Monday, January 31, 2011

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The Russian occupiers Konigsberg property from before the war

Former Kindergarten: Villa in the Gluck-Strass
The authority for land will on a the heartbeat of real estate auction versteigern. Normalerweise vollzieht sich so etwas, ohne daß die Öffentlichkeit groß Notiz davon nimmt. Doch diesmal ist das anders, weil sich unter den 14 Objekten, die nun unter den Hammer kommen sollen, Gebäude befinden, die von öffentlichem Interesse sind. Es handelt sich um das Gebäude des ehemaligen Kinos „Gloria“ in der Brandenburger Straße 71 (Kiewskaja), in dem sich in den vergangenen Jahren das Kinotheater „Rodina“ befand, die „Villa“ in der Hoverbeck-Straße 22 (ul. Turgenewa) und die große Villa in der Gluck-Straße 10 (ul. Grekowo), in der lange ein Kindergarten untergebracht war.

Am höchsten wird von all the "Rodina" building rated: For the 1728 square meter usable area plus Grundstück a starting price of the equivalent of € 1.15 million is estimated for the "Villa" on the Hoverbeck Street with 907 square meters of residential and usable area 333 000 €.

The most interesting object is the villa in the Gluck-street. The building of a former nursery school has over 1000 square meters of residential and usable area on a 4540-square-foot Grundstück. It is located in a quiet area in the center between the heartbeat of theater and the zoo. It was estimated at 587 000 €, which is low in ove Relationship to comparable real estate in good locations. Reason for this is the condition of the house, because the villa will expire long ago: The plaster Brockelt, the windows are broken, the roof is leaking and the wild Grundstück.

The Passion of the Kindergartengebäudes began about ten years ago. Even in the summer of 2001, the kindergarten was closed for extensive renovations. The kindergarten has long been outsourced to another building. The Government had asked the teachers envisaged that the construction work by 1 September 2002 were to be terminated. But nothing happened until today.

On dubious manner reached the villa in 2004 to the list of objects to be privatized. Normally, the Government auctioned only those properties that are no longer serve their purposes, these are mostly to shop or other commercial properties. Why a children's garden is on the list remained unclear. The Villa went on to the authorized capital of the "heartbeat of Commerce Bank. In return, the Bank should build a new kindergarten under the contract. But as in past years, the deficit of the bank had grown enormously and before the "off" state, this project was never started.

After some back and forth, the villa was in December 2008 for 634 000 € back into the Possession of the city over. In March 2009 were de the "heartbeat of Commercial Bank" for declared bankrupt.

Even a half years ago had promised the Government, the kindergarten again be accommodated in his current building. In May 2009, explained Alexander Zuev, head of the authority for the heartbeat of the property that will occur within two years at Villa again a kindergarten for 89 children. Again a year passed in which nothing happened. As it turned out, Zuev had told an untruth knowingly, for even half a year before his declaration had the vote of the County Council about the sale of the building matched.

is now obvious that neither the beautiful building is in the Gluck-road use does not make the zoo even the Grundstück in the center for children. JT

Source: Prussian General 04/2011

Saturday, January 29, 2011

How To Come Off R Esperidone

The Emperor's Birthday - lived as a monarchy was

50th Birthday of HM the Emperor and King II Wilheml
Between 1889 and 1918 was celebrated in Prussia and Germany each year on 27 January of the Emperor's birthday. Also in earlier times was the birthday of the king or emperor in every monarchy cause for great celebration throughout the country, and usually, this day was National Day.

commemorations on the occasion of the 100th Birthday of the Emperor and King Wilhelm I in 1897
lived this way and witnessed the entire German people, the monarchy, which was also strengthened by the fact that in the German Empire, that was a federal monarchy, many other monarchs ruled and also organized their own celebrations.

field service at the Strasbourg Kleber place Emperor birthday
Postcards - Photography: Max Kaempf
art publishing house Mohr and Luedke - Strasbourg, 1915
The homage and loyalty expressions of the people and the state and local institutions were an expression of a national sense, which today no longer is feasible because the German states have not only lost their own identity is largely - one considers that only Bavaria, though not entirely, has retained its historical borders - but the population is not comparable with that from the time of the Empire.

Wilhelm II, full name Friedrich Wilhelm Viktor Albert of Prussia (born January 27, 1859 in Berlin, † 4 June 1941 in Apeldoorn, the Netherlands) from 1888 to 1918 was the last German Emperor and King of Prussia.

memory of the great Emperor Parade (1899) Kaiser Wilhelm II surrounded by the King of Saxony, the King of Württemberg,
by the Grand Duke of Baden and the Grand Duke of Hesse

Wilhelm war der Enkel des ersten Kaisers Wilhelm I. und der Sohn Friedrichs III. Friedrich war 1888 nach nur 99 Tagen Amtszeit einem Krebsleiden erlegen, so daß Wilhelm bereits mit 29 Jahren Kaiser wurde, was ohne Zweifel ein Nachteil war, denn seine politischen Entscheidungen haben letztlich zum Krieg und zum Fall der Monarchie geführt.

