The two buildings are built over theater hardly noticeable. |
found Almost two years ago the entrances to the Theater am Kurfürstendamm and Komödie am Kurfürstendamm a demonstration against the planned demolition of two historic Berliner Theater, in the curiously mainly East German actors took part, the really absolutely nothing with the two theaters have to do. The participants in the demonstration appeared to be anything but West Berlin.
At that time the club was founded to collect signatures to bring about a referendum, so as a last attempt to rescue the two stages prior to demolition, da der schlechteste aller Berliner Regierenden Bürgermeister seinen Plan weiterverfolgt, West-Berlin seiner Kulturstätten zu entledigen.
Beschämend ist auch, daß an den Berliner Volksentscheiden so wenig Bürger teilnehmen, was sicher vor allem darauf zurückzuführen ist, daß erstens nicht mehr viele Berliner im betroffenen Bezirk leben, zweitens die Bezirksregierung selbst kein besonderes Interesse an der Sache gezeigt hat und drittens die Problematik der beiden praktisch unsichtbaren - da überbauten - Theatergebäude gar nicht bekannt ist.
Saal des Theater am Kurfürstendamm took |
According to preliminary official results, only 13.68 percent of those entitled to participate in the vote, which are 32 558 citizens. would have required the participation of at least 35 686 voters. According to Schulz 32 474 valid votes were cast. Of these, 29 401 voted yes (90.54 percent), 3073 people voted no (9.46 percent).
went there for the vote necessary to obtain the two-stage Kudamm or to see the future with only one theater in the newly renovated Ku'damm-square.
"We are relieved that the association, Save the Ku'damm-stage 'to Otfried Laur and Franziska Eichstadt-Bohlig has not received the necessary votes, "said District Mayor Monika Thiemen (SPD)." Many citizens in the district have not been the view of the association, what is reasonable. "One must not focus solely directed at the two theaters, but look at the entire area, the district chief." Now we have great hope that the investor Ballymore implement its announced plans, too. "
However, this is a biased statement, since 90% of voters who voted for the receipt. This is the same as in the Volksentscheid über den Flughafen Tempelhof. Selbst wenn die fehlenden dreitausend Stimmen mit Nein abgegeben worden wären, hätte immer noch eine überwältigende Mehrheit für den Erhalt der historischen Bühnen gestimmt.
Durch das gestrige Abstimmungsergebnis ist jetzt der Weg frei, das Ku'damm-Karree abzureißen und neu zu gestalten. Rund 500 Millionen Euro will der irische Investor Ballymore in das Gebäude und das benachbarte Parkhaus an der Uhlandstraße investieren. Geplant sind Einzelhandelsflächen (21.500 Quadratmeter), Büros (30.000 Quadratmeter) und Gastronomie (11.000 Quadratmeter). Für das neue Theater mit 650 Plätzen in der dritten Etage sind 10.250 Quadratmeter provided.
The original concept of the investment company |
"The result is a convincing vote: For a concept that Regent Street and the Theater am Kurfürstendamm a piece of path toward a new future opens. And with false sentimentality. We feel vindicated and are looking forward to further constructive cooperation with the policies and the relevant authorities, "said the spokesman of the Ballymore Group, Armin Huttenlocher, after the announcement of the provisional official result. "From the initiators the citizens' decision, we expect that they will accept the result in good democratic tradition and turn now also a constructive approach. "
The draft Chipperfield for the new theater building |
is so convincing, the vote is now not at all. If the yes voters accounts for 90% of the vote, it's not an overwhelming endorsement of reconstruction. The niegrige turnout means, however, that it is the citizens of the district no matter what happens to the stages and the shopping center is done because even the audience of the theater is already long formed not from the residents, what is perhaps one reason. The rather stuffy rooms of the houses have lately been feeling that it is not already looking good for her, investments were not made. Even at the demonstration on 30 March 2009 you could feel that it was done for the houses already, but the demonstration was poorly organized and dominated by East German actors. So not even the West German or West Berlin actors have found it necessary to work for the two stages. Perhaps there were other pressure means in use, as was the Schomberg Tempelhof airport the case.
So sah es hier vor dem Bau des Ku'damm-Karrees aus |
Schon den ganzen Tag über hatte es nach einer sehr geringen Wahlbeteiligung ausgesehen. In 88 Wahllokalen im Bezirk warteten rund 600 Wahlhelfer zwischen 8 Uhr und 18 Uhr auf die ausgefüllten Stimmzettel. Rund 8.000 Wähler hatten zuvor die Möglichkeit der Briefwahl genutzt. "Um 8:40 Uhr kam der erste Wähler", sagte Gabriele Birka. Sie war die Wahlvorsteherin im Wahlbezirk 145. Das Wahllokal ist am Ku'damm Ecke Uhlandstraße in der Maison de France - also nur wenige Meter von den zwei Spielstätten entfernt. "Kurz nach 12 Uhr haben erst . 45 voters from 2893 made in this Constituency registered their votes, and only 137 postal voters have returned their documents "It was very quiet - no comparison to other elections and citizens decide
One of the voters is Gunther Dorn And.. He also has a clear opinion. "Dear operate a stage right with all my heart, as two half-heartedly," he says. "I'm at most times with visitors from West Germany to the theater."
Hall of the comedies on the Kurfürstendamm |
A similar Picture was presented in the electoral district 136, directly across from the Rathaus Charlottenburg at the Otto-Suhr-Allee. Around noon, just 53 people had made their way to the polling station. "I find it sad that so few people are interested in the further design of the boulevard Kurfürstendamm," said Ingeborg Zettl.
happy despite the defeat of the relatively large proportion of the votes of the votes cast in said Franziska Eichstadt-Bohlig, spokeswoman of the Greens for urban development. "We find strong support, despite the head wind and the atmosphere that was done recently against us, great," she says. "Now we are on the project of the investor tense. "failed
from eight public decisions in Berlin three most participation quorum, two of them, although a majority of voters arguing for the template, it is at the club" More Democracy "
video excerpts from the demonstration of 30.03.2009:
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