: Eiscafé, bissel Passanten beobachten, Seele baumeln lassen. Nur dass mir besagter Kunde dann am Montag den Kopf abreissen wird.
Ich verschiebe das Raus-Gehen auf Mittags (NOCH ist es hier so weit erträglich, aber spätestens ab 14h fängt mein Gehirn an zu kochen und ich muss eh raus) und werde mich jetzt, ob brav, oh brav, meiner Arbeit zuwenden.
Friday, July 2, 2010
Female Hemorrhoid Symptoms
love bvob'ler,
since our inception, Much has happened board of directors and advisory boards have created the necessary formal and fiscal conditions for our common association's activities (statutes and other regulations), the office set up and planned the rest of the program for this year and organized. The members have already discussed in our network area, participated in events together and even to a workgroup. is
Overall we can say from many conversations that the bvob in the industry was well received and has attracted diverse interest. This is suggested the new members and gained the attention of industry-specific media. Now it is important to any professional body together specifically to develop further.
With this newsletter we also want to bring reason to the latest state of play and announce a series of bvob events, which will be held until the end of the year. In future, this newsletter is published regularly once a month.
With the successful end as soon as registration in the register and the relaunch of our website and through our extensive training and program of events, we want to "take off really" in the second half with all of you. We look forward to meeting you soon online or offline.
For the Board
Manuel Jans
The state of the foundation
Germany's bureaucracy makes it not easy for us! For months, we will provide the appropriate entry in the register of associations with the active support of our legal Beirätin Petra Geisinger (Thanks!) And authenticated by one hurdle after another out of his way. These barriers are especially due to the fact that agencies are dealing almost never with professional associations and accordingly here first need to build skills and expertise. But we are quite willing to help here as a learning companion ... ;-)
is now but the end of the bureaucratic gauntlet in sight the formal act of registration in the relevant register of associations is imminent. We will inform you about the joyous event.
the way: The bvob than so-called "Vorverein" ever since the establishment of fully legal and able to act. Theoretically. Sorry, we're all practically without opening the entry in the register an account, so we have also, for example, no membership fees for 2010 can move. So far, here are the board members went in advance to the ongoing costs, such as for registration in the register of associations (the payment of fees was contrary to everything else, very quickly!), The web space, etc. to pay. But that should hopefully yes soon change.
AG Virtual Classroom founded
When our first working group, the AG "Virtual Classroom" has (AG-VC) formed after some preliminary work on 07.06., Certainly in the context of a VC meeting. The company is directed by Ariane Anders and Anja Roeck and is currently drafting a rating system for VC's. This should be assessed in the virtual circuit to different rooms and a market overview for members to create bvob.
We thank the members for their initiative and wish you every success for the cooperation. We look forward to the results of this promising AG.
General Assembly 2010
Please do not forget: Our first annual general meeting after the foundation, on 13.10. around the trade fair held in Cologne HRM. From 18.30 clock starts the "come together", from 19.00 clock the General Assembly. The exact program and the location to be announced. Of your appearance, we would be delighted. soon
Coming: New Website
also in terms of our website ( www.bv-online-bildung.de ) we will in future continue to professionalize. Based on the CMS Typo 3, our sustaining member learntube! für uns eine neue Webpräsenz geschaffen, die wesentlich schicker und funktionaler sein wird als unsere bisherige Lösung. Der Relaunch der Seite steht kurz bevor, wir werden Sie darüber informieren. Oberhalb dieses Newsletters sehen Sie schon einmal als Vorgeschmack einen Screenshot der Testversion.
Darüber hinaus wird unser interner Netzwerkraum (Moodle) so in unsere Webpräsenz integriert sein, dass Sie sich hier direkt in den Mitgliederbereich einloggen können. Auch unser Moodle wird dann noch an das Corporate Design des bvob angepasst und um zusätzliche Funktionalitäten erweitert. An dieser Stelle schon einmal vielen Dank an Stefan Ramaker und das Team von learntube!.
put (new) members before
Since our inception, we have gained several new members that we want to welcome this opportunity to once again cordially. We are pleased that you contribute your expertise and your commitment to the bvob.
In the future we aim to offer our members the opportunity to change as the other members (via the internal newsletter) and the general public (through our website and the external news letters) present.