1891 - Festessen in Neuenahr

An dieser Stelle sei der Feierlichkeiten an Kaisers Geburtstag als Inbegriff der Darstellung des monarchischen Staates gedacht. In gleicher Weise beging man den Geburtstag the Emperor of Austria.

In the German colonies, also celebrated the Emperor's birthday.

The Emperor's Birthday in German East Africa

The Emperor's Birthday in Cameroon in 1901
Emperor's birthday in 1918 in Istanbul

Friday, January 28, 2011

What Are Some Examples Of What Drives Our Economy

The war in Pomerania

That part of Pomerania, which was completed in 1945 under Polish administration, was about 31,000 Quadaratkilometer, which are about 81 percent of the area of \u200b\u200bPomerania, four-fifths of 1939 (38,400 Quadaratkilometer). According to estimates it is assumed that in the summer of 1945, still far over 50 percent of the Pomeranian population lived there, in the City of Szczecin, there were over 81,000, looked forward to by then under a German Communist Government a supposed new beginning, since a majority of them had previously fled to the West after Western Pomerania and Mecklenburg and forced by the Soviets been back to Stettin. These cost twice as a result of flight and expulsion under the existing circumstances, especially many of the victims. Indescribable conditions also played in the Polish administration is under expulsion transit camp in Stettin in the barn and storage Stettin Frauendorf from.

displaced persons fleeing
The first Polish census of 14 February 1946 for the newly formed administrative districts or provinces of Szczecin and Koszalin has shown that designated by the 892 000 persons or 116 000 as German, or about 13 percent. Sometimes whole villages remained to the last wave of emigration in 1957 settled in German, because the Polish state until then could not do without the workers. There was even German lessons. This also applied to skilled workers, particularly in the maritime field (port, shipbuilding), because here in the de facto previous inland Poland had little experience, only from 1918 in Gdynia (1939-1945 Gdynia). The process of expulsion, therefore, moved back to 1957.

The Poles, who settled in Pomerania, now increasingly came to more than half from central Poland, and only about one-third of those areas that are now in the Soviet Union (including Lithuania and Lithuanian SSR in 1940 ) have been returned, even if the opposite is often falsely claimed.

In 1945/46, but even by 1957, four years, for a complete exchange of population of Pomerania. The expulsion of the German resident population meant not know that here those Germans were expelled to their ancestors who settled here 700 years ago, but that was distributed with the Pomeranian a population in which the previously established since 600/700 AD Wendish and Slavic population fused with 100 percent of the Pomeranian dukes, the country is called German settlers, as can be seen easily abide by the family or surname of the stock sold Pomerania. Were then distributed to the Pomeranian and the descendants of assimilated Slavic Vorbevölkerung whose native language since the Middle Ages had become a Low German. Located at which place were Slavic Poles, whose ancestors never lived in Pomerania haben, sondern ständig danach trachteten, Pommern in ihren Besitz zu bringen, etwas, was besonders sinnfällig wird in dem polnischen Mythos von der Vermählung mit dem Meer, was bis heute in Kolberg jährlich rituell nachvollzogen wird. 

Polnische Propaganda der "Wiedergewinnung" des Meeres
Die polnische Propagandalüge von der Wiedergewinnung der alten West- und Nordgebiete ist keinesfalls auf die Ideologie der regierenden Kommunisten beschränkt gewesen, deren Wurzeln sind schon in der nationalen Erweckungsbewegung Anfang des 19. Jahrhunderts zu finden. Auch die polnische Katholische Kirche war mit von der Partie. Aus Sicht der polnischen Katholischen Kirche sind die mit der Reformation vom rechten Glauben abgefallenen Gebiete, auch Pommern, nun wieder dem rechten Glauben zugeführt worden, wenn auch dafür die ganze Bevölkerung ausgetauscht werden mußte, was natürlich hier verschwiegen wird. Es haben also nicht die eingesessenen Gemeinden zum katholischen Glauben zurückgefunden, diese sind vielmehr erloschen, da deren Glieder ja vertrieben wurden. Gebildet wurden völlig neue Gemeinden mit Gliedern, die dort nie verwurzelt waren.

