Klaus Wowereit makes advertising again: The Bread & Butter fashion fair was held from 19 to 01/21/2011 held in Tempelhof.
The daily cost of maintaining the closed airport Tempelhof be over 100,000 €.
projecting itself the occasion of the date, held fashion show Bread & Butter, Klaus Wowereit once again as advertising world champion: In terms of publicity it can compete with any professional.
Undeterred by the persistent criticism of Tempelhof-friends, the airport closed as serious remains a Schädigung der regionalen Luftverkehrsinfrastruktur und als Quelle von hohen Verlusten für den Landeshaushalt kritisieren, brennt Klaus Wowereit in diesen Tagen erneut ein PR-Feuerwerk ab.
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1. Tempelhof: 2x3 Tage pro Jahr mit der Bread & Butter |
Und die Hauptstadtpresse jubelt mit und freut sich über extra Anzeigenumsätze: „Der gedruckten Ausgabe des Tagesspiegels liegt heute eine zwölf Seiten starke Beilage zur Bread & Butter bei, die wir Ihnen, liebe Leserinnen, liebe Leser, hiermit gern ans Herz legen“, hieß es im Tagesspiegel of 20:01:11. And as in Berlin, almost nothing works without the Senate, apparently cheered the whole city.
standstill in Tempelhof, further increasing closing costs? But no, Klaus Wowereit, but the Bread & Butter has brought to Tempelhof. Although only 2 x 3 days a year, but then the same for the next 10 years. And is not actually created the impression that Tempelhof, the natural location of the B & B?
our readers, we want to create in spite of all the facts and figures alone to his heart: (!)
The closed Tempelhof airport requires annual maintenance costs of at least € 20 million, ie EUR 1.7 million per month. For the office since the project 01:01:11 Tempelhof GmbH, under the director of the Adlershof Projekt GmbH, Gerhard W. Steindorf, are "maintenance costs" of approximately 16.7 million euros per year, ie about 1.39 million per month Euro needed.
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second Tempelhof: 359 days a year without the Bread & Butter |
Overall, therefore, a monthly demand of 3.09 million euros, ie a daily financial needs of about 100 548 € for the airport Tempelhof (!). Various investments and additional services are not included here.
Since no other income greater magnitude are known, must Wowereit species and managing director of B & B, Karl-Heinz Müller, but stop at the 6 exhibition days a year rich revenue to the state of Berlin, the much-needed revenue to allow for the maintenance of the entire airport object, otherwise it would be closed the airport Tempelhof an immense source of losses for the national budget. We hear, however, that a B & B brings the country only 1 (!) Million euros, it is unclear whether they have ever paid before in fact. Had for the airport Tempelhof will be sacrificed?
said what but the Berlin Green? They confirmed that the Berlin Senate and thus Klaus Wowereit that he budget-related decisions "without substance" grasp and planning, as would advance such as the construction of the Central and Regional Library of Berlin, Tempelhof, without naming a financing (Welt Kompakt 13:01 .11).
Whether the mayor will cover the soaring costs at Tempelhof with more advertising, is open. This would probably only help clarity and truth, but these are not expected from a Klaus Wowereit.
The error of closure of the airport must also be appointed and removed, otherwise it will go on the expensive re-use simulation.
... and do not forget the Tempelhof-book
At the invitation of the Action Alliance be-4-Tempelhof.de reads Wolfgang Przewieslik from the book "The case (of) Tempelhof.
Date: Wednesday, 01.26.2011, from 18.30 to about 21.00 clock clock.
There is an immediate and mandatory registration unter thf.4.ever@googlemail.com gebeten.
Ort: D-catering Casino , Flughafen Tempelhof, Bauteil K2/Platz der Luftbrücke, Eingang links neben der Passagierhalle.
Bestellung: Der Fall (von) Tempelhof
„Zwei Jahre nach der Schließung des Berliner City-Airports arbeitet das Buch mit dem doppelsinnigen Titel auf sehr spezielle Weise dessen Ende auf ... das Buch endet nicht mit der Schließung, sondern es verfolgt die Entwicklung weiter bis zu der heute Millionen-Verluste einbringenden Wiese, die der Berliner Senat einen „Park“ called " FLiEGERREVUE 12-2010
text and photos. © The theme Tempelhof eV 2010: Direct and indirect text citations are allowed only with a full reference.
The newsletter "The theme Tempelhof" - the technical information to Tempelhof Airport and the airport system in the region Berlin-Brandenburg is published by the association "The issue of Tempelhof eV
Wolfgang Przewieslik, 0176 -223 550 70 030-231 30 318,
wolfgang.przewieslik @ the-theme-tempelhof.de
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