I would therefore ask all members who are interested, a self-introduction of a maximum time an A4 page with key information (name, qualifications, professional experience, activity difficult points, interests, contact information, etc.) as a Word file and possibly an image by e-mail: mJane @ bv-on-line bildung.de send. This self-concepts, we will then publish Chen successively.
The bvob in Online Tutoring Journal (OTJ)
It was at this point once again pointed out that the current edition of the OTJ is disputed by members of the bvob. These articles do a lot of the presentations again, which of the members of the bvob held at Learntec 2010 as part of our workshop were:
§ Manuel Jans / Gabriela Pflüger: As for the tele-tutors network of professional association Online education was
§ Anja Roeck: Online Learning Accelerated
§ Hildegard Champion: networked alone and yet - the use of Web 2.0 - tools to support tion of interaction in online learning groups
§ Julia Hunter: buy online tutoring skills certify - an initiative from Austria rich
§ Ariane Anders: On the technical editor for the screenwriter
All articles can be found at: http://www.online-tutoring-journal.de
The bvob in the press
The bvob has already found some mention in the press, even Thanks to the work involved by th Inga Geisler and Gabriela Pflüger.
A review of the published press releases and press reports can be found on the Moodle Platform:
If get to a press report that is not listed, please send it or the reference to the office (geschaeftsstelle@bv-online-bildung.de).
bvob site: Presence event in cooperation with D-Elan and Bibb on 07.07.2010 in Bonn
In cooperation with the Dt. Network of e-learning actors e. V. (D-Elan) invites der bvob am 7.7.2010 nach Bonn in die Räume des BiBB zu einer Präsenzveranstaltung zum Thema
„Virtuelle Räume – Lernräume der Zukunft“ ein.
Über die Vorzüge und Einsatzmöglichkeiten von Live-Online-Trainings wollen wir mit der Veranstaltung am 7. Juli in Bonn informieren. Auf der Veranstaltung bekommen die Teil nehmer Impulse und hilfreiche Tipps für die erfolgreiche Gestaltung von virtuellen Seminaren und Konferenzen.
Die Veranstaltung richtet sich an:
o Unternehmen und Organisationen, die sich informieren wollen
o Unternehmen und Organisationen, die darüber nachdenken Live-Online-Trainings selbst zu nutzen
o Educational institutions that wish to expand their offerings
o presenters and trainers, with live online training have experience to welcome
o newcomers who have no experience
We look forward to as many members of the bvob in Bonn.
You can register here: http://de.amiando.com/delan-vor-ort_bonn.html
The bvob on the big stage: Zukunft Personal, Professional Learning Conference Europe
On the Zukunft Personal in Cologne, the bvob the congress Profes sional Learning Europe (PLE) on Thursday, 14:10:10 von 09.30 - 12.30 clock the Workshop V: "E-Learning for Beginners - E-Learner support professional" contest.
receives order for our event a real workshop character, we do not lag on Frontalvor and with short introductory presentations, panel discussions as part of a "World Café" and a moderated plenary with the expected 100 participants on topics such as online tutoring, live Online training and of course also talk about the bvob. As facilitators and experts who appear to our members Katja bed, Anja Roeck, Hildegard champion, Inga Geisler and Manuel Jans.
Here we have the chance to personnel managers, Continuing education providers and trainers who want to (increased) to e-learning, to present as a professional association and to demonstrate the importance of professional tutorial support and professional (live) online training for the (learning) of success.
We would be delighted if our members would participate in large numbers. For us, the Zukunft Personal Organizer 40 free tickets available, access to the Congress will remain but probably a charge. We do our best here at the time to special conditions.
training events of 2010 bvob
In September we start our training program, which We will also want to invite non-members:
Further requested vocational training courses,
§ Sonja Högl / Anja Roeck: Introduction to a voice training for live online coach, VC
suggestions for further topics and speakers set up to: mjans@bv-online-bildung.de
All training events will be announced separately, been on you can then register for the binding event.
professional association for online education e. V.
office (i. Gr.)
Lölsberg 49
51491 Overath
fon: +49 22 06 91 02 31
fax: +49 22 06 91 02 33
mail: geschaeftsstelle@bv-online-bildung.de
Internet: www.bv-online-bildung.de
Sitz des Vereins:
Lölsberg 49, 51491 Overath
Registergericht: Amtsgericht Köln – Vereinsregister
Registernummer: N. N.