Die Vertreibung der Deutschen, also auch der deutschen Pommern, aus ihren angestammten Siedlungsgebieten wird zumeist mit dem „Potsdamer Abkommen“ begründet. Die Beschlüsse dieses Abkommens widersprechen jedoch jeglichen völkerrechtlichen Minimalstandards, daher findet sich dort im Text der Verweis auf eine Gültigkeitsklausel bis zum Zeitpunkt eines später noch zu schließenden Friedensvertrages (also mit Deutschland am Tisch), den es nie gegeben hat ( US-Außenminister Byrnes bewertete das Potsdamer Abkommen in einem Brief vom 15. Januar 1946 an USPräsident Harry Truman so: „In Potsdam wurden wir vor vollendete Tatsachen gestellt und durch die Umstände gezwungen zuzustimmen. Es war ein willkürlicher Gewaltakt. “). 

protests against the recognition of the Oder-Neisse line
The Polish justification for the seizure is often on the passing of the debt amounts to the Allies. It was Poland to get even very active as much German territory, not just the Lublin Committee , but the head of the Western Institute Posen Zygmunt Wojciechowski . If it had been after him, would not only Usedom, but in general a 15 kilometer wide strip west of the Oder / Neisse (So Frankfurt / Oder quite Görlitz entirely Guben, in the north including Ueckermünde and Lubmin passes) to Poland.

drove it even worse, the Polish partner in their negotiations with Stalin . He has denied the poles, the harshly demanded of them complaints (complaints you will get next time "), it is clear from Polish sources . In the room apparently has yielded to Stalin Szczecin Poland, and then added in a separate agreement still plenty of land west of Szczecin, Or. The text of the Potsdam Protocol gives her no, then would have been German Stettin.

In place of the 1945 Potsdam Agreement proposed peace conference was 1990, however, the Two Plus Four Treaty with its ratification by the Bundestag and the Volkskammer the "DDR" to the status quo, ie that of the Potsdam Agreement have been confirmed for a further boundary treaties between the Soviet administration and the "DDR" (eg Görlitzer contract of 1950) with Poland. Only after its ratification on 15 March 1991 (not before!) Were Pomerania and Szczecin and a strip of West Pommerania spun off to the west of the Oder and Swine now (in fact, not law retroactively) from the German federation and a part of Poland recognized. Most of Pomerania (less Swinoujscie and a linksodrigen strip to the south until Gartz ) in 1945 part of the Soviet Occupation Zone (SBZ) and formed by the Soviet and German Communist state of Mecklenburg-Vorpommern, an administrative unit of two countries which has never existed before in history. In connection with the dissolution of the State of Prussia by an Act of the Supervisory Council of the Four Powers in 1947, paid the Soviet administration and the name of Pomerania (Prussian province since before the surrender), could therefore called 1947 Mecklenburg-Vorpommern Mecklenburg only.

map of Szczecin - clearly west of the Oder
This process of Entpommerung was after the founding of the Stalinist impaired "DDR" updated in 1949, in which the communist principle of Lenin's Democratic centralism the administrative structure of the GDR was applied. The five countries on the territory of the Soviet Zone / German Democratic Republic with their governments in 1952 summarily resolved in favor of the division of this area in 15 ahistorical respective districts with the districts. On this occasion, the rest remained under East German administration Pomerania (Vorpommern without Swinoujscie and without the eastern part of the circles Ueckermünde and Randow) is equal to three counties split (Rostock, eastern part, Neubrandenburg, eastern part; Frankfurt, the north-eastern corner of the city or Gartz). None of the major cities of Pomerania was county seat, not Greifswald (a northeastern district would have been possible), which was then more than double the size of Neubrandenburg.

IM Tulip sealed the 1990 betrayal of the German
It abolished the country name "Vorpommern" in the "DDR", because it reminded too much of Pomerania. Only in the Evangelical Church is held under the name Pomeranian Evangelical Church (a member church of the Evangelical Church of the Union, EKU) with newly created Bishops and bishop in Greifswald until 1968! From then until the political changes in 1990, she had to call Greifswald Church until then could be to rename the. The survival and keeping alive the name of Pomerania in the church space through the remains of the mainly Christian educated middle was then an essential condition for the reanimation of the name Vorpommern in the country called Mecklenburg-Vorpommern. In the secular space of the "East" is the name Pommern / Pomerania was almost successful in the consciousness has been eradicated, even though he entered with the early 1980s, a relaxation in terms of use in scientific and popular scientific area (eg Demminer colloquia).

Thursday, January 27, 2011

Extreme Sudoku 1 To 32

Pomerania under the national-socialist dictatorship and the Second World War

The power in 1933 proved to be easy for the Nazis in the above-mentioned starting position in Pomerania. Another fatality should be that the NSDAP Franz Schwede (he called himself Schwede-Coburg) 1934 a Gauleiter of the Gau Pommern bestellte (die preußische Provinz bestand mit der NSDAP-Machtübernahme nur noch proforma), der sich als besonders ergeben und brutal und in diesen Eigenschaften als erfolgreich in der oberfränkischen Stadt Coburg erwiesen hatte. 

