The Party Pro Germany has announced an interesting direction of their party platform. However, it is feared here that the labeled as an ultra-conservative party, the call for the restoration of Prussia as a state, for which of Voss's Blog occurs, be regarded as being just extremist proposal. But in any case it is positive that it might once again the debate on Prussia is taking off.
Patrik Brinkmann has now announced a new campaign director of the Pro-motion in Berlin for the election campaign that the event under the motto "Prussia in Berlin '. Besides the "march for freedom" in May and the end of August Antiislamisierungskongreß should show this event in early July that the Pro-motion relies on the positive traditions of German history:
"Prussian Virtues are not only what Berlin lacks today, but to the entire country, "said Brinkmann. Above all, be it for him, thrift, punctuality, diligence, integrity and a sense of order. But in terms of intellectual freedom was Prussia, a model for the politics today.
"From the first attempts of the enlightened policy of Frederick the Great, the Prussian reformers, on a first good social policy of Otto von Bismarck, the Prussian spirit of the story very positive influence We should also not mind remember that, compared to the turn of the century, Wilhelm II with Theodor Herzl Antisemitismus und für ein Lebensrecht der Juden in Palästina einsetzte. Ein Künstler wie Max Liebermann steht exemplarisch für das gute Verhältnis zwischen Preußentum und Judentum.
Erst der nationale Sozialismus hat diese Symbiose in den 30er und 40er Jahren des letzten Jahrhunderts beendet und damit das Preußentum zerstört. Wenn wir in Berlin im 21. Jahrhundert mit dieser kulturgeschichtlichen Perspektive Wahlkampf machen, dann gerade deshalb, weil wir die Menschen nicht für so dumm halten wie das bei den Altparteien der Fall zu sein scheint. Die Bürger Berlins wünschen sich preußische Tugenden zurück, sie wissen um den Beitrag der Vertriebenen zum Aufbau Berlins and can very well distinguish between a refugee poverty today and a East Prussian family at that time.
give very practical from the reference back to Prussia in two specific claims that, after the election made by us in the House of Representatives then in the German policy:
call We, the Act No. 46, which have adopted the former occupying powers in Berlin on 25.02.1947, to override. The law, which to this day is in effect, creates entirely from Prussia as a state together with all related government institutions. Prussia must be in the 21 Century, a new chance , so that we can take our chances. To commemorate the temporary interruption of the Prussian state, we will be a vigil on 25 February in Berlin to perform.
The pro-motion is used politically and legally for those displaced by the German state, Poland and the European Union fully because of the enormous damage that may have caused to their dispossession and expulsion from Prussia, materially and culturally to be compensated. Peace can be lasting only through justice.
Prussia to Berlin - this is a motto that in the 21st Century still moves the heart. "
Andreas Kudjer
Source: (corrected press release because of the numerous grammatical and punctuation errors!) Pro Germany
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