Manuel Jans
Vertretungsberechtigter Vorstand:
Dr. Manuel Jans (Vorsitzender)
Inga Geisler (Stellvertretende Vorsitzende)
Dr. Hildegard Meister (Schatzmeisterin)
Thursday, July 1, 2010
5190 Americaonline.aol.com
Hallo, liebe Leserinnen und Leser!
Lang lang ists her, dass ich mich hier zu Wort gemeldet habe. Offensichtlich bin ich nicht dazu gemacht, brav täglich in ein Blog zu schreiben. Immer wieder nehme ich mir vor, regelmäßig zu bloggen und dann kommt der Himmel weiss was dazwischen.
Aber besser selten als gar nicht und besser rarely more or less useful than waste a day. ;-)
now there is actually something new:
can win something - certainly always worth a story:
As part of the film "Gordo - the obese" the English star director Daniel Sánchez Arévalo (known for his breakthrough with the movie "dark blue almost black ") giving away the movie rental only 10 hand-signed copies of Striped makes lean.
I have even seen the movie yet, but the trailer seems in any case ever of very interesting and I am going to move in any case, even to the cinema to enjoy the masterpiece. More about the film, the competition and cinemas showing the film and a Trailer can be found on the official movie site:
Gordo - the obese
Many greetings and do not let you get on!
your Alex
Tuesday, May 25, 2010
Shoes That You Can Customize Mercurial
Es ist wieder eine Ausgabe des Online Tutoring Journals ( http://www.online-tutoring-journal.de ) erschienen.
The theme of the current issue is: "Optimization of practice transfer in the online education" and was originally a special edition designed for the same event of September 2009 established "professional association for online education" (bvob) under the Learntec 2010 . Time this has unfortunately not quite cut executed, because the Learntec was in early February. The topic is certainly always (still) currently ...
The articles on the theme of the current edition: In the early
Learntec event explained the first chairman of bvob Dr. Manuel Jans and Gabriela Pflüger how it is actually the foundation of the professional association for online education and the goals came in the future of the Association to: [ http://online-tutoring-journal.de/pflueger_jans1.html ]
"Online Accelerated Learning" : Anja Roeck in addition to its activity as an online trainer practicing coach and has used deep in their tool box to make the coaching methods for activating the transfer and optimizing online learning fruitful: [ http://online-tutoring-journal. de/roeck1.html ]
"Alone and yet connected - the use of Web 2.0 tools for support of interaction in online learning groups" : Why successful online communication and cooperation in the private as well and often in formal arrangements online problems? Dr. Hildegard master shows that this results from the lack of opportunities for self-presentation and interpretation of the opponent. E-portfolios as "Mahara" could, says the author, correct this deficit. [ http://online-tutoring-journal.de/hmeister1.html ]
Online Tutoring acquire skills and certification - an initiative from Austria : high quality, or at least acceptable training opportunities to "online tutor" is It has for some years on the market. New and - from the perspective of the practice transfers - a model of the presented by Mag Julia Hunter Austrian initiative, however, is that a practice block in which the future online tutors their new knowledge can also apply directly to practical, determined to form one. Moreover, it is possible for practical experience on-line tutors, to certify their existing skills without having to complete the entire course of training need. [ http://online-tutoring-journal.de/jaeger1.html ]
From a technical editor for the screenwriter : How do they make sense, thanks to a development of "expert on new learning technologies to its portfolio won new clients and expand describes Ariane Anders sympathetic in this review. [ http://online-tutoring-journal.de/anders1.htm l]
The authors focus on different aspects of the practice transfer. For me it was read again to win a lot of new insights. I hope that you will like and hope you enjoy this issue!
Gabriela Pflüger, editor of the Online Tutoring Journal
Friday, April 9, 2010
Holly Willoughby Quality Fakes
started very successfully the professional association for online education (bvob) as the successor organization teletutors the network earlier this year. On 4.2.10 was held in Karlsruhe on the Learntec a highly regarded specialist event, entitled "Optimization of practice transfer in the online education" instead, composed of top-class speakers. On the eve of the trade show, met bvob members and interested parties in Karlsruhe for a cozy local networks and to exchange ideas. are shown
In the photo left to right: Dr. Hildegard Champion (bvob third board), Gabriela Pflüger (founder of the teletutors Network, founding member and Board of bvob), Inga Geisler (2 bvob Board), Dr. Manuel Jans (1 Board bvob).
