50th Birthday of HM the Emperor and King II Wilheml |
Between 1889 and 1918 was celebrated in Prussia and Germany each year on 27 January of the Emperor's birthday. Also in earlier times was the birthday of the king or emperor in every monarchy cause for great celebration throughout the country, and usually, this day was National Day.
commemorations on the occasion of the 100th Birthday of the Emperor and King Wilhelm I in 1897 |
lived this way and witnessed the entire German people, the monarchy, which was also strengthened by the fact that in the German Empire, that was a federal monarchy, many other monarchs ruled and also organized their own celebrations.
field service at the Strasbourg Kleber place Emperor birthday Postcards - Photography: Max Kaempf art publishing house Mohr and Luedke - Strasbourg, 1915 |
The homage and loyalty expressions of the people and the state and local institutions were an expression of a national sense, which today no longer is feasible because the German states have not only lost their own identity is largely - one considers that only Bavaria, though not entirely, has retained its historical borders - but the population is not comparable with that from the time of the Empire.
Wilhelm II, full name Friedrich Wilhelm Viktor Albert of Prussia (born January 27, 1859 in Berlin, † 4 June 1941 in Apeldoorn, the Netherlands) from 1888 to 1918 was the last German Emperor and King of Prussia.
memory of the great Emperor Parade (1899) Kaiser Wilhelm II surrounded by the King of Saxony, the King of Württemberg, by the Grand Duke of Baden and the Grand Duke of Hesse |
Wilhelm war der Enkel des ersten Kaisers Wilhelm I. und der Sohn Friedrichs III. Friedrich war 1888 nach nur 99 Tagen Amtszeit einem Krebsleiden erlegen, so daß Wilhelm bereits mit 29 Jahren Kaiser wurde, was ohne Zweifel ein Nachteil war, denn seine politischen Entscheidungen haben letztlich zum Krieg und zum Fall der Monarchie geführt.
1891 - Festessen in Neuenahr |
An dieser Stelle sei der Feierlichkeiten an Kaisers Geburtstag als Inbegriff der Darstellung des monarchischen Staates gedacht. In gleicher Weise beging man den Geburtstag the Emperor of Austria.
In the German colonies, also celebrated the Emperor's birthday.
The Emperor's Birthday in German East Africa |
The Emperor's Birthday in Cameroon in 1901 |
Emperor's birthday in 1918 in Istanbul |
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