Evakurierung Kolbergs
Diese Stadt gewann er als erste im Reich für die NSDAP. Er hatte dort persönlich an Mißhandlungen von Nazi-Gegnern teilgenommen. Die Verfolgung der Juden – besonders seit der „ Reichskristallnacht “ 1938 – wurde von Schwede mit besonderem Eifer operated. In Szczecin in 1940 ranged ever compiled, the first transport, the German Jews from the Reich (Szczecin area) outside the imperial borders after Lublin deported, this experience with a very high number of casualties. For the over-enthusiasm or initiative there was even a rebuke from Berlin because it had no plans and Vorbreitungen existed. The first displaced, deported and murdered en masse Pomerania in that century were Jews!

V2 at the start to reach 84 km in space
Since 1936 was Peenemünde operated a missile test program that in the testing of the later so-called V-(V = Retribution) weapons led to whom about 6184 in London, and thousands of Antwerp fell victim to (especially by the first cruise missile V1 ). Thousands of concentration camp prisoners were in production in resin and air raids on Peenemünde their lives. The ambivalence of this program is shown by the fact that in this framework by a Peenemünde ramp for the first time a rocket ( A4/V2 ) at 84.5 km the space (by NASA-definition 80 km) reached, and above all all major missile programs - the U.S., the Soviet Union und auch Frankreichs – auf den Forschungen dieses Programms basieren, alle unter Einbeziehung von angeworbenen Peenemünder Ingenieuren. Selbst das erfolgreiche US- Mondfahrtprogramm Apollo basierte darauf.

Stargard vor dem Krieg, das pommersche Rothenburg
Der Beginn des Zweiten Weltkrieges mit dem Angriff auf Polen erfolgte in breiter Front von pommerschem Gebiet aus in Richtung Tucheler Heide (Westpreußen), daran nahm in vorderster Front auch der spätere Bundespräsident Richard von Weizsäcker teil. Ab Ende Januar 1945 erreichte dann der Landkrieg (vorher schon der Bombenkrieg Stettin, Anklam, Stralsund, Peenemünde und Sassnitz) auch pommersches Gebiet. Zunächst jenes Gebiet, das erst 1938 durch Franz Schwede in Pommern als Grenzmark Posen-Westpreußen (Hauptstadt Schneidemühl) eingegliedert wurde. Der mit großem propagandistischen Aufwand errichtete Pommernwall erwies sich als völlig bedeutungslos.

Stargard nach dem Krieg
Furchtbare Szenen spielten sich auch bei der Evakuierung der Bevölkerung über die Ostsee ab, der Untergang der Wilhelm Gustloff with thousands of civilians from the Pomeranian coast is only the most notable example. But at least managed to save most of the citizens and refugees (70000-80000) from the enclosed city of Kolberg lake, although well over a hundred of the evacuees from Kolberg already in the heavy American bombing of Swinoujscie by a direct hit on the port If ships were lost. Just one year earlier had the name of Kolberg and the scenes of the city for the Treptow same propaganda film of Josef Goebbels (director Veit Harlan ) serve.

Stralsund at war's end
The advance of Russian troops in Pomerania was of particular cruelty, marked against the civilian population, because of the Nazi rallying often too late which was stretching or flight permit. This particular cruelty , along with mass killings and had gang rapes, well grounded in the expulsion pressure should be exerted, because the separation of the East German provinces of Germany had been already decided by the victorious powers in Yalta .

from the Soviet army destroyed volatile yield
After 1945, the eastern Pomerania, with Stettin ( Szczecin, contrary to the text of the Potsdam Protocol ) and Swinoujscie was placed under Polish administration, the German public international law distributed and scattered over the whole of Germany east of the Oder, mostly by Western Pomerania, Mecklenburg, Schleswig-Holstein and in 1946 newly founded country North Rhine-Westphalia. Here, especially in the Ruhr , came in the 1950s, most of Pomerania, as they were here on a large scale work, something that could not afford the west by then the main receiving country of Schleswig-Holstein.