Sunday, February 14, 2010
Density In Left Lung Xray What Does This Mean
The Professional Association for Online education bvob (successor to the teletutors network ) offers a lecture and discussion series on "Online education - together instead of alone" in the nationwide long-distance study day an attractive program for (potential) on-line learning end. The
(free for participants) event is aimed at people who want to learn how online learning and teaching looks like and how it can be made more efficient and sustainable. The Professional Association for Online Education invites you to the Internet in a "virtual classroom" a (prior notification necessary; headset with microphone is required). Various Speakers will interact with participants from 10 - 12:30 clock and from 19 - 20.15 clock the issues of "Tips for Online Learning, Open Question Time for online learning, learning and teaching in the Virtual Classroom" and "quality criteria in online education "light.
The complete program for the 26.2. can be found here as PDF: This
Monday, February 8, 2010
Grout Consistency Sanded
Yesterday I again made a really long walk with the dogs. Interrupted by a little gossip along the way with a nice rider who came to meet with her horse.
Did my dogs of course equal suuuuper funny, a great pal. Rudi greedy, as it is naturally wanted to look like me, what eats the horse because along the way delicious. More disappointed his face when he found that the grooooße dog he just so great found, apparently has not all cups in cupboard, as the GRAS actually eats? Something you can not eat it ... genuine.
Rudi turned from just disgusted and almost we laughed heartily. Mr. Rossi would have it, of course, after seeing that the big "dog" Rudy has done nothing, know full well, and sniffed by the nose of the horse. He crawled it almost in his nostrils. Fortunately, a horse with a very dog-friendly spirit, the anschnaubte my curious puff friendly and on to the winter blades of grass by the roadside nibbling.
We would have liked even more gossip and watched the four-footed driving, but the Cold creeps pretty high on you when you stopped moving. So we said goodbye and I am with my two "heroes" quick marches to freeze variable. At the end of the walk
had my nose feels like -10 ° C (I'm sure they would have been to me a single Cancel Schnippsen easily), my toes even less likely (as much to 'boot function to -30 ° C * ha ha ha *), but I was very pleased with myself and my fitness level.
feed Moderately's today after a breakfast of banana bread, a yogurt and a slice of bread. At noon a plate of pasta (gluten-free that last longer satisfied I think) with Arrabiata sauce and tuna.
evening, two slices of bread with ketchup (yes, I know, sounds disgusting to me it tastes content and ketchup is low in calories;))
And as a snack or a nice rice pudding (for convenience a ready) and already the day was around ...
Well, that was today ... We'll see what tomorrow shall bring the day ...
Tuesday, February 2, 2010
Where To Get Vicodin In Tiajuana
No, I do not constantly talk about the weather, but iiiiirgendwie urges the moment really on. About Augsburg for the night of the big snow storm is announced - the wind is already there. When I was just outside with the dogs, I almost froze my nose. A simple "Schnipps" against it and they would be canceled, I'll bet.
I would so love to do sports really, but possible more than a walk in this weather is perhaps for passionate skiers and Yeti, but I'm already as Normalo proud when I walk the dog the dog could stand for more than 30 minutes.
I wanted to today so times in the studio, but the snow storm is coming to me and I move the right level to less hazardous road conditions. :)
The long winter has really only one advantage: The summer is still far, far away:)
Monday, February 1, 2010
Ice Skating Cake Images
My goodness - it's the cold weather approaching Alzheimer's, stupidity or simply to forget as getarnte Verdrängung? Ich hab's tatsächlich geschafft, meinen Wiegetag zu verpennen.
Wenn ich so an mir runter taste ist das ja vielleicht auch besser so... fühle mich momentan mehr als mopsig... *seufz*
Neuer Anlauf kommenden Samstag - vielleicht diesmal mit einem Reminder am Handy-Kalender?
Sportmässig schaut's grad ganz gut aus, ich gehe zumindest mit den Hunden gassi, weil für alles andere is mir zu kaaaaalt...
