Friday, January 21, 2011

Small Dark Lump Around Anus

Look, I speak English!

By Robert Sedlock

It is to become fashionable to flaunt with English expressions.
When is the peak this nonsense be achieved?

The crisis is over, the economic engine has started. It runs, but still stutters a little. This is the time the good news. The bad news is: In this year, unemployment will rise yet light. The reason: women who were on maternity leave, young people who were placed in training programs, and Workers from Hungary, the Czech Republic and Slovakia are entering the job market.

This information I gathered in the last week of a mid-day "time in the picture". Stefan Gehrer has eventually also known as a live guest interviews - a labor market expert.

"And if that continues to rise, will be yes at some point probably a peak, a climax, where it then goes down after that. When will that be? "

Yes, the moderator actually said Peak . At first I've gedacht: Das ist aber schlau. Er folgt dem rhetorischen Grundsatz: Spicke deine Rede mit ein paar Fremdwörtern, da freut sich der Zuhörer und denkt sich: “Toll! Er traut mir zu, daß ich mit diesen Ausdrücken etwas anfangen kann! Er hat mich richtig eingeschätzt, ich verstehe es. Ein patenter Kerl!”

Aber in diesem Fall hat der Fragesteller ja auch gleich die deutsche Übersetzung nachgeliefert: “Es wird irgendwann ein Peak, ein Höhepunkt, erreicht sein.” Und damit ist der ganze schöne Effekt zum Teufel. Er verwendet das Wort Peak , traut mir aber nicht zu, daß ich es verstehe! Er übersetzt es hintendrein, er hält mich more stupid than I am. And that could probably think probably other viewers, the word is not so Peak so hard to understand.

It could of course also be that the moderator wanted to show off his brilliant command of English. "Look, I speak English!" Or: "If one day the , New York Times' and , Herald Tribune studied, then it can happen that one slips out suddenly an English expression. Shit happens. Me is the word peak 'so familiar to me that a German counterpart only a moment it occurred later. Sorry!

Even Alfred Gusenbauer is so often slipped into English, and he could not help it. A journalist, he only had to touch briefly: "Are not you concerned that your recent venture will irritate the coalition partners on the most violent" He immediately put on a telling smile and said: " So what " And he was not an isolated case. I know of a science minister, who was also considered to English scatterings. Prompt you have sent him to Brussels.

Returning to the occasion my anger. You could rob the movement of his English loan word picked apart here. What would remain then?

"And if that is still rising, so at some point probably be a high point reached where it then goes down after that. When will that be? "

If our students in the PISA test next take up this style with which they would be in the right language skills to last. If I am only as before or is it really so? Everything is focused on learning the English language - while the expression atrophy in German.

* Robert Sedlock is the author of numerous books on language. Last appeared: "If is not undignified. Red, white and red markings through the thicket of language. " (Presented in the language leaves Vienna in June 2010, p. 15)

Source: Wiener Zeitung on 19 January 2011


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