Even with the acquisition of the Berlin S-Bahn by the Senate in 1984 after the train in Berlin (West) been run down by the German railways was totally, actually began more than unfortunate business and technical leadership the S-Bahn-operation in Berlin, since right after the takeover, several lines were closed due to lack of maintenance.
After the Wall fell it was supposed to be only better, but had the Berlin Senate to pass on any brighter idea than the S-Bahn line of Deutsche Bahn, the stylishly laid against all reason other routes, though for the most part because of the necessary upgrading works that were much too slow to pay.
Once registered as a federal capital Berlin steady growth of the population but also the tourists and businessmen, it should have been obvious maintenance workshops of the S-Bahn not only to maintain but also expand. Instead, the German railway put several of them still, with the result that the S-Bahn trains could not be maintained in an appropriate manner.
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The old S-Bahn, She said ... |
The consequence of this mismanagement and neglect of rail operations by the Berlin Senate - especially among the social-communist government of the worst of all Berlin's governing mayor, Klaus Wowereit, who seems quite to work along the lines of the old state in the east restore introduce but also in the West - is that the train operating seitein few years no longer works properly, either from lack of maintenance of the trains fall to be stolen copper cable, or the trains stop not because of the snow. All that seems to watch the Lord Mayor only, unable to make a decision that the whole mess to an end.
now jumped the Berlin Chamber of Commerce and Industry (CCI) from the box and asked the Senate to immediately Announcement of the S-Bahn network. The Chamber of Advocates, to break the complete Berlin train network in three line bundles, and they staggered to tender as der stellvertretende IHK-Hauptgeschäftsführer Christian Wiesenhütter am Dienstag verlauten ließ. Die Teilnetze seien in ihrer Größe handhabbarer. An einer Ausschreibung des gesamten Netzes könnten sich nur große Unternehmen beteiligen. Zudem entstünde mehr Wettbewerb im öffentlich Nahverkehr.
Wie das System arbeiten soll, ist dagegen kaum zu verstehen, denn ein solches S-Bahn-Netz bedarf einer koordinierten Planung und Leitung. Hier Teilgesellschaften zu gründen, wo doch Berlin als Hauptstadt einen Verkehrsverbund benötigt, wäre sicher nicht die Lösung. Wenn die S-Bahn schon vor dem Krieg gut funktionierte, warum kann sie das jetzt nicht?
The concept for the S-Bahn-tender is part of the road map to more competition, "the chamber. It calls for a departure from the Chamber of Commerce Rekommunalisierungsgedanken and more competition for all public transport.
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... even in neglected condition. |
should Under the proposals, the Chamber of Commerce as the first subnet to the north-south (S 1, S 2 and S 25), the smallest of the three sub-networks, in the five years of production time for new features as posted in the first half of be emphasized Wiesenhütter. Die Nord-Süd-Bahn stelle hohe technische Anforderungen an eine neue Fahrzeuggeneration, „so dass diese Fahrzeuge in jedem Fall auch die konstruktiven Anforderungen erfüllen“ und somit im gesamten Streckennetz einsetzbar seien. Im Abstand von jeweils fünf Jahren könnte die Ringbahn und die Stadtbahn ausgeschrieben werden. Bei dieser Aufteilung ist nach IHK-Angaben die betriebliche Vermischung der einzelnen Systeme sehr gering. Damit könne sich der jeweilige Anbieter sein „eigenes Profil schaffen“.
Die Lösung für die S-Bahn wäre in erster Linie eine neue Regierung, bei der die Kommunisten keine und die Sozialisten der SPD nur noch eine untergeordnete Rolle should play, because that is just the problem of transport policy in Berlin. The closure of Tempelhof airport and the planned closure of the airport Tegel in favor of the Russians runway at Schoenefeld're best examples of the failures of the Berlin government, as well as the "privatization" of the sewers of Berlin, the urban poor planning in Berlin (West) or the sale Bewag.
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