Wednesday, January 26, 2011

Minutes Of Light Gained Per Day

Pomerania division up to the First Republic in 1919

Stralsund: brought Swedish commander's house
a deep cut of Thirty Years War (1618 - 1648), which - in large part between Swedish and imperial troops fought on territory Pomeranian - Pomeranian population reduced by half. His was the beginning of this disaster with the Landing of the Swedish King Gustav II Adolf on 6 July 1630 in Peenemünde . He was with the financial support of Catholic France in the previously German war occurred, in order to save Protestantism in northern Germany (which succeeded) and a Swedish great power position to build what was successful at least in the Baltic region, although Gustav Adolf these fruits could not reap. This period coincided with the death of the last Duke Access Bogislaw XIV 1637 the end of the gripping dynasty in the male line. With all the atrocities that is depleted in the soil Pomeranian population, the massacre of civilians and the inferno to mention that, under the command of the Imperial Colonel Hans von Goetz Pasewalk was committed.

Szczecin: Berliner Tor (1725)
fell after Peace of Westphalia 1648 Vorpommern and a strip of land east of the Oder (including Stettin, Altdamm and Golledge) under Swedish rule (the so-called Swedish Pomerania), but remained part of the Roman Empire of the German nation. Queen Christina of Sweden (following the Swedish king) was at the same time German Imperial princess to sit and vote in the Reichstag . A status that was valid until the end of the empire 1806th Only then, ie 1806, was Swedish Pomerania (the rest north of the Peene) in the Kingdom of Sweden (until 1814) is divided, but only legal, barely real, because the turmoil of the Napoleonic wars with multiple occupations Vorpommern prevented this. In connection with the Napoleonic occupation is worth mentioning that Kolberg was the only one Prussian, yes German city next Graudenz in West Prussia, through the resistance under Neidhardt von Gneisenau and Joachim Nettelbeck could not be taken by the Napoleonic troops and not after the armistice of 7 Juli was occupied 1807th

Vorpommern in 1814 came in exchange for Norway to Denmark, but this was not actually completed, so that the transfer of Prussia (adopted at the Congress of Vienna 1815) was carried out by Sweden.

Stargard before the war
Pomerania, which however has been cleared before 1654 of Sweden, fell after the extinction of the Pomeranian Dukes and in accordance with the Treaty of Westphalia in Brandenburg. Brandenburg and Prussia was now in the Peace of Stockholm (1720) and Szczecin Pomerania to the Peene Peene and current gain (Altvorpommern), previously was Stargard Headquarters. Although it was 43 years ago succeeded the Great Elector 1677, (destroyed tower of St. James) under heavy fire to capture Stettin, but he had to return it in the Peace of St. Germain to Sweden. Pomeranian should be in a row Prussian heartland that after the first partition of Poland (1772) by the magnification of Prussia for almost 150 years had no direct border with Polish state.

Anklam: 1841 Market
Vorpommern north of the Peene stayed until 1814/15, the last part of Swedish Pomerania (in between there was a five-year Danish Interim). After the transfer to Prussia, it was called Neuvorpommern (before the new Prussia gained part Vorpommern ; contrast Altvorpommern - who was acquired in 1720 of Western Pomerania). was formed from the Neuvorpommern Region Stralsund, who had until 1932 on hand, then he was integrated in the administrative district of Stettin.

But until Prussia in the possession of Pomerania came across were in the area of \u200b\u200bPomerania numerous Wars of the powers Sweden and Prussia fought in different constellations ( Great Northern War, Seven Years War ), so that the land from the Peace of Westphalia (1648) to the Congress of Vienna (1815) could hardly recover, but difficult to nadir. Greifswald had such meadow in 1805 about the same population as after the 30-year war, more than 150 years earlier.

experienced a significant flower (now full) Pomerania in Prussia after the reunification of Pomerania in 1815. Only now obsolete Stettin in population and economic strength of Stralsund, which had until then always the most important town in Pomerania (belonging to the Duchy since 1325/54), this being so significant that it is time for the Duke cared little about the sovereign

tree bridge
Productivity growth in the country soon led to a surplus population and the resulting exodus to the big cities, especially to Berlin. Furthermore, large groups immigrated to North America (especially in the U.S. state of Wisconsin , where today still an important part to his roots Pomeranian confesses) and to Brazil, particularly in the southern Brazilian Santa Catarina states and Rio Grande do Sul . The descendants of the Pomeranian call there Pomeranos (an important place is the town Pomerode ) that have a lot of the Low German language (Pomeranian Platt) and the culture of their country of origin and to preserve their Protestant faith. The 250,000 Pom (m) Eranos are the largest group of German origin (2 million) in Brazil (190 million).

The process of recovery of the Prussian province of Pomerania accelerated again with the founding of the Empire in 1871 and in every respect: economic (industrialization, trade, agriculture and tourism, Szczecin climbed over the 100,000 mark and has major city) as well as culture and education: The University of Greifswald experienced an unprecedented boom. Stettin was far from being only the harbor and shipyard town (z B. Vulcan , Oderwerke , grabbing yard), including sen here was the successor to the company was founded by Bernhard Stoewer . Automobiles, bicycles, Nähmaschen, typewriters, etc. produced.

