1.1.11 - so if that's not a date to be put to good intentions and they also provide zu verwirklichen, welches dann?
Klar, ein Neujahrstag wie jeder andere auch - Silvester ist vorbei und die Füße tragen einen unweigerlich zur Waage, um sich den Beginn des Jahres so richtig zu vermiesen. Ist ja nicht so, als wären gerade an mir die Feiertage spurlos vorbei gegangen. ZU lecker das selbstgebackene Früchtebrot meiner Frau Mama, nicht zu vergessen die Vanillekipfel, Ausstecherle und der berühmt-berüchtigte Hirschbraten mit Hefeknödeln *schleck*
Nun frage ich mich, ob ich es wohl wagen kann, bereits heute ins Fitness-Studio zu gehen. Ist das ein wirklich geeigneter Termin? Zusammen mit gefühlten 1000 Neujahrs-Vorsatz-Umsetzern sich an Fitnessgeräten und Ergometern anstellen? Hmmmm ... Safe side, I risked a glance, and am just now when I was outside with the dogs, drove past the studio and have the local parking situation be checked out. Result does not look as if many have put their intentions on day zero in practice. I could then later be trusted to actually back to my holiday-stricken, slightly limp body back into shape or even better to bring the front woman ...
Let's see if I can rouse myself really. ;-)
After all, there seems to be some people who have similar before, because when we had a walk today at the New Year there were actually a surprising number of joggers, walkers, walk the dog-walkers (never are I meet so many people with a dog as it is today - where have been hiding all year) and even cyclists (over shiver wet and -1 ° C, a bold venture).
I had already also once again wants to Nordic Walking, but it is me, I admit it, but too cold. Weather conditions, where the icicles are forming on the nose I think is very well suited for indoor sports such as above the gym. Nothing against skiing, cross country toboggan or a fun trip, but as a permanent sports projects not mine ... is just too cold ;-) * * brrrrr
In this sense, a happy, healthy and erschlankenden start to the year 2011!
Your Alexandra
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