That part of Pomerania, which was completed in 1945 under Polish administration, was about 31,000 Quadaratkilometer, which are about 81 percent of the area of \u200b\u200bPomerania, four-fifths of 1939 (38,400 Quadaratkilometer). According to estimates it is assumed that in the summer of 1945, still far over 50 percent of the Pomeranian population lived there, in the City of Szczecin, there were over 81,000, looked forward to by then under a German Communist Government a supposed new beginning, since a majority of them had previously fled to the West after Western Pomerania and Mecklenburg and forced by the Soviets been back to Stettin. These cost twice as a result of flight and expulsion under the existing circumstances, especially many of the victims. Indescribable conditions also played in the Polish administration is under expulsion transit camp in Stettin in the barn and storage Stettin Frauendorf from.
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displaced persons fleeing |
The first Polish census of 14 February 1946 for the newly formed administrative districts or provinces of Szczecin and Koszalin has shown that designated by the 892 000 persons or 116 000 as German, or about 13 percent. Sometimes whole villages remained to the last wave of emigration in 1957 settled in German, because the Polish state until then could not do without the workers. There was even German lessons. This also applied to skilled workers, particularly in the maritime field (port, shipbuilding), because here in the de facto previous inland Poland had little experience, only from 1918 in Gdynia (1939-1945 Gdynia). The process of expulsion, therefore, moved back to 1957.
The Poles, who settled in Pomerania, now increasingly came to more than half from central Poland, and only about one-third of those areas that are now in the Soviet Union (including Lithuania and Lithuanian SSR in 1940 ) have been returned, even if the opposite is often falsely claimed.

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Polnische Propaganda der "Wiedergewinnung" des Meeres |
Die polnische Propagandalüge von der Wiedergewinnung der alten West- und Nordgebiete ist keinesfalls auf die Ideologie der regierenden Kommunisten beschränkt gewesen, deren Wurzeln sind schon in der nationalen Erweckungsbewegung Anfang des 19. Jahrhunderts zu finden. Auch die polnische Katholische Kirche war mit von der Partie. Aus Sicht der polnischen Katholischen Kirche sind die mit der Reformation vom rechten Glauben abgefallenen Gebiete, auch Pommern, nun wieder dem rechten Glauben zugeführt worden, wenn auch dafür die ganze Bevölkerung ausgetauscht werden mußte, was natürlich hier verschwiegen wird. Es haben also nicht die eingesessenen Gemeinden zum katholischen Glauben zurückgefunden, diese sind vielmehr erloschen, da deren Glieder ja vertrieben wurden. Gebildet wurden völlig neue Gemeinden mit Gliedern, die dort nie verwurzelt waren.
Die Vertreibung der Deutschen, also auch der deutschen Pommern, aus ihren angestammten Siedlungsgebieten wird zumeist mit dem „Potsdamer Abkommen“ begründet. Die Beschlüsse dieses Abkommens widersprechen jedoch jeglichen völkerrechtlichen Minimalstandards, daher findet sich dort im Text der Verweis auf eine Gültigkeitsklausel bis zum Zeitpunkt eines später noch zu schließenden Friedensvertrages (also mit Deutschland am Tisch), den es nie gegeben hat ( US-Außenminister Byrnes bewertete das Potsdamer Abkommen in einem Brief vom 15. Januar 1946 an USPräsident Harry Truman so: „In Potsdam wurden wir vor vollendete Tatsachen gestellt und durch die Umstände gezwungen zuzustimmen. Es war ein willkürlicher Gewaltakt. “).
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protests against the recognition of the Oder-Neisse line |
The Polish justification for the seizure is often on the passing of the debt amounts to the Allies. It was Poland to get even very active as much German territory, not just the Lublin Committee , but the head of the Western Institute Posen Zygmunt Wojciechowski . If it had been after him, would not only Usedom, but in general a 15 kilometer wide strip west of the Oder / Neisse (So Frankfurt / Oder quite Görlitz entirely Guben, in the north including Ueckermünde and Lubmin passes) to Poland.
drove it even worse, the Polish partner in their negotiations with Stalin . He has denied the poles, the harshly demanded of them complaints (complaints you will get next time "), it is clear from Polish sources . In the room apparently has yielded to Stalin Szczecin Poland, and then added in a separate agreement still plenty of land west of Szczecin, Or. The text of the Potsdam Protocol gives her no, then would have been German Stettin.
In place of the 1945 Potsdam Agreement proposed peace conference was 1990, however, the Two Plus Four Treaty with its ratification by the Bundestag and the Volkskammer the "DDR" to the status quo, ie that of the Potsdam Agreement have been confirmed for a further boundary treaties between the Soviet administration and the "DDR" (eg Görlitzer contract of 1950) with Poland. Only after its ratification on 15 March 1991 (not before!) Were Pomerania and Szczecin and a strip of West Pommerania spun off to the west of the Oder and Swine now (in fact, not law retroactively) from the German federation and a part of Poland recognized. Most of Pomerania (less Swinoujscie and a linksodrigen strip to the south until Gartz ) in 1945 part of the Soviet Occupation Zone (SBZ) and formed by the Soviet and German Communist state of Mecklenburg-Vorpommern, an administrative unit of two countries which has never existed before in history. In connection with the dissolution of the State of Prussia by an Act of the Supervisory Council of the Four Powers in 1947, paid the Soviet administration and the name of Pomerania (Prussian province since before the surrender), could therefore called 1947 Mecklenburg-Vorpommern Mecklenburg only.
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map of Szczecin - clearly west of the Oder |
This process of Entpommerung was after the founding of the Stalinist impaired "DDR" updated in 1949, in which the communist principle of Lenin's Democratic centralism the administrative structure of the GDR was applied. The five countries on the territory of the Soviet Zone / German Democratic Republic with their governments in 1952 summarily resolved in favor of the division of this area in 15 ahistorical respective districts with the districts. On this occasion, the rest remained under East German administration Pomerania (Vorpommern without Swinoujscie and without the eastern part of the circles Ueckermünde and Randow) is equal to three counties split (Rostock, eastern part, Neubrandenburg, eastern part; Frankfurt, the north-eastern corner of the city or Gartz). None of the major cities of Pomerania was county seat, not Greifswald (a northeastern district would have been possible), which was then more than double the size of Neubrandenburg.
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IM Tulip sealed the 1990 betrayal of the German |
It abolished the country name "Vorpommern" in the "DDR", because it reminded too much of Pomerania. Only in the Evangelical Church is held under the name Pomeranian Evangelical Church (a member church of the Evangelical Church of the Union, EKU) with newly created Bishops and bishop in Greifswald until 1968! From then until the political changes in 1990, she had to call Greifswald Church until then could be to rename the. The survival and keeping alive the name of Pomerania in the church space through the remains of the mainly Christian educated middle was then an essential condition for the reanimation of the name Vorpommern in the country called Mecklenburg-Vorpommern. In the secular space of the "East" is the name Pommern / Pomerania was almost successful in the consciousness has been eradicated, even though he entered with the early 1980s, a relaxation in terms of use in scientific and popular scientific area (eg Demminer colloquia).
Source: Pomeranian team
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