All contrast, was observed after the defeat in the First World War and to 1919 after the Treaty of Versailles . Pomerania was able to economically recover from the consequences of war is not, so that even here (as in the kingdom in general) the Weimar Republic was largely unpopular. Pomerania had now after 150 years, an official border with Poland. The harassment, which were exposed to the country by travelers (railway) from Pomerania to Danzig and East Prussia by the Second Polish Republic were not without effect on the assessment of public opinion in Poland's Pomerania. It had an extra from Stettin Prussia naval service be set up to bypass the "Polish Corridor " by sea.

Koszalin Settlement for West Prussia
addition, there was the potential for unrest, which was created by the inclusion of those Germans who pushed of the newly created Polish state from West Prussia and Posen , de facto already been so distributed. New settlements had to be created for it, which exacerbated the problems in the general poverty.

These circumstances, but also the traditional authoritarian loyal rural population was a basis for the - in comparison to the kingdom - above the average constituency German-national flows (except the port and industrial city of Szczecin and surrounding areas with social democratic and communist supporters of over 50%). The strong German-national roots (Party: DNVP ) was then by the conclusion of Harzburg Front what amounted to a knighthood of NSDAP , undoing (the Nazi Party was before completely in Pomerania insignificant nor in the general election in 1928 it was only 1.5% with a national average of 2.6%!).

Tuesday, January 25, 2011

Microgynon 30 And Diarrhea

Reformation 1534 and the beginning of the early modern period in Pomerania

The introduction of the Reformation Pomerania in 1534 to the Diet to Treptow (on the shelf) in the presence of the Pomeranian Reformer Johannes Bugenhagen and the Counter-Reformation in Poland from 1587 led to a fundamental change. Because the Pomeranian duke house was now on Protestant, a Catholic marriage policy in the direction of Poland was virtually impossible. From now been married only in the direction of German princely houses, especially Brunswick-Lüneburg and a crown in the direction of the (superior) Electorate of Saxony . An artistic evidence of this connection is the so-called later Croy-Teppich .

The change to the Reformation of course not limited only to the Duke house. With the secularization of monastic property (in favor of the sovereign), etc. took place in the entire country is a profound change that affected almost all spheres of life. For the first time it came to form a national church, which engulfed the entire country, before Pomerania was divided into three church - Insel Rügen: Diocese of Roskilde; mainland complaints (Stralsund, Barth, Tribsees): Diocese of Schwerin, the old Pomeranian (less the area of \u200b\u200bthe current only to 1325 Principality of Rügen): Diocese Cammin. The landing Buetow and Lauenburg were again a special case, here is the impact of counter-reformation of Poland since so that a significant part of the communities became a Catholic again.

Bogislaw XIV
This is valid for the Pomeranian duke house principle of Realteilung (common in many other German lands, such as Brunswick-Lüneburg), so the division of the country (the sons), instead of awarding the first-born , numerous split took part in the duchies and below this level in gentlemen with him. The two most important part of duchies, which were formed out twice for a longer time were Pomerania-Wolgast (main residence in Wolgast) and Pomerania-Stettin. Here are two main divisions include: the of 1295 in Pommern-Wolgast (the northernmost part of the coast, then still without the Principality of Rügen) to the south and in Pomerania Stettin it. The second main division in 1532 separated into a western part of Pomerania (Pommern-Wolgast) and an eastern part (Pomerania-Stettin). The second division was a fundamental nature, because it created two national administrations, which had also continued to exist then, when was the last time Pomerania reunited in a Duke hand - under Bogislaw XIV.

side of the Reformation is the Pomeranian Duke house a Cultural achievement to be counted, which still exists today and has had a beneficial bringing the near region: the University of Greifswald . The main initiative was started by Mayor Heinrich Rubenow, but this would be up in 1456 without the princely founder Wartislaw IX. , who made the university is to his cause, and without the advocacy and monitoring of the Cammin Bishop Henning Iven not have been possible. His best man, the provost Kolberger Nicolaus Bruckmann completed, the appropriate preparation in the Roman Curia on delicate way with 390 ducats (a papal document on the foundation was necessary). He succeeded so let evaporate the Rostock opposition ineffective.

Duke Philip I.
But it was not the foundation itself, which secured the stock. In addition almost 100 years later came the continuity assurance measures by Duke Philip I. with his restoration of the University after the turmoil of the Reformation, and the donation of the last Pomerania Duke Bogislaw XIV, with the override of the Office Eldena the economic existence, including all buildings (including the university main building of 1750) to the Beginning of the second secured Empire 1871. The existence of the State University of Greifswald (the only university in Pomerania German time) is so much to these three dukes plus Duke Ernst Ludwig (construction of the precursor College of the current main building) plus its patron Bogislaw of Croy (nephew Bogislaws XIV) . due.

