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Waldenburg vor dem Krieg |
Given. the fact that these mass graves had been internationally completely unknown and the known history, a not such a mass of Hitler's victims in the region by far permits, we will assume that it is well acted with the victims again by German men, women and children must that have been buried after violence through torture and hit squads . Walter Village Desert and Desert yaw village are only a good 10 miles from the former urban forest castle. A special feature in this context, the mountain railway, which linked the city together and even had connections to Wroclaw. So one can ever quite deal with the thought that countless missing after the war Waldburger and / or Breslau in burrows in the Owl Mountains came to an abrupt end. Most of the mass graves located in the grounds of the cemetery by Walter desert village, which is already strong evidence for a first post-war actions. What is more, these graves were up until recently, neither German nor related in Polish and in relevant literature in the world network.
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KZ Gross-Rosen |
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desert Walter village before the war |
Sogar uniformierte "Holländer" und "Briten" hielten sich in Waldenburg schon kurz nach Kriegsende auf. An den ethnischen Nachkriegssäuberungen nahmen nach unseren Erkenntnissen über 20 verschiedene Some nationalities. Your passport does not matter, only the goal and ideology. We also have evidence and proof that "were dumped" in the selection of the selling organization to "German" in particular from Poland, Romania and the Ukraine border on the Jews or the West. From the other side were even Jews from France (Sarrazin) and Greece also destroyed the kingdom, the German-occupied eastern territories. Also advancing Poland, mainly Jews from Galicia and Russia, found place in Gdansk, Wroclaw, Szczecin, Waldenburg, and some of them also in the Ruhr, Berlin Frankfurt am Main and Cologne. We believe that the German cities destroyed by the allied forces were conspiring to cover up this "exodus" and the enormous scale of ethnic cleansing. The current from the East to the Western European Union and Poland after the war was not far thinner. Above all, the German Chancellor Adenauer, Kohl and Merkel came for at least 10 million more Jews in the Federal Republic, but also Turks, Asians and North Africans.
had with the help of a specific authority, the "displaced" fast own apartments, houses and jobs in Barmer, Siemens and Deutsche Bank. Many a one should then also have been introduced then the "Enkeltrick" zu adligen Titeln oder einer Industriellenerbschaft gekommen sein. Man treibt nach unserer festen Überzeugung also ein gigantisches Falschspiel. Die "neuen" Massengräber mit 48 000 Skeletten gehören natürlich auch nur zur Spitze des Eisbergs. Es wird sich auch keine deutsche oder polnische Behörde bemühen, diese Mysterien fachmännisch und fair aufzuklären. Auch Vetriebenenverbände und Kriegsgräberbund werden hierzu wohl wieder einmal nur so tun als ob, abwinken oder einfach nur "rülpsen". Wir kennen das schon alles und glauben, daß auch diese Organisationen in Wahrheit nur die Interessen der Täter vertreten. Den Angehörigen von im Raume Waldenburg seit Kriegsende vermißten Deutschen sprechen wir unser Beileid aus. Millionen Polen würden dies sicherlich auch gerne tun. Sie haben keine Schuld an den Verbrechen der "Kommunisten", Nazis, Bolchewisten und was für Bezeichnungen sie noch so alle pflegten und pflegen. Der wirkliche Täter ist eine Gruppe von nur wenigen Millionen Menschen, die unter der Führung von etwa 400 Monstern seit Generationen die Welt in Atem hält.
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