Der erste Montag des Jahres und schon ein typischer solcher. Das Wochenende ist viel zu schnell vorbei gegangen und der Alltag hat mich wieder.
Und ja, ich gestehe, ich habe mal wieder weniger Sport gemacht als geplant. Am 1.1. habe ich mich doch nicht mehr ins Studio getraut. Die Neujahrs-vorsatz-geschwängerte Luft hat I then but too intimidated. Sunday I was then good there and I spent half an hour on the bicycle ergometer.
amazing how little fitness of the winter along with Mother Christmas treats me left over - not to mention the pressure points on my back, the * the continued contact with hard ergometer saddle leatherette obviously not considered to be useful for the health * ouch But who listens to his butt? ;-)
Today, however, there was nothing else to do than sameness, for a new tour on the ergometer bicycle, he had not made easy with. Instead, I completed a leisurely walk on the treadmill. Re-tender for 30 minutes.
The reader certainly amazed about my reason. Anyone who knows me knows that is not typical. Alex is usually small, namely, the studio is powert one or one and a half hours in such a way that they can barely stand up straight, then takes a shower too hot and it creates just as much at home yet, then there for the next day, fatigue and muscle soreness to fall down.
But we become sensible and even I realize now, after many years, the principle of constant drop. So I will climb again tomorrow or the day on one of the cardio equipment and good reel off half an hour under the constant control pulse. The
Pulse check is not negligible, and creates for each type of training the right level of training while minimizing the likelihood of overtraining. Sounds stilted, but is Sun So I bought a brand new POLAR heart rate monitor. Clearly a "great" with all the great features * me sometimes as a technology freak oute * and already makes the training much more fun.
Whether you can plug the thing also to the computer? I should probably even read the manual - most immediately the next time ;-) cycling
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