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Portugal: The Republic of whistles on the last hole

Cavaco Silva, the apparent victory of the Republican
The presidential elections in the Republic of Portugal on Sunday have recorded the lowest turnout since the return to democracy in 1974. The Portuguese president Anibal Cavaco Silva was re-elected with the lowest number of votes in the history of presidential elections in this southern European country: only 2.23 million ballots. The abstention was diesemal at 53.3 per cent.

After official figures Cavaco Silva percentage receive greater support than in previous elections in 2006, but there were far fewer votes: 52.94% of the votes cast, 550,000 votes less than last time what appears to be the after an overwhelming victory seems, is in fact a distortion of the facts.

In the 100-year anniversary of the Republic, on the assassination of the penultimate King Charles I of Portugal and on the forced abdication of his successor, King Manuel II, the Republic has reached the lowest point of their popularity. The bad reputation of politicians and the weak economic situation of the country due to the financial problems that the socialist government does not get a grip (how should it be otherwise), thick pinewoods to the low turnout on Sunday contributed.

Abstentions this time was still 15% higher than in past presidential elections, beating the 2001 recorded high of 50.29%.

The blank ballots cast have also reached record levels, because this time there were 132 182 voters compared to 58 977 in 2006. The Portuguese newspaper the other hand, were unanimous on all front pages of a happy Cavaco Silva, who made with fingers from the presidential palace in Lisbon Belem neighborhood of the trophy, even though the worst voter turnout is very poor for the Republic in Portugal. The Portuguese monarchists were called to the ballot paper with the sentence "I want a king!" to be invalidated.

The Sozlialist Manuel Alegre was next to the Republic of the main losers in this election date, even though he had all the support of his party. His result had been less than in 2006, when he entered alone as a candidate. At that time, he still reached 20.7% on Sunday, only 19.7%.

The Independent Fernando Nobre, however, can be quite satisfied with his result because he eerichte respectable 14.1%, almost as much as the socialist Mario Soares in 2006 (14.31 per cent).

The Communist Francisco Lopes was still below expectations (7.1 percent), followed by José Coelho (4.5 percent).

As you can see from these results is the left end, and it was the Left, which had established the republic with bloody violence in Portugal.

Another negative aspect of these elections were the technical problems faced by many voters, as they had wanted to vote for. The of bathroom with the new ID card - the Socialists had put on the new technologies - made many voters upset by the bill, which her voice could not deliver because the system did not work. In some places Boikott was exercised because the lack of infrastructure made it difficult to vote. The low temperatures in the country left many voters stay home.

Portugal needs a fundamental change in its political system. The Republic has proved more than usual, not as a form of government in Portugal are good. The President of the Republic no longer has the acceptance and representation, which would without doubt the king of Portugal. The Portuguese left the country has plunged into a deep economic and financial crisis, just like the one in Spain Case ist.La izquierda ha portugesa hundido el país en una crisis económica y política grave.

that result from the presidential position is forcing the government of José Sócrates likely to bring forward the parliamentary elections. If need support in the coming months, the International Monetary Fund Portugal, Sócrates is no other choice than to withdraw. Some also believe, however, the Portuguese prime minister could then be forced to resign if the government budget should not meet with the approval of parliament. Another possibility is that early elections might be necessary if Cavaco Silva, Parliament dissolved. But in one, everyone agrees: The government crisis has already begun.

Down with the Republic!

live high HRH the Duke of Braganz!

Monday, January 24, 2011

Matresses For Trailer Tents

campaign issue: "Prussia to Berlin"

The Party Pro Germany has announced an interesting direction of their party platform. However, it is feared here that the labeled as an ultra-conservative party, the call for the restoration of Prussia as a state, for which of Voss's Blog occurs, be regarded as being just extremist proposal. But in any case it is positive that it might once again the debate on Prussia is taking off.

Patrik Brinkmann has now announced a new campaign director of the Pro-motion in Berlin for the election campaign that the event under the motto "Prussia in Berlin '. Besides the "march for freedom" in May and the end of August Antiislamisierungskongreß should show this event in early July that the Pro-motion relies on the positive traditions of German history:

"Prussian Virtues are not only what Berlin lacks today, but to the entire country, "said Brinkmann. Above all, be it for him, thrift, punctuality, diligence, integrity and a sense of order. But in terms of intellectual freedom was Prussia, a model for the politics today.