Habe Aktivia als Zwischenmahlzeit neu entdeckt - lecker, wenig Kalorien, kein Light-Kram und macht satt für einige Stunden. Seltsamerweise bekomm ich von "normalem" Joghurt immer Hunger, davon nicht. Die neuen Sorten in diesem kleinen, rundlichen Becherchen are a big hit - a bissel more fat in it than in the standard version, but the zero-comma-x-percent worth it really. * Thumbs up *
What's still new? hmmm ... not much. The apartment is renovated below and I will probably soon waaaaahnsinnig. The whole day drilling and drags the guy down there already like a possessed on the ceiling - that is on my land - just under my desk.
's tickling me in the feet when the bottom of the sander starting point and then shake the monitor. "Call or perish" is the motto. So I swing gleefully Brrrrrr * * * * Brrrrrr and hope for the end of the renovation work ...
Wednesday, January 27, 2010
Hair Color Cost At Jcpenney Salon
So in this weather is no hunting dog the door, let alone easy angemoppelte Women of any age. So off with sports today - a short walk, then had both the dogs and I totally frozen solid.
I feel so cold that I still feel cold even in the house - not to think of salad. So today gabs chili. VERY tasty, certainly not as low in calories as I would have liked, but it's been after me for the first time today, not as chilly around the nose ... was worth it.
Further, when I should be so cold remains on Saturday to weigh rather because as I said, dieting in this weather? Almost impossible. So I try to be as good as possible to eat and wait for spring ... so, where is the really? End of January and no sign of snowdrops ... Hopefully, the spring is long enough that the pounds are gone before the season begins ...
Tuesday, January 26, 2010
Online Hair Color Simulator
Sun - Tuesday, it's so far: even Augsburg again falls in the snow. A welcome change, I think, when you think of the cold Siff in recent days.
So I have today made good on packed thick with hat and gloves, my dogs on a leash down and am going trudged. Who wants to drive a car in this weather already ...
Mr. Rossi, the larger of my two dogs, found naturally animal fun - chasing snowflakes, slipping back away, hop on. I want so much power auch mal haben. Während er also versucht, neue Hochsprung-Rekorde zu brechen (offensichtlich will er die Flocken sofort nach ihrem Austritt aus den Wolken schnappen und es interessiert ihn überhaupt nicht, dass ich am anderen Ende der Leine hin und her gerissen werde wie ein nasser, frierender Lappen), stapfe ich bibbernd mit hoch gezogenen Schultern durch die Kälte.
Weisse Winter-Wunder-Landschaft. Ja... Super schön anzusehen, aber nicht so schön durch zu laufen. Die Kälte steigt in mir hoch und ich bin froh, dass ich doch eine Mütze aufgesetzt habe. Zuerst hatte ich ja die irre Idee, ohne Kopfschutz los zu ziehen, weil man ja über den Kopf am meisten Wärme, also auch Kalorien verliert. Aber wir wollen ja abnehmen und nicht ins Gras beissen (was ja eh schwer wäre im Moment, da selbiges unter Tonnen von Schnee und Eis versteckt ist).
Heroisch stapfe ich weiter und denke dabei an meine nahende Bikinifigur. Eine Stunde und 15 Minuten dauert die winterliche Sporteinheit. Hätte ich einen Bart, er wäre inzwischen sicher abgebrochen.
So komme ich nur komplett durchnässt (ich habe trotz der saukälte tatsächlich einige Tröpfchen "oh-mein-Gott-sie-hat-sich-bewegt-Schweiß" verloren - jaja, ich weiss, hätte ich mich nicht im Herbst vom Sport verabschiedet wäre ich jetzt fitter) aber glücklich daheim an.
Noch viel größer ist das Glück, als meine Nase langsam wieder thaw and fall off the little icicles. A cup of hot tea
later I realize how much the sport was back now for my untrained body. Exhausted, but happy triffts probably very accurate.
is on something I gewäöhnen so again ... sincerely hope that the weather will be a few degrees warmer, but otherwise - great wars ... :) And a bar of chocolate now .... * Cough * an apple and a rice cracker. Yes, yes - we have hats is not easy ...
Sunday, January 24, 2010
How Can I Make My Pubes Lighter
Sunday. I hate Sundays ... they are but the days that pass the vilest of all vile days ahead. Yes, we can also think of the bad weekend, however.
I miss even a reprimand - yes we think a thing like that? * * PATSCH
So, that's better. So ... This Sunday has been quite uneventful. A minus two degrees of cold, gray January day in Augsburg. Did I mention that I'm slow animal, the muzzle full of winter? I'm convinced anyway that I simply had bad luck to be born so early. At a time before beneficial inventions like GPS, I mean - otherwise they would have my stork certainly noticed that he has flown completely wrong.
instead to turn to warmer climes with a sea view, the cattle dung was flying at that time in the middle of the Ruhr. Mans can believe? When I do the fingers get in the Gibts Stork Sliced - scheiss auf die Kalorien...
Soviel zu meiner Begeisterung für das deutsche Winter-Siff-Wetter und seine verschiedenen Ausprägungen bzw. die Auswirkung auf meine Laune.
Aber ich schweife ab. Also der Sonntag... irgendwie scheint mich die Couch fest im Griff zu haben, denn ich war heute zwar kurz mit den Hunden Gassi, allerdings ein ziemlich faules "Stöckchen-werfen-und-wieder-heim-gehen", kein kilometerlanger, figurfreundlicher Spaziergang.
Wieder daheim angekommen habe ich mich in die Bequem-Klamotten (die gefährlichen mit dem Gummizug am Bund) geworfen und mich zu einem Mittagsschläfchen auf die Couch geringelt. Danach eine Tasse Tee, und seither sitze ich am Laptop und surfe vor mich hin. Schon the fact that I could rouse myself on this blog article is almost a miracle.
Eiiiiiigentlich I wanted to go to the gym today, for what I pay every month as contribution ... with progressing time I am, however, more and more convinced that this will now be nothing more ...
am constantly tired for days - if this is the spring fatigue yet? Or even hibernate? I hope, would be the former, then finally an end to this cold, wet drama in sight. A look at the calendar I can however be a little hopeful that will soon bloom, the daffodils ... more likely there are several generations of frost flowers on the march. But, as we ja wissen: frieren macht auch schlank.
In diesem Sinne einen schönen, gemütlichen und mit wenig schlechtem Gewissen geplagten Sonntag Abend!
Eure Alex
Saturday, January 23, 2010
What Are Some Good Virtual Worlds On Miniclip
So - heut ist also die erste Woche rum... Bissel bibberig war ich ja schon, als ich heute morgen auf meine Waage kletterte. Saukaltes Ding. *brrr*
So - wir erinnern uns: letzten Samstag hat mir das fiese Geräte eiskalt und ohne jegliches Mitleid ein 77,5 entgegen gedonnert. Sauding, elendes...
Nach einer Woche Stress, PMS, Schokolade (aua) und leider ohne Sport (keine Ausrede, ich bin einfach nicht dazu gekommen) heute also Wiegen. Eigentlich bin ich ja eine Verfechterin des "Anfangs- und Endgewichts-Prinzips", but one is curious.
And here she comes, the number of the day: 74.4 kilos, a minus of 3.1 kilos. I had so much to be honest with the chocolate excesses of the last days is not expected. Certainly a lot of water because I changed so inziwischen of PMS to "red phase".
But water or not, but it feels much better - especially my belly is already become a little flatter. What joy ...
So, in two to week:) Maybe I'm coming then finally time again to go to the sports ...
Wednesday, January 20, 2010
Donating Washer Dryer
Hach, who actually had the idea to invent something like chocolate? And then these nasty "days before the days"?
And who has just came over me to do just at the beginning of this period to reduce my butt again peripherally? * Head on table *
impact since it is up to me laughing and mocking at me - just the shiny silver paper crumpled white chocolate plaque. Yes, I too am not immune to such attacks. * Sigh *
Maybe I should hang myself my own before and after "image as a motivational aid to the fridge - preferably in the vicinity of an XXL-padlock:)
As I was before and during the days feel more like a aufgepunptes choice Ross in 45th month of pregnancy I decided to only mark the end of "mom-and-pink-visit" to be seen and while only moderate amounts of attention to the food supply. yes Bring all nothing when I get the same on the first two days of the great frustrations ...
And as we all know is the feeling that one has in the matter, the very, very important. So menstruate, finished (sigh, like the sounds already ... * args *) feel, slim, eat less, perquisites. So the plan ...
Look what my mood tomorrow, says Sun Today it was only in the basement, then totally through the roof and down again - thanks to the laughing chocolate, coupled with the guilty conscience that I could not resist it ...