"From the first attempts of the enlightened policy of Frederick the Great, the Prussian reformers, on a first good social policy of Otto von Bismarck, the Prussian spirit of the story very positive influence We should also not mind remember that, compared to the turn of the century, Wilhelm II with Theodor Herzl Antisemitismus und für ein Lebensrecht der Juden in Palästina einsetzte. Ein Künstler wie Max Liebermann steht exemplarisch für das gute Verhältnis zwischen Preußentum und Judentum.

Erst der nationale Sozialismus hat diese Symbiose in den 30er und 40er Jahren des letzten Jahrhunderts beendet und damit das Preußentum zerstört. Wenn wir in Berlin im 21. Jahrhundert mit dieser kulturgeschichtlichen Perspektive Wahlkampf machen, dann gerade deshalb, weil wir die Menschen nicht für so dumm halten wie  das bei den Altparteien der Fall zu sein scheint. Die Bürger Berlins wünschen sich preußische Tugenden zurück, sie wissen um den Beitrag der Vertriebenen zum Aufbau Berlins and can very well distinguish between a refugee poverty today and a East Prussian family at that time.

give very practical from the reference back to Prussia in two specific claims that, after the election made by us in the House of Representatives then in the German policy:

call We, the Act No. 46, which have adopted the former occupying powers in Berlin on 25.02.1947, to override. The law, which to this day is in effect, creates entirely from Prussia as a state together with all related government institutions. Prussia must be in the 21 Century, a new chance , so that we can take our chances. To commemorate the temporary interruption of the Prussian state, we will be a vigil on 25 February in Berlin to perform.

The pro-motion is used politically and legally for those displaced by the German state, Poland and the European Union fully because of the enormous damage that may have caused to their dispossession and expulsion from Prussia, materially and culturally to be compensated. Peace can be lasting only through justice.

Prussia to Berlin - this is a motto that in the 21st Century still moves the heart. "

Andreas Kudjer

Source: (corrected press release because of the numerous grammatical and punctuation errors!) Pro Germany

Sunday, January 23, 2011

Sentiments To Write In A Wedding Card

imperialistic aspirations of Poland: North East Prussia Intent

Warsaw wants to incorporate in the medium term the northern part of the old German East Prussia

Warsaw, Moscow: What would you really be dismissed as a bad joke ist in Wirklichkeit Bestandteil der neuen Hegemonialpolitik des EU-Mitglieds Polen gegenüber Rußland . 

Seit Jahren verfolgt auch    die deutsche Bundesregierung mit großer Aufmerksamkeit und Zurückhaltung [wie sollte es auch anders sein] die polnischen Ambitionen gegenüber Nord-Ostpreußen. Berliner Diplomaten fühlen sich zunehmend  in die Zeit zwischen den Kriegen zurückversetzt.

Polen hatte bereits nach seiner Gründung, vor allem ab 1919, damit begonnen, deutsches Staatsgebiet zu annektieren und die  German native population destroyed. Between 1919 and 1939 nearly 60,000 were killed in the German eastern territories, over 1.3 million German who fled to August 1939 mainly from Poland to the German Reich. This purely German Danzig and East Prussia in 1919 were repeated in the Polish Annektionsbestrebungen visor. After the Second World War, Poland was at the expense of more than 11 million Germans (keyword: genocide, flight and expulsion) to extend to the Oder and the Western Neisse. Also Gdansk and the southern East Prussia went to Poland, the northern part of the ancient Teutonic territory, with its ancient capital Königsberg (russisch Калининград, bis 1946 russisch Кёнигсберг) hatte sich die Sowjetunion einverleibt. Der nördlichste Teil Ostpreußens, das Memelland, ging an Litauen.

Königsberger Dom
Seit 1945 gab es immer wieder polnische Versuche, den Status quo zu Ungunsten Rußlands zu verändern. In den 1950er und 1960er Jahren gab es heftige „Gebietsstreitigkeiten“ über den Verlauf der „russisch-polnischen Grenze“ durch Ostpreußen. As part of the "reunification of Germany," Poland tried quite aggressively, the Russian Kaliningrad Oblast : include (2010 940.000 inhabitants, 15 126 square km) in its sphere of interest. The Federal Republic of Germany had [treacherously] 1990 rejected a secret offer of Russia to return North-East Prussia, not least because of economic [absurd] (about € 35 billion) and foreign policy reasons (Poland, UK). Since the mid-1990s, now Poland is trying to more or less subtly through targeted economic investments in the Kaliningrad region to gain a foothold. The proposal by the Americans and some NATO partners Abwehr-/Abhörschirm gegen Rußland und den Iran war nicht zufällig im polnischen Teil Ostpreußens geplant. Das Königsberger Gebiet stellt für die Europäische Union und vor allem für die NATO eine Art „russischer Flugzeugträger“ innerhalb ihrer Einflußsphäre dar.

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