So far - off to bed! Your
Sunday, January 17, 2010
Stomach Crush Fetish -lines
Hallo Ihr Lieben!
Für alle, die vor haben, nicht bis unten durch zu halten: da gibts ein Vorher-Nachher-Bild :)
Heute habe ich es getan - nach dem Unfall, all dem Stress, Weihnachten... und ich komme auf die Idee, mich auf die Waage zu stellen. Meine Jeans meinte ja schon neulich zu mir "*zwick* friss weniger!" aber ich wollte ja nicht hören...
Ich bin ehrlich gesagt schwer erleichtert, dass es nicht ganz so schlimm ist wie ich befürchtet hatte, aber 10 Kilo müssen wieder weg, keine Frage.
Heutiges Wiegeergebnis: 77,2 Kilo (bei 179cm Körpergröße).
Nicht zum tot-umfallen, aber eindeutig etwa 10 Kilo mehr als mein Wohlfühl-ich-gehe-auch-gerne-im-Bikini-an-den-See-Gewicht.
Ich gebe zu, hat mich schon etwas geschockt, wie sich in den letzten Monaten die Kilos wieder rauf geschlichen haben, ganz klammheimlich. Dabei hatte ich das Gewicht jetzt ein einhalb Jahre prima gehalten.
Aber man kann wohl nicht wochenlang krank im Bett liegen, danach auch praktisch keine Bewegung haben und weiter essen, als wäre nie was gewesen... Nicht zu vergessen die Weihnachtsplätzchen meiner Mutter.
Um mich und auch alle anderen (nochmal) zu motivieren hier mein Vorher-Nachher-Bild von vor 2 Jahren. Damals hatte ich ja, wie in meinem Buch ausführlich zu lesen ;-), 35 Kilo abgenommen. Also sind die 10 jetzt ein Klacks :)
Also, ran the bacon ... What I've eaten
today? hmmm ... let me think:
Breakfast: nothing - got up too late and had absolutely no hunger. Whether that was the cradle-shock? probably * wink *
Lunch: Gluten-free pasta with tomato sauce and plenty of grated cheese (reduced fat). These few tablespoons Parmesan. I can not just resist for cheese ...
Dinner: half a bar of white Alpia * cough * and a cup of tea.
Reads somehow not very balanced ... * Laughs * But on a day ... what you want as well ...
In my defense: I was with the dogs for a walk in the rain .. a beginning, it comes to sport.
Maybe I should put a sporty goal? Get me the dates have something come up, for that matter ...
Love, Your
Saturday, January 16, 2010
Folicure Before After
I admit it is embarrassing. Since promise is to blog regularly and then there's, nothing.
I'll let you why: the day after my blog entry I'm like animal from the horse. Then I was the first time almost 4 weeks in bed * AUA *
Fortunately, I had a helmet on (to all: please never ride without a helmet - I would not have taken, I would probably still not as happy talk about the matter), the has a huge Loch - aber besser der als mein Kopf :)
Noch mehr Glück, dass ausser dem linken Schienbein nichts gebrochen war, "nur" eine massive Wirbelsäulenprellung. Sagt einem vorher auch keiner, wie weh das tut und dass man wochenlang nicht mal mehr allein aufs Klo kann, weil man die Beine nicht mehr hoch bekommt.
Wie dem auch sei, als ich wieder so weit kriechen konnte musste ich natürlich einen riesigen Haufen Arbeit nachholen - das hat allen Ernstes bis November gedauert, bis alles so weit wieder up to date war (klar, kaum liegt man hernieder kommen Aufträge wie nicht mehr ganz normal und sammeln sich an...)
Dezember ist bei mir sowieso immer der Ausnahmezustand, schon allein, weil absolut jeder, I know, in December birthday, including me. So, buy gifts, Christmas preparations, parties organize and and and ...
I'm still more than happy that 2009 is over and we finally arrived safely in January. My practice book is thanks to all the chaos is still not finished, but never mind - the bikini time is still far enough away:)
So, now I'll have a look how little trace of the last few months with all the frustration, gluttony and went completely without a sport to me by ...
I wish all readers a happy, healthy and fit New Year 2010 - better late than never - and I thank you again for the great reviews last Year! Incidentally, I am looking forward in 2010 with good book reviews, so the skin in the keys * wink